On & On! profile picture

On & On!

BodyMind WorkPlay SpiritDance

About Me

3 time Burning Man phoenyx rising!..Dionysion deescendant..steward of the Goddess..avatar to the Archangel.. my blood is Greek..i'm a martial artist..a culinary expressionist..a cutting edge fitness trainer..i am very blessed and grateful..humble and proud.. i arrived in LaLa after burning man 03'..i work with love and resolve intermingled with super-hero training on a daily basis.. i know that this is truly heaven.. for how could there be some many angels if it were not..moonchild sun..scorpio moon..phoenyx rising year of the dog 11 Et'znab (Flint) Tijax (Blade) yellow self-existing warrior jovian generatorI am 83% Evil Genius.
. I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will. Take the
Evil Genius Test
@ FualiDotCom-i'll try anything once, twice if i like it...three times if i'm hooked! ....
CHARIOT "the generator, motivator,
You are gifted in seeting ideas, projects, and life
experiences into motion and can accomplish many
things simultaneously. You dislike things that
are routine and show a resistance to
specialization. You have a strong
intorspective nature and display a need to move
in the true inner direction of the spirit. The
charioter holds the Wheel of Fortune which
means that he can turn any direction with
fortunate results.
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brought to you by Quizilla..

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My Interests

burning man..martial arts..empowerment of the god/dess..dancing till well past dawn..kinesiology and artistic expression..poly-peptidial endura-biomechanix..aesthetics..consciousness expansion..nutrition..cross cultural engagements..parties..fesivals..burning man.. longevity and preservation tactics..healthful indulgance..sweat lodges sun dances and native traditions..life/stylz..extreme positivity..self development to a cellular level..presentology

I'd like to meet:

angels..avatars...lost tribesmen..godesses..fellow seekers of fun and adventure.. did i mention i luv da ladies...


filthy uber-lowbass dark-fu break-nasty demonbeatz..deep deep smokin hellscavernous olympic nasty darkgrindin bioelectrikal volcanik groovs


trilogy's... i love things 3 times~!!!


aqua teen hunger force, the simpsons and the daily showI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


the sandman..anything Niel Gaiman, a book of 5 rings, art of war, the tao of pooh..eatsern classics..western classics..Robert Anton Wilson..W.S. Burroughs..Anterio Ali..


bhudda, bruce lee and batman

My Blog

Co-Creating and Cultivating Magik!..taking care of the Self

~BodyM..nd ~ WorkPlay ~ Sp..r..tDance~ .. am call..ng forth my fr..nds and tr..bal fam..ly to help me prepare for Burn..ng Man. Th..s year .. am ass..st..ng Capta..n Erot..ca w..th a super sexy secret...
Posted by On & On! on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 12:08:00 PST

from the Student to the Master

a new friend prompted some wise words i'd like to share: a few thoughts to facilitate your morphos: ~you mentioned many arts from Vapassana to Kung Fu to yoga..find a foundational art..pick one and de...
Posted by On & On! on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 11:49:00 PST

Integritive Holistic Services

This last Monday i graduated as a Massage Therapist from the Institute for Psycho Structural Balancing (www.ipsb.com).  I am offering special rates for my tribal friends and family.  I am al...
Posted by On & On! on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:01:00 PST

yeah..so what's in a name?

most of you know me as tonton..for years before that i was known as anton.. Michael George Antonopoulos is my name. It is the name that I call myself, and the name that I answer to. I am health love a...
Posted by On & On! on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:49:00 PST

Catalyst to Conduit!

I am currently investigating and negotiating with health insurance brokers for Herakles Collective. HC is a health insurance association targeting our community, the artists healers and performers of ...
Posted by On & On! on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:18:00 PST

Freinds and Family,

I am compiling a community health profile to broker to potential insurers. With this data I can leverage the strength of our community to potential insurers rather than them trying to sell insurance t...
Posted by On & On! on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 03:35:00 PST

Certified Fitness Trainer..Martial Artist..Life Coach (Hollywood)

I know your beautiful already..I want to help you take your body to the next level! I have over 15 years training experience. I specialize in unique training and breathing techniques, martial arts an...
Posted by On & On! on Tue, 02 May 2006 04:41:00 PST

weight loss, longevity, healthful living

hello all.. felt that i should share the knowledge that i have learned and been blessed with concerning weight loss, healing and purification, longevity and healthful living. I would like to share thi...
Posted by On & On! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Martial Arts that I study..

I have been studying martial arts for the last 15 years. I have a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan karate, a brown belt in training in Burmese Bando (www.thaing.net) and i am an assistant instructor ...
Posted by On & On! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the start of an oddyssey..

from Athens, Ohio to San Fransisco: star banked frag mackers ____________tail skating the strafing gazer half posted trailing arc ____________ tankered in the way squab son...
Posted by On & On! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST