I've meet the one person I was destined to meet...Launie.
But I'd love to meet Hugh Jackman again!
But would like to make friends with people from all over. No drama yet fun and scandalous. We've been together for 11 years so "been there, done him...I meant done that". Some of the people we've meant have more issues than my "People en Espanol" subscription. No more of those please!!**
Anderson Cooper is one of the best Journalist around. Would love to sit down with him over dinner and pick his brain.**
*The below video I made is of Ana's most famous song. I've added English subtitles for my non-Spanish speaking friends. The pictures are from my personal collection of just the past couple of years. Take a listen and if it's your first time listening to it, let me know what you think please.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment