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Jetrefilm Entertainment

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Jetrefilm Entertainment is a full-service film production company dedicated to creating highly imaginative, dramatically compelling and marketable films through sheer excellence of storytelling, entrepreneurial spirit and bold technological innovation.

With our first film, the supernatural western "Shroud" in distribution, we are now moving forward on our second film, the bold science-fiction work Damascus (formerly The Knightwish War) scheduled for release in 2010. Our success to date has been sudden and spectacular and we owe it our very talented crew and the great actors we were able to secure for our first film.

We’ve always known the entrepreneurial spirit of independent film offered a far more rewarding, efficient, and less obstructive path to creating great films where story, character and drama are actually respected.

Following the inspirational examples of many talented filmmakers and studios before us, the filmmaking team at Jetrefilm are extremely passionate film makers – not accountants, mid-level managers or profit-crazed executives. Conversely, we are not deeply scared or militant iconoclasts who refuse to respect the fact that filmmaking is a business, and as such must be wonderfully and consistently profitable.

Our model is simple: find the best vision + write the best stories + hire the best people + give them best environment to work + let them share in the film’s success = the best movie. The fact our films will be extremely profitable is simply inevitable.

We cordially invite you to visit our site and contact us with your comments, questions and inquiries. We are excited about meeting other vision driven filmmakers, actors and technicians in the broad world of independent film.

Our photo and video galleries will continue to grow as our projects continue to roll forward.

In the end, we hope you have a great time visiting Jetrefilm.

David JetreShroud Ready for Distribution
Jetrefilm Entertainment is extremely proud to present our debut feature film, Shroud (2009). We are seeking qualified studios, distributors and acquisition companies to purchase the North American DVD distribution rights.

The official Shroud trailer may be located on

Shroud on

Or simply search "Shroud HD" and be sure to click "watch in HD" to experience the trailer in full resolution.

Shroud is Wrapped
The official trailer for our first film Shroud is now online and may be seen at .

We appreciate everyone's patience with our many, many months of silence. Principally, it has been only my producer Edgar C. Pitts III and myself working on this film, and we have been slaving steadily to make this film the absolute best it can be. It has been hard to keep everyone updated as regularly as we would have liked, as the hours have been beyond extreme on this project.

We have professionally mastered DVDs which we will be circulating among the cast and crew who worked so faithfully on this film over a year ago. We have printed all our 2009 business collateral for Jetrefilm Entertainment, 4-color One Sheets for Shroud, and finished our DVD Press Kit for the dozens of distributors and buyers who have expressed an interest in acquiring our first film.

With online, we will soon be receiving offers for Shroud's purchase.

All of Shroud's six MySpace pages will be renovated this week and udated with the 2009 trailer.

Additional viral Shroud exposure will be promoted on as well as Jetrefilm Entertainment's Official Website which will be updated in the upcoming weeks to reflect our new queue of films, including our second film Damascus.

Shroud has been an obsolete joy, horror, trial, venture, and privilege to work on. I think most people who complain about the time involved in a first independent film have never tried to make one before. Nonetheless, all of us at Jetrefilm Entertainment wish to express our sincere appreciation to both the cast and crew of this film. With rare exception, we look back on those cold, dark days and nights with you, in all those remote and unforgiving locations, time well spent. Thank you for your trust, temperament and tenacity.

The Bravest of Days -- Merry Christmas!
Everyone at Jetrefilm Entertainment is eager and excited to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It is an exciting time -- a season of change -- a time for review, recommitment and renewal and we wish all you success on the next year's journey.

A musing compendium of wisdom, whimsical notions and worrisome observations await you at our existing Wordpress blog. Here you will find more consistent updates as we renovate Jetrefilm more towards our film properties. Enjoy the maundering madness at

Now Accepting Qualified Investors for Damascus
Jetrefilm Entertainment is now qualifying inquiries for those film units we reserved for "new" investors who did not participate on our successful first film Shroud. Further details will be forthcoming on . We are transitioning from development to pre-production on our second feature film Damascus (formerly The Knightwish War) with a scheduled release in 2009.

Brandy of the Damned: The Music of Wolfgang Lackner
I have been listening to the final original music for Shroud during our many mixing sessions and I have to say, Wolfgang Lackner's score is professional, powerful and eerily beautiful. Music is one of those things that is so critical to the tone and mood of a film, that to demote it to a lesser composer is an invitation for failure. I know several independent filmmakers who say "Oh, I wrote and directed my film -- and I even did all the music." Yeah, well, it often sounds like it.

Wolfgang is a composer of the first rank and this guy is going places. Get him now while you can afford him!

Thank You For Your Patience
We appreciate everyone's -- and I mean everyone's -- longsuffering with us during the deeply challenging phases of our final post-production. Our friends, families, investors and even corporate clients have all shown great patience with us with regard to engagements, get-togethers, deadlines, and orders and estimates. Our focus has been so intense in finishing this film, the days and weeks sometime slip by in a blur. Everyone has been pretty cool with us and this valuable fact is not lost on us.

The Disobedient
A word to other sincere filmmakers out there...

There is a place for the disobedient, the rebellious and those detractors who draw a black pleasure from derailing the well-intentioned, hard work of others -- and that place should not be anywhere on your production. These people are lice. They will club you over the head with your good intentions and extort their pound of flesh for any sleight, real or imagined -- so avoid at all costs. But more importantly, don't let these petty day-players steal your joy or dislodge you from your peace into the more appropriate rage they rightfully deserve. It's hard, trust me, but forgive them and move on.

Dispose and flush.

Shroud ADR
We are finally looping many parts of Shroud and the final results are aurally amazing.

Bold choices in varying the vocal ranges in the lower, middle and upper registers, effects, adjusting character's timbres, inflections with Spanish lexemes, stress, pitch, tones and choral arrangements are all yielding results that elevate the soundtrack to Shroud far above and beyond the original sound acquired on set.

For this work, we are working closely with the very focused Johnny Marshall of Marshall Sound Design in Farmers Branch, Texas. A veteran of music and sound mixing, Johnny brings a Hollywood level of technical understanding, education and precision to this very important and final phase of our first film. His familiarity and expertise has been a strong guiding hand in mixing Shroud's stellar soundtrack.

Where possible we have recalled original cast to work with them to improve their delivery and perfect their performances, with only a handful of actors who are unavailable, uninterested or too unreasonable, dissenting from this crucial stage of post-production.

With little more than a week remaining in our ADR sessions, we will soon wrap our temp track for the film and submit it to various interested parties.

More Rare Talent -- G. Russell Reynolds
Our praise for G. Russell Reynolds is limited only by the finite amount of adjectives in the English Language.

If anyone brings the state of acting to its perfection, it is G. Russell Reynolds. With regard to acting, one does not watch Russell act, one experiences it.

Russell is punctual, professional, athletic, dedicated, resilient, eager, clever, innovative, stubborn, maleable, and capable of deep transformations. His precision is matched only by his tenacity, his tireless search for the sleek and stylish summation of any scene in which he is a part.

Simply, an amazing actor whom we were pleased to work with, and so hope to do so again.

The Rare Talent of Nicole Leigh Verdin
When we decided to do Shroud, we were very optimistic about our ability to tell a good story with compelling dramatic elements and brave art direction. Like any first film, it has been a long painful process, a mixed parade of brilliant successes, stunning achievements, unforseen setbacks, bewildering reversals, endless obstacles and finally -- sweet, sweet victory.

We were very fortunate, given the ambitious nature of our first film: we worked with a lot of amazing people who understood this was our first major motion picture, and kindly forgave us the many missteps we made along the way. Many, who had made films before, offered us advise and guidance on many issues and aspects of the filmmaking process we either didn't know about, or anticipated only in part. We broke all the rules and reached as far as we possibly could.

Make no mistake, it was arduous, at best. But the great talent we surrounded ourselves with got us through it. We owe a great amount of thanks to the cast and crew of Shroud.

Also, like any business venture, our production was infiltrated by some persons who are best described as incompetent, while others were posers, passive aggressive, prickly, predators and some were just plain paranoid. Despite our best efforts, we failed to weed out these people before allowing them to work along our more generous and accommodating cast and crew. For our lack of judgment, we owe a great apology to the cast and crew of Shroud for forcing them to endure some plainly unprofessional behavior brought to both the production and post-production phase of our film by these people.

It is worth noting that some people are just deeply fractured, and in places not easily fixed. These people corrupt the hard work of their peers with suspicion, hearsay, slander and accusations. Despite the many extreme measures we made to promote a creative and safe environment -- meeting as many demands and expectations as we were fiscally capable -- some people simply preferred insults, injury and attempts at intimidation.

These people are so perversely biased toward their own interests, that no amount of diplomacy, negotiation or accommodation can or will please them. Instead, they prefer their minor tyrannies to the more advanced human tier of partnership. They keep their cold souls warm only through the thick blanket of arrogance in which they wrap themselves. Their belief in their own sense of entitlement is chilling and palpable.

Fortunately, these people are incapable of subtlety, and invariably play their poor hand in front of everyone, allowing us to finally see them for what they are...and more importantly, what they are not. Yet, there are many we had the privilege of working with that did not behave so boorishly. Instead, a few of our cast and crew literally stand as examplars of professionalism, kindness, and cooperation.

One such person is Nicole Leigh Verdin.

Possessed as she is of many fine features and faculties, one might easily assume she is as cold-souled as many others in the entertainment business -- I can assure you she is not. Nicole, more than anyone else on the set of Shroud, demonstrated untiring dedication to our film, despite the long development, grueling hours, remote locations and demanding dialog of the project. As impossible as it may be to believe, her beauty and her talent are exceeded only by her compassion and her sterling character.

Thank you, Nicole. A lot. Looks Pretty Neat
This cool website is an online trade community for all men and women interested in film, television, visual services, post-production and computer games. It is new, so the community is young, but if you are a freelancer or technician, this might be a great place to set up an outpost, despite the fact they have a horned icon of Lenin on the site -- rather disturbing.

Damascus Enters Scripting Phase
Our latest script concept Damascus has been fleshed out and the first draft is beginning to take shape. More about this exciting tale in the coming months.

Shroud Wallpapers
We are currently exporting catalogs of Shroud wallpapers for computers, iPods and cellphones. There will be several resolutions and characters to choose from as well as montages and posters.

Shroud MySpace Make-Over
We will be launching all revised Shroud pages for our six demographics next month as well as some new videos, pictures, and background information. The release will coincide with our initial sell window and should bring some valued attention to our first film.

Shroud Trailer Finished
Both the 45-second and 120-second Shroud Trailers are finished. Soon these trailers will be appearing on all our attendant online portals, as well as MySpaceTV, YouTube and Flixster.

The Apostle in Resin
Our very talented sculptor Ben Chester has finished sculpting “the Apostle” (prop from the Knightsilver trilogy) in resin and, having overcome some initial design hindrances, has managed to outfit the weapon with working LED, moveable safety, functioning trigger and a magnetically sealed breech-loading function.

This is our first prop from the Knightsilver material and we are very excited to finally wrap our hands around it. Subsequent props are being designed and scheduled for manufacture and we will probably sell replicas from soon-to-be online store at

Jetrefilm Anticipates 4K
This is going to be expensive, but we are already ramping up for our unconditional embrace of the Red One camera system and its 4K juggernaut of a frame.

We have already invested into a new editing platform that will house over 24Gb of RAM, AJA XenaLH Cineform-compliant playback cards for a pure video tap, QuadroFX 4600 video driver cards, etc. Throw in some Infiniband switches, fiber array, and that shiny board the Silver Surfer flies around on and you have the new muscle here at Jetrefilm for the next two years.

Jetrefilm Goes 64-bit
Like a slowly creeping glacier, we at Jetrefilim eventually gorge our technology landscape with the unyielding plow of ice – or whatever. That was our pre-Emerson way of saying we have finally all our systems to 64-bit OS, new drives and more RAM. Can anyone really have too much RAM – clearly not.

Our new systems are faster and more powerful, and like all shocking advances, makes one wonder how you ever got by on the old stuff.

Throw in a few new monitors and we are off to the races.

Shroud Literature
While Shroud remains in sound design, we have had the opportunity to finish a tremendous amount of our remaining literature for our first feature film Shroud. Beyond our existing press kit, we have made several posters and print materials we will be distributing around Shroud’s premiere.

The Magic of Magic Bullet
We recently acquired Magic Bullet, an Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier plug-in that is, frankly, pretty cool. Though not the industry leader in color-correction and manipulation software, Magic Bullet is a remarkably efficient tool for generating and applying stylized looks to your footage.

Importing our pre-existing values for Shroud, we really enjoyed Magic Bullet’s ease of use on our first feature film, the gothic western Shroud.

Magic Bullet also comes with a full pre-loaded cache of popular and niche looks emulating a host of television, motion picture, commercial and music video looks. It really is an affordable tool for the beginning filmmaker to add a quality control step to your color correction process.

Jetrefilm Online Store
Around the time of our Premier for Shroud Jetrefilm will open its online store for film-related promotional products and apparel. As the catalog of our films increase and branch into more exotic cross-genres, we will be selling original pieces from the films, limited edition replicas, and an assorted of merchandising.

Brad Herbert Adds a Little Color
The immensely talented Brad Herbert has begun preliminary color correction for Shroud and feels like a film. Over the next few weeks Brad will be creating custom color palettes for the many moods and locations in Shroud and transform our movie into a true film.

St. Valentine's Most Worthy Day
Everyone at Jetrefilm Entertainment wishes to extend a Happy Valentine's day to everyone. Ah, romance...

Arizona Source Footage Scheduled
We have recently retained two unit directors in Arzona to acquire several days worth of beautiful vistas from The Grand Canyon State -- or Copper State, whichever you prefer. These new shots will breathe a vastness into Shroud and deliver the breadth of a true feature length film.

The Lyching Oak Enters Final Design Phase
The disturbingly imaginative boys at Element X Creative have delivered a beautiful, wholly 3D animated tree for our first film. With the initial pass behind us, Element X Creative is moving to the details of fire animation design, wafting embers, camera movements and scaling. Great job, Element X!.

Shroud Pre-Final Clears Editing
After five arduous months the pre-final cut of Shroud is finally finished and we are now reviewing the film for overall length, pacing and other details. Once reviewed about a dozen times, the pre-cut will go back to editing for a final cut due in late February.

And Now New Years
A brand new year full of promise. Be safe, everyone.

Merry Christmas!
Simply, the most wonderful holiday known to man. Dress accordingly.

On The Twelfth Day of Filming My Producer Gave to Me -- A Distributor
All of us at Jetrefilm Entertainment are very excited about the scores of investor inquiries we are receiving on our first feature film Shroud, as well as its wicked sequel Nyght. We plan to invite the many distributors who have followed our project through 2007 to our screening in October 2008. There, cast and crew will mingle with our investors, West Coast producers and distributors and wonder how the whole thing got done. Have a Merry Christmas and we hope to talk to all of you in the early days of 2008.

The Apostle Takes Deadly Shape
The deadliest personal weapon in The Knightwish War is the sidearm of the beautiful Knightsilvers agents. Nicknamed "The Apostle" it is a highly advanced, multi-function combat platform that gives the Knightsilvers their advantage in battle. Once designed, we emailed the layout to Ben Chester in Rhode Island to sculpt, model and manufacture the breech-loading prop.

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting
We recently began our fight training with Grace Holley who plays Aspen - Knightsilver 9. We are extraordinarily pleased with Grace's immediate command of the many martial art techniques she is learning and have even higher hopes for grand display of fight choreography in The Knightwish War.

Ben Chester Joins The Knightwish War
The very talented Ben Chester has joined our small January production as a prop modeler. Ben is a dangerously imaginative sculptor, designer, penciller, painter and full-blow special effects specialist with some serious Hollywood projects on his resume. Having worked in both television and film, we are expecting a fun time working with Ben both in The Knightwish War as well as richly imagined Vangelis.

Visit Ben's workshop at .

The Knightwish War on MySpace
You can visit and follow the pre-production gallery for this wonderfully brutal little pilot. We are expecting to shoot this project on the new groundbreaking Red One camera system.
Everyone will be able to follow the The Knightwish War at once the site goes live next year (2008). The site will have the latest news, illustrations, props, script PDF and photos as we prepare for this exciting project.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
With only two weeks away from Christmas, I wanted to say we are ready to wrap up 2007 and move into an even better 2008. This year has been a staggering success on all fronts, and we want to thank everyone who made the journey with us. We wish you all the safest of holidays, good food, rich friendships and the strong union of family.

Happy Thanksgiving from Jetrefilm
Jetrefilm Entertainment wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We hope 2007 has been as great a year for you and your family as it has been for us -- may 2008 be even better.

Shroud MySpace Video Marketing Begins
In early December 2007, the second phase of our MySpace marketing will begin. Graduating from our photo galleries to video teasers, visitors will be able to see their first glimpses of Shroud. We are looking forward to everyone’s comments.

Cast & Crew of Shroud -- Thank You
As much as from my producers Edgar Pitts and Daniel Duncan, and on behalf of our investors, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank our very talented cast and crew from Shroud for their hard work, professionalism and patience with our first film. For those of you returning on our next project Vangelis, I look forward to another fun feature-length film full of challenges and great successes.

Jetrefilm Website Renovated
A new look for Jetrefilm Entertainment is being finalized, and will resemble our current MySpace page. The new page will have a new navigation menu that will enable visitors to see Shroud, Vangelis, The Knightwish War, and our many future projects. It looks so cool.

Shroud Pick-Up Shots Finished
We recently returned from Willieville with our pick-up shots complete, so we are now editing that footage and finishing our pre-final cut of the film.

Original Score for Shroud Begins
Wolfgang Lacker has joined our post-production team as our composer. Wolfgang is a very talented musician and we are eager to hear what he’s coming up with for our gothic western film.

Jetrefilm New Offices
Jetrefilm Entertainment will be vacating our offices at 3001 LBJ Freeway at the end of November 2007 and moving to Carrollton, Texas. With the latest FiOS and over four times the space, we are excited about having the room to expand our business. There’s even a place for my punching bag and Wing Chun “wooden man.”

Jetrefilm MySpace Online
Our new MySpace page is up. DTCS Custom MySpace Pages did a great job renovating our look and we think it is amazing! As filmmakers we know image is essential, so we are happy to recommend DTCS as our first choice for film short, independent, or feature), actors, artists, musicians and bands or spiffy personal pages. They are simply the best.

The Knightwish War
Jetrefilm Entertainment has slated to produce The Knightwish War, a sequel to its 2005 film Knightsilver. This pilot will be shot on the new Red One camera in late 2008. The short film will be shot in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex with an online promotion in 2008-2009. A new page dedicated to this exciting project can be found This page will soon be populated with pictures, screen savers, concept art and other freebies so be sure to check those out.

Shroud Finds her Voice
Shroud will enter the sound design phase next year and our resident guru Jimmy Barker will be working his remarkable magic on this project. We are so excited to see this great project nearing completion so we can take it to market and sell it.

Shroud Sequel Scripting Begins
A daring sequel to our 2007 gothic western film Shroud has been green lit and is in the scripting phase. Set almost twenty years after the events in Shroud, the film Nyght follows the late Victoria Celestine’s young brother, Abraham, as a young man as he unravels a mysterious series of events set in motion during the American Revolutionary War. Wonderfully, we will be in a position to custom build an Old West town in accordance with some freakish concept art we’ve already acquired. The level of control we will have over our new locations will be significantly greater than on our first film Shroud.

Vangelis Pre-Marketing
Unlike our Shroud marketing, viral marketing for Vangelis will begin before the first frame is ever shot, instead of the last. Consequently, Vangelis will benefit from almost nine months of marketing (through pre-production, production and post-production) by the time it is released. Additionally, Vangelis will have a full-blown promotional products and apparel campaign for merchandising – I don’t know about you, but after spending nine months on another project, I damn sure want a coffee mug or a t-shirt for the trouble. It’ll be fun.

Shroud MySpace Pages Go Live
Jetrefilm has launched six market-specific MySpace pages to help build a meaningful online community among those many enthusiasts who have followed Shroud over the months. Built by DTCS Custom MySpace Pages, these gorgeous sites are full of pictures and will soon have multiple video teasers from the film. Our appreciation to 666 Photography and Bryan Chatlien Photography for their beautiful work on this small film.

Shroud Editing
As of July 15th, 2007 we are approximately one-third through the editing process for Shroud. We plan to view a pre-final rough cut on December 1, 2007. Thereafter, Shroud will enter sound and music design while final tweaks are being made to the final cut.
Nathan Mathieu has begun working on our multiple film support pages for Shroud. These pages will tie in directly to our website.

Vangelis Concepts in Full Swing
Following our vision to create original works born of imagination and artistry, we have commissioned several artists to help us flesh out the world of Nimyria for our second HD feature Vangelis. Each of these very talented artists bring their unique vision to the fantasy realm of Vangelis and afford our very talented designers top-tier artwork from which to build the props and wardrobe for our film.

F/X and Physical Warfare
Preliminary conversations are beginning with our design partner Element X to discover new, exciting ways of re-inventing classic sword and shield combat. In conjunction with our unique blend of fight choreography, the action in Vangelis is shaping up to be a truly innovative union of authentic medieval combat styles, martial arts and special effects. Jetrefilm has attained a replica of an authentic 14th century combat manual that proves fighting in the Middle Ages consisted of much more than big Hollywood hacking with broadswords and battleaxes. This manual reveals a cruel cleverness to the use of swords, lances and other weapons that would surprise any student of history. Mingled with cutting edge special effects, Vangelis will reveal the truly gruesome effects of the many wicked weapons of the age against other/lesser weapons, shields, armor and the soft flesh of the unprotected. Meaningful but grisly, Vangelis will show the horror of medieval war.

Pre-Final Cut is Near
We are finally able to see the story of Shroud unfold as the editing process starts to connect the scenes together -- and so far, it’s looking pretty good! As the film comes together the flow of the story can be seen (and felt), continuity is holding up, and the camera work is fulfilling its role of establishing mood, scene pace and overarching story momentum. Whereas the sheer size of the HD files initially caught us off guard, we have adapted quickly and have been able to wrangle the enormous source footage easily with the necessary hardware and software. We are very pleased.

Marketing has left the design phase and will be up shortly as an interest-capturing portal that will improve our leverage with distributors as we hope to provide a sizeable list of interested end-users -- effectively doing some of the distributor’s job for them. will be online in early August as well, and wil be renovated to reflect our expanding queue of increasingly ambitious films.

Distributor Inquiries & Studio Interest
In late 2008 we will begin direct interaction with distributors, producers and studios, first by query letter, then by press kits to begin the qualification process of selling Shroud along with all its attendant materials (websites, lists, rights, files, photography, et al). Some entities have already made cursory inquiries for Shroud, both nationally and its time to see who’s ready to play.

Vangelis Ramps Up
With our inaugural western film Shroud in post-production, we have begun pre-production our second HD feature, the hyper-action oriented, sword-and-sorcery project Vangelis. Our first units have sold and we are already generating concept art and finding locations.Shroud (2008)

Jetrefilm recently completed its first Hi-Def/Blu-Ray feature film, the gothic western drama Shroud. Starring Nicole Leigh Verdin, Dylan Barth, Charles Baker, Jodie Moore, G. Russell Reynolds and Morgana Shaw, the story follows a young Dutch bride’s (Nicole Leigh Verdin) journey to Civil War America to find her missing husband, only to discover a 300-year old secret in the town in which he vanished. The story is a unique blend of history, myth, legend and 19th century, medieval and Old West culture. We are extraordinarily proud of this first film and have every confidence the story -- as well as the surprise ending – will keep audiences guessing until the end.

Shroud was shot in over twelve locations all over the state of Texas (including Willie Nelson’s Old West town “Willieville") as well as Arizona and California. We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to explore the many natural and authentic wonders of the Lone Star State with our great cast and crew.

Damascus (2009)

Jetrefilm’s second HD feature will be high-concept, science-fiction thriller Damascus followed by Nyght, a grisly sequel to Shroud set in 1882.

Damascus is a surreal work that, like Shroud, crosses several expectations, genres and demographics. Set a few years into the ruin of civilization, the film is a "ground-breaking reinvention" of ancient truths and new discoveries. The film is deeply efficient, richly philosophical, regally dramatic, and steeped in eclectic non-stop action.

Currently our third and fourth films in our catalog are Nyght the fantasy film Vangelis, respectively.

As mentioned, Nyght is a chilling sequel to Shroud set a mere score of years before the dawn of the 20th century.

Set in the mythical kingdom of Nimyria, Vangelis follows a noble band of knights trying to escape a traitorous warlord who seeks a powerful magical relic to establish a cruel and endless sovereignty.

Though set as a fantasy, Vangelis is an examination of how and why formerly great nations and kingdoms eventually wane, and finally fall. Blending many continental legends (the Arthurian romances, the Norse Volsunga saga, and Ulster Cycle among others) Vangelis explores the heroic dimension and its attendant virtues of honor, faith, and gallantry against their challengers: lust, pride, wrath and a host of moral conveniences and compromises that inevitably devalue all things that perpetrate and promote them.

Jetrefilm has several multimedia galleries dedicated to our many upcoming feature length and short films. Come in and get a sneak peak here at coming attractions! We’d love to hear what you have to say!

My Blog

Shroud Jetrefilm Entertainment

3) Film the fight correctly I remember working for seven weeks with multiples teams of actors who were going to all be in a gang fight. I think I designed ten unique fights between fifteen people. Mos...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:45:00 GMT

Shroud Jetrefilm Entertainment Sundance

Shroud is a period drama that follows a young woman's (Victoria Celestine) journey from Holland to the America of the early 1860's  torn by civil war. Having learned of her husband's peril in a hidde...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:41:00 GMT

Shroud Jetrefilm Entertainment

Shroud Goes to Sundance ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Jetrefilm Entertainment's first feature film Shroud  officially arrived at the Beverly Hills subm...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:36:00 GMT

Shroud Jetrefilm Entertainment

Shroud Press Kit ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Our rather striking Shroud press kit is almost done and will be available in PDF from our website soon for ca...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:36:00 GMT

Shroud Jetrefilm Entertainment

Production Notes Online ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I have also started what will eventually become a blog under Production > Production Notes that is a b...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:34:00 GMT

Shroud Jetrefilm Entertaiment

And the Cutting Begins ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Brad Stephens has begun editing Shroud. We can expect Brad to work for the next several months before h...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:35:00 GMT

Shroud The Internet is any independent filmmaker's first and most favored ally.   As designers, this was the perfect opportunity to re-enforce our claims as visually daring - make som...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:43:00 GMT