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Dash X

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well for those that know me, you know that I'm family loving, geniune, a flirt, somewhat a geek, a total blast at a party, romantic & sincere and overall a funny guy, In a nut shell this is me....For those of you that don't. I'm completely committed to the two loves of my life {Launie and Riley} but coming from a Catholic background it doesn't put them first. LOL! sorry guys.Having lived for many years and experiencing many things that some have not {ie: my younger brother Ricks suicide} I think that loving and forgiving are two of the answers to having a great life.For those that don't know me.....get to know me, you won't be sorry. and the only way to do that is to become a friend. So hopefully you are reading this; either because you came across a request I sent or you stumbled across my page somehow. But let me tell you this. If I requested you it's cos' I'd like to make you a myspace friend. I will keep in touch with you. The one pet peeve I have are the poeple that don't keep in touch. I don't want to be someones number and never have them keep in touch. Why bother accepting my request if you don't intend to keep in touch?I HATE THAT! I'd rather you decline my request than accept it. As you can see, I don't have hundreds of friends as many people on here do. So don't don't bother accepting my request if you don't intend to actually intend to keep in touch with one another. The majority of my list are actual friends of mine and I love them all. I love to make more friends not just locals but all over the world {Gay or Str8}. If you want to add me please do, I would love to add you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I've meet the one person I was destined to meet...Launie. But I'd love to meet Hugh Jackman again! But would like to make friends with people from all over. No drama yet fun and scandalous. We've been together for 11 years so "been there, done him...I meant done that". Some of the people we've meant have more issues than my "People en Espanol" subscription. No more of those please!!** Anderson Cooper is one of the best Journalist around. Would love to sit down with him over dinner and pick his brain.**

*The below video I made is of Ana's most famous song. I've added English subtitles for my non-Spanish speaking friends. The pictures are from my personal collection of just the past couple of years. Take a listen and if it's your first time listening to it, let me know what you think please.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

My Blog

9/11 Remembered

All day today I could not but think of where I was at 6 years ago when I heard the news for the first time. In our apartment getting ready for work, I stood in front of our TV watching in horror the ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 23:28:00 GMT

A Night to Remember

Posted by on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:52:00 GMT

Chanclas 3rd Birthday

Well I could say it better but Launie's is the short version....LOL enjoy. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&f riendID=81442022&blogID=255142359&MyToken=b0442fd3-5 0b2-4...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 23:16:00 GMT

A night with Cyndi Lauper

This past Friday Launie and I went to see Cyndi Lauper perform at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco. That bitch can still sing! She looked and sounded fantastic. She sang all her old songs and a ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 17:17:00 GMT