Video games,
Winning (At Anything), Music In general And Gals
Enter Shikari (Again)
Scratch Card Glory / Or Waist Low Pleasure?
Black Eyes Nose Bleeds / Don’t Look Back Now
My White Abode / Do you remember?
but it’s Such a Thrill to find out…
Sorry you’re not a Winner
With the air so cold / and a mind so bitter
What have you got to loose / but false intentions and a life
So pretentious?
I sweat I ache.
Please try again, Insert your coin...
- Enter Shikari
Pendulum (Again)
The drugs begin to peak
A smile of joy arrives in me
But sedation changes to panic and nausea
And breath starts to shorten
And heartbeats pound softer
You won't try to save me!
You just want to hurt me and leave me desperate!
- Silverstein
Matrix Trilogy, Constantine, Star Wars, Alien Vs Predator. Resident Evil Series.
Paris And Katie. Yup I definately Own you all.
Rachel Agrees
Even Steffi Agrees!
All these women can't be wrong... Can they? Abby, That scarf is TEH Sex!
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Anthony Horowitz's 'Alex Ryder' series.
I really wanted to get into Harry potter... But then along came the film. SO WHAT?! I'm Lazy! Get over it!
Anything By Chris Ryan and Tom Clancy.
Martin Johnson,
Neil Back,
Johnny Wilkinson
Pete Wentz Dog, From The "Take Over the break's over" Music video.
Shut Up Pete, this Is My Dream