Future Shock Los Angeles is the 2008 Future Team of the Year! Thank you to everyone who voted for us and who supports the Culture Shock and Future Shock Family. WE LOVE YOU!"We are a troupe of individuals who, through the power of music and dance, cultivate self-worth, dignity and respect for all people."
FUTURE SHOCK is a youth outreach program comprised of dancers under the age of 18 and is directed by Culture Shock company dancers. The program allows youth to gain hands-on experience in performing and studying hip-hop/street dance in a healthy, family-oriented atmosphere. Culture Shock dancers serve as role-models and teachers to encourage the team to practice team work, respect, and self-expression in a creative and non-judgmental environment. The program empowers the group to embrace acceptance, achievement, and self-confidence. Future Shock also serves as a training ground for the youth to hopefully grow and become future advocates of hip-hop/street culture.