Brunettes, Hacer peliculas y programas de la televison. Tocar mi guitarra con mucha destorsion y fuerte para que los vecinos se enfaden.
David Lynch, John Waters and Gregory Nava again.
Anything that's loud .
Anything written or directed by Tyler Spencer, Aaron Carnes, Shawn Flanagan, Mark Arnold, Matt Cooper, Gus Vansant, Neil Jordan, Jim Jarmush, Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, and Alfonso Cuaron to name a few.
To Kill Braincells: Pirate Satellite TV of course, Flight of the Conchords, Greg the Bunny, The Henry Rollins Show, Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Breaking Bad, and Gunslinger Girl, British Sitcoms
Pirate Satellite TV ( see more! at Video Code by Pirate Satellite TV | Portland, Oregon
Currently memorizing the Anarchist Cookbook...
My Cleaning Lady