F/X Guy profile picture

F/X Guy

Audiences know what to expect. And that is all they are prepared to believe in." ..The Player King

About Me

My name is Ben Chester, I've been a character effects artist since 97'. I began my early training with the studios in Los Angeles, and in 2000', chose to move in a more independant direction. My primary desire being to gain more direct input into the quality and style of the works I produce. I've since focused my energy in developing stylistically original, budget consciencious work that caters specifically to productions' individual visions and needs. And find great joy in working one-on-one with filmmakers to help bring images from their mind's eye to the screen. I feel that only when you hear "That's exactly how I pictured it", have you done the job correctly. I've been priveledged enough to collaborate on a vast variety of projects in all corners of the country, and am continuously seeking new groups with an equaled integrity and passion for the art of film.<br

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

****DOZERS Trailer!****..


Only 7" tall! Baby Dil The Sexy Shelby!


Legend, Star Wars (originals please), Predator, Alien 3, Back to the Future, The Burbs, Alive, Misery, Close Encounters, Time Bandits, Throw Momma from the Train, Munich, JFK, The Da Vinci Code, Thirteen Days, Rain Man, All the President's Men, The Insider, War of the Worlds, Syriana, Lorenzo's Oil, The Abyss, Ghostbusters, Cocoon, Backdraft, Poltergiest, Toys, Field of Dreams, Willow, Contact, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Arachnophobia, Fright Night, Clue, Spaceballs, Saving Private Ryan, Gremlins, Critters, Short Circuit, Schindlers List, Romancing the Stone, The war of the Roses, Death to Smoochy, The Day After Tomorrow, The Ref, Home Alone, Philadelphia, A Time to Kill, The Exorcist, The Thing, The Toy, The Dark Crystal, War Games, Wyatt Earp, The Ghost and the Darkness, Grumpy Old Men, The Odd Couple, Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead, Amistad, Silence of the Lambs, The Frighteners, Tommy Boy, Duel, The Scout, Running on Empty, True Lies, Jurassic Park, The Fisher King, Nothing But Trouble, Fletch, Robocop, Stigmata, Powder, MASH, E.T., Dave, Iron Eagle, Air America, The Mosquito Coast, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Alien vs Predator, Fire in the Sky, Young Frankenstein, City Slickers, The Birds, The Rock, Lethal Weapon.....etc....etc...


Try to avoid it....too distracting!:)


My attention span is far too weak to read.....:(


Stan Winston RIP, Rob Bottin, Joe Dante, Steven Spielberg, Dennis Muren, Alfred Hitchcock, Hans Zimmer, Ridley Scott...

My Blog

A change in gears...

 Side-F/X Creations is now moving in some new directions.  In an effort improve the overall quality of work, and elevate our standards to newer, higher levels, I've decided to greatly minimi...
Posted by F/X Guy on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:34:00 PST

Resume 2008

Posted by F/X Guy on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 04:21:00 PST

A brief note on cinematic scoring...

Those who know me best, know that I am an obsessive connoisseur of cinematic scoring.  My collective database now consists of over 2000 individual pieces.  Films I like, films I dislike, fil...
Posted by F/X Guy on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:16:00 PST

Body Count!!!

I thought it might be &.interesting, to take a head count.  Or rather, headless count of how many characters have met their end by my hands over the years.  And more amusing, some of the ori...
Posted by F/X Guy on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:06:00 PST

The Digital Age

  There is a common misconception that those of us who work in practical effects are in competition with, or otherwise threatened by the digital age.  But this could not be further from the ...
Posted by F/X Guy on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:50:00 PST

A weekend in Hollywood

It was the winter of 94'.....I think. My recollection of time and space has weakened with age, but as best I can figure it now, that sounds about right. I was a sophmore in highschool, obsessed with...
Posted by F/X Guy on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 07:54:00 PST

It came from the Deep!!

So here's a funny little story I was thinking about this morning....thought I'd share:) Now bear in mind this story has no deep moral to it, nor does it express any personal views, or inspire any sen...
Posted by F/X Guy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST