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We can dance if we want to, We can leave your friends behind Cause your friends don't dance And if they don't dance Well they're no friends of mine
The Landlord
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Keene State College, NH
B.A. in Theatre, Dance, and Film
Specialization in Acting and Directing
Minor in Tech. TheatreCircle in the Square Conservatory, Broadway
Intensive Trsining with: Jacqueline Brookes, Larry Crabtree, Larry Gleason, Terese Hayden, Mary Ann Ivan, Alan Langdon, K.C. LigonActor Tech., NY: Physical Improv, Mask and puppet with
Ken SchatzWorkshops:
Screen Testing Dawn Wells
Breaking into the Biz Boston Casting
I'm going to spend my life doing what I know in my heart I was born to do. I am not going to lay down and take abuse from others, instead I use negativity as fuel towards the fires of my ambitions. I thank those that have done their best to hurt me, because they only succeed in making me stronger. To those that have been cheated, beaten, lonely, misunderstood, and made fun of, to those that have courage to keep dreaming while others around you, too bitter by failures in their own lives, keep putting you down as if it's sport. Please find inspiration in my new HERO: Paul Potts