Peep profile picture


if you VALUE your jobs... dona... mess up.

About Me

From now till the 23rd: it's time to grab some swag.

I am the Peep who heads up Peep*Accessories for Chicks , which is just about the coolest accessory company in the entire world. I spend most of my time inside of a blue coffee cup, but occassionaly I come out to peep what's going on with Peep's owners, That Jane and Sally, who spend most of their time drinking hot apple cider and coffee, respectively, out of coffee cups which are similar to the one in which I sit.

Plus, I whipped the girls into shape to make everything on the site fully customizeable , so if you see something you sort of like, they can turn it into something you really love.

I also keep all the profits. But don't tell Jane and Sally. They haven't checked the books lately.

My Interests

Coffee cups. Empty coffee cups. Things that are yellow. Knitting. Crocheting. Embroidery. Beads. Making things out of stuff. Bags. Accessories. Things that are cute. Yarn. DIY. Other DIY'ers. Things that are blue. Chicks. Jewelry.

I'd like to meet:

More chicks. Chicks who like accessories. Other chicks who own businesses. Chicks who live in coffee cups. Chicks who have bought stuff from Peep. Chicks who want to buy stuff from Peep. Boys who want to buy stuff from Peep. Boys who know chicks or boys who want to buy stuff from Peep. Hey, this Peep don't discriminate.


Pearl Jam. The Pierces. Pink Floyd. The Pogues. Portishead. Postal Service. Prince. Anything that resonates well inside of my coffee cup.


Bottle Rocket. Rushmore. The Breakfast Club. Pretty in Pink. Pride and Prejudice. North & South. Mean Girls. Dazed & Confused. The Lifetime movie where Mr. Sheffield from the Nanny kills his daughter's roommate. The Lifetime movie where Tori Spelling is killed by Kellie Martin. The Lifetime movie where Tori Spelling is a prostitute.


Legends of the Hidden Temple. GUTS. Global GUTS. Made. America's Next Top Model. Project Runway. Ugly Betty. Gossip Girl. Mr. Show. Newsradio. 90210. The Full House episode where DJ becomes anorexic. The Full House episode where Stephanie starts a band. The Saved by the Bell episode with Snow White and the Seven Dorks.


How Are You Peeling?: Foods with Moods.


The person who invented the coffee cup.

My Blog

super secret myspace sale - hot child in the city

I split my time between many major cities, and each one really carries a different vibe when it comes to my morning routine.For example, when I wake up in my little Paris apartment, I can't start my d...
Posted by Peep on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:55:00 PST

so there's this chick i know

And her birthday is today. The 18th. She's 25.That's a monumental birthday! A quarter of a century has passed in her life.And not only is she turning 25, but she doesn't even want you to be buying her...
Posted by Peep on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:06:00 PST

i always feel like somebody's watching me

I'm what some people might call "trendy." It's not that I have to have the latest thing. it's just that I happen to just always have it. Take ponchos, for instance. Before they got really big a few ye...
Posted by Peep on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:52:00 PST

pumpkin rot

You might think that, as a tiny little chick, I wouldn't go for the big pumpkins at Halloween. You know, I would get those little gourds that kind of look like pumpkins, but they're actually not real ...
Posted by Peep on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST

happy beaster

It's not often that I am seen without a large entourage. When this Peep hits the town, it's hit big. I mean, going to the openings of the hottest clubs around, dining as a chef's exclusive guest at th...
Posted by Peep on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:45:00 PST

the dirty dancing soundtrack - a sacrifice

So, it's Lent right now. A time when Catholics are supposed to give up something dear to them for 40 days (you know, besides meat on Fridays). It's always interesting to see what people will give up. ...
Posted by Peep on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 11:23:00 PST

peep runs away from paparazzi - sustains minor injuries

It's difficult being a sought after celebrity figure, you know? Worse is when my poor relations are stuck dealing with my mess. If you didn't know, I have lots of cousins. I am an only child. My paren...
Posted by Peep on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 08:51:00 PST

peep accessories and porn

The Peep Accessories site (that's, btw) has a stat counter, and occassionally, I'll go check the stat counter (occassionally equaling more or less six to ten times per day) bec...
Posted by Peep on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 09:49:00 PST

VD is how you abbreviate Valentine's Day

Chicks can fall in love, too, all right? And I know what you're thinking - that I'm a "baby", being a chick and all. But I'm actually a growth stunted very much adult peep (gender non-specific, althou...
Posted by Peep on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:30:00 PST