True story
Okay, here’s how it all went down for me. In 2006 I was on top of the world. I was riding the real estate wave that took me from living paycheck to paycheck to a minor league real estate guru. Things were going great, the deals were appearing from all sides. I had a managed to acquire 6 investment properties including a big beautiful house of our own.
This all happened pretty fast. Getting used to this life was easy. A year before we were living in the back house at my father in-laws. Well, Ill tell you that story another time. For now, my point is that we were riding high on the mountain, money in the bank and a clear view of a prosperous real estate career….that is, until the banks turned off the water on us. The real estate bubble had finally burst!
2006 was a good year for us. I made a lot of progress and a lot of money. I thought 2007 was going to be even better. Little did I know that It was going to be the year that the real estate market would take a nose dive.
You have to have lived on another planet for a year to not know what is happening in real estate. Investors and homeowners from all across the US are in crisis. I have my own theory behind this but to keep it simple, let’s just agree that a lot of people are hurting right now as a result of the crash. Everywhere you look properties are being auctioned off. It is foreclosure galore. A lot of investors with liquid capital are cashing in on the crisis. The banking institutions would have you believe that they too are in turmoil, but that is just a big lie. Fractional lending, consumer debt and the power of compound interest keep these banks operating. The truth is that the crash hardly effected these big banks. The only losers were the poor homeowners who were given bad loans or overextended themselves but that’s a whole other book. My point is that I too fell victim to the crash.
2007 had many surprises in store for me and my business ventures. Out of about 25 deals that I had in the pipe line from January ‘o7 to May ‘07 I only closed three of them. I had money in the bank but it was going out fast and not being replenished. Our outgoing bills were close to 20k a month in overhead and living expenses. Three deals were hardly enough to keep food on the table. I was pretty close to jumping off the tallest building in Fresno.
To top it off, I broke my ankle and foot in 3 places in a freak accident. 6 screws, two plates and a pin later, I was down for the count! Because I had torn the ligaments I had a 12 week recovery. Stuck on the couch, I couldn’t even get a job if I wanted to.
My only real chance was to make something happen and fast. I had a lot of ideas but not enough time. With time working against me, the quest began.
Meanwhile, Everybody I knew in real estate was hurting. Most of my friends and business partners were forced to go into other fields. Some back to their old jobs. I honestly didn’t see it coming. No one really did. The bills were piling up. I was having many sleepless nights. I had a bunch of ideas and many opportunities but my capital was seriously low and I was running out of time fast. I started to panic. I was searching. I ran across a lot of good opportunities. Multi Level Marketing seemed attractive but the main problem I had was the time factor. Realistically, it took time to build a business. No matter what type of business it is, it will require time and money. Both of which I did not have. Some of these MLM‘s I ran across seemed cool but again I didn’t have 6 months to build a down line in order to make residual income. I was running out of TIME! I needed money NOW!
I absolutely refused to give up. I dived into the internet. I was searching for anything that looked like an opportunity. I ran across a lot of good sites. Many of the responses I received were awesome and I met a lot of good people with great products, methods and services.
Plan B…. Plan C….. Plan D…. the ideas were definitely coming. I was hot! I was getting closer and closer, I felt it! Digging further, I started buying internet marketing materials, software, E books, How to books, programs, CD’s, and other great material. I was coming up with one good idea after another.
But time was just running out…..
Then out of nowhere……..
I saw a video on You Tube that really caught my attention……… little did I know, that video would be the beginning of a journey to success, prosperity and abundance. I uncovered the secret that the elite wealthy have used for generations.
“No more waiting on clients, brokers or checks. The cash flows freely and daily. The stress is gone†A HERNANDEZ
The Rest of The Story