Aubrianna, electric bass, sex, blood, and rock n' roll, and The Dark Side of the Force.
"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives!"
Glenn Danzig.
Usurpers and false heirs to the throne of the Sith, so that I may slay them.
It's always a pleasure to become acquainted with other musicians. There are countless who influence me, and many more who are my peers. There are far too many to name!
Mostly metal, but I tend to deviate into select artists.
Star Wars. The Boondock Saints. Wayne's World. Borat. The Lost Boys. Almost anything else.
Star Wars: Clone Wars Animated Series. That 70's Show. Family Guy. Metal Mania. Closed circuit foreign erotica.
Star Wars Novels, anything by E.A. Poe.
Cliff Burton, Tom Kunz, Billy Sheehan, Giorgio Terenziani, Markus Grosskopf, Mika Horiuchi, David Ellefson, Magnus Rosen, Yenz Leonhardt, The Great Dark Lords of the Sith, Aubrianna, other musicians, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Edgar Allan Poe and Bill Clinton (not necessarily in that order).