vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 profile picture

vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76

.the gingerbread girl.

About Me

i aspire to make the world shine with my lipgloss wand. i like really old carousels and pieces of tacky americana. cotton candy tastes like the lining of a sugar cloud. i like tikis and photobooths, roses and marigolds, whiskers on my kittens, and miss snowflakes and wearing mittens. i'm forever a bostonian-at-heart valley girl transplant who's lived in a bitchin' southern world, but is now in the NW. sometimes i say y'all and mean it. i dislike the west coast. i've fluttered through more places than a lost butterfly in a moon garden. i believe in plum faeries and garden gnomes. i wear a lot of knee highs, but i used to be a glowing raverchild. i collect unique things and lucite rings. i work hard. catch me if you can. i used to be a pin-up girl, but now i prefer to be the one behind the lens. i treasure pictures. my family just gave me a fisheye and a diana camera so i'll be back to playing with film. graffiti/street art is hawtt. i've turned into a tea snob and can generally be found steeping loose leaf teas and trundling through my garden in umbrella-patterned rain boots. i love geraniums and marigolds and other small plants that are meant for non-permanent garden plots. peonies are my favorite flower, though. fog is my older cat...he's an ancient soul and can see through walls. lily is PUNK. she wears pup-clothes and will box you if she gets the chance, however if she likes you she'll purr in your lap. she has a lion-cut. somewhat recently i adopted a boy-rat whose name is sir spooky yarn; he was named by 4 year olds! even more recently my girlfriend and i rescued another little ratboy - his name is gustavo; gus for short. he and spooky don't get along so they live in separate worlds. i didn't know anything about rats, but i could write a whole book now. always, always adopt animals! buying an animal from a store or breeder only ensures an animal in a shelter will die. you can adopt ANY animal - didja know? birds, guinea pigs, rats, hamsters, and of course cats n dogs. go vegan and rock-it cruelty-free style. feel free to come to me with any questions you might have!
Sometimes it can take me a while to write back. Please don't take it personally ♥ I tend to respond faster with comments, so if you've just added me, why not tell me something totally random. It's fun!
The 'chutes think I'm sexy and talk about crayons: watch!
Videoblog June 18, 2008 from Birdee Girl Plastic on Vimeo .
Our next vegan feast will be a $20 or less challenge...stay tuned for another vegan foodie slide show!

People often ask me about what sites they can get good information about animals. Here are some of my favorites:
support amazing artists like aaron kraten, and visit his myspace by clicking on the image below. his work is brilliant.
Meet one of my favorite, humanitarian/vegetarian artists; see my top friends for a link to her profile. Pretinha Eco-Friendly Designs. She can do the most amazing things with pop-tops! Recyclable fashion that's unique and classic.

My Interests

well it's baseball season, so 1st thing's 1st:
the mudflap girl
the RED SOX!

manny ramirez
jason varitek
the green monstah

It's all about Plastic Parachute

bubble tea
animal rights
knitting/crocheting purling/hooking
randomness in photobooths

roller skating:::i am NOT a derby girl, i am a roller princess:::no slammin' n jammin' just pretty and gliding:::with all the derby fuss i want people to remember roller princesses are still alive, well, and cool, too!
fashion marketing
muscle cars
demolition derbies
soapbox derbies
astronomy, tracking constellations, and meteor showers
bikes and people who ride them
personalized necklaces that don't say my name
genderqueers, butches, n transgendered types
GLBT rights

urban gardening

dykes, queer rights, etc
pink things
unusual planters
planted junk
freshly cut grass
random comics
walking my kitten
betsey johnson-the most outrageous belle at the ball

pink poodles
trashy lingerie
hanky codes
punks with heart
learning spanish
speaking in spanglish
speaking in frenglish
cotton candy
lip balm
lucite rings (lucite is a fancy name for plastic)
vintage necklace charms
polar opposites
smell-good things
rescued farm animals
the chipettes
ethical cowgirls
making random craft oddities flowerpots
riding historic carousels
loose leaf tea by candlelight
the moravian star
thrift stores and flea markets
ballerina jewelry boxes
tacky snow globes
flowers, especially white ones
shrinky dinks
pac-man ghosts (inky, blinky, pinky, and clyde)
cool windy days
the sound of rain & snow falling
spring & autumn
latch hook rugs
glo friends
pucca and garu
the east coast
harvard square
central square
the charles river
the strange way tourists take photos of the john harvard statue
manray, the old club
day of the dead skellie dolls
dia de los meurtos
sugar skulls

pin-up girls
paper flowers
sparkly pin-wheels
graffiti/street art
wind chimes
layered scrap-art

and PEEPS who knit...

I'd like to meet:

nice hedgehogs and people with something unique to say. i'd also like to meet other quirky individuals, kittens and unicorns, dykes n butches, genderqueers n femmes, kind boys, vegetarians & vegans, non-vegetarians & non-vegans, photographers, artists, crafty people, good cooks, pirates, mexicanos, other assorted darlings, and people who know how to shake up a mean piece of street art.

...and Milla Jovovich.

J and Deb - where am I? Oh, home with pneumonia. So sad! But they sent me a lovely care package.

**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: most of the photographs on and contained within my page are copyright to sub/urban collision photography (me) so please ask before taking an image from one of my folders. thank you.**


...and for those about to rock, PEEPS salute you...

Plastic Parachute Lily Allen
Foo Fighters
Venus Hum
The Faint
Bran Van 3000
Nouvelle Vague
Frou Frou
Tegan and Sara
Imogen Heap
I Am The World Trade Center
The Murmurs
[old] Ani DiFranco
Eminem, yeah, that's right.
Madame Buddafly
Kid Rock
Lynard Skynard
The Go-Go's
Depeche Mode
Melissa Ferrick
DJ Baby Anne
Stacy Q
Britney Spears
The Muppets
The Killers
The Bravery
George Michael
Alix Olson
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Samantha Fox
The Hong Kong
The Capricorns
Skinny Puppy
Lady Miss Kier
Johnny Cash
Fiona Apple
Tori Amos
Danny Elfman
Guns n Roses
Motley Crue
Lita Ford
glAm rOck, new wave, girl-folk, shhh phish, & various techno beats really, really don't want to miss checking the plastic parachutes out. really. click on the picture below and fall in love...


Fast Times at Ridgemont High
I am insane about movies; Netflix is my Other Lover. Every night before bed I at least start a new film...sometimes I finish, other times I have to wait until the next night or the night after to watch the rest of its chapter. I used to be insane about books, but lately my attention span has waned and now it's moviesmoviesmovies. Originally I got Netflix so I could see movies people would gasp to me over, "O M G you haven't seen Pulp Fiction?!?!" Well, now I have many times over, but I've also seen such rare gems as "Spellbound". Independent, Horror, Thrillers, Comedy, Dramedy, Foreign, and Classic films are my favorites.
Empire Records
Resident Evil Trilogy
Interstate 60
Adam & Steve
Skipped Parts
High Spirits
Memoirs of a Geisha
Imagine Me & You
Get Real
All I Wanna Do aka Strike!
13 Going on 30
House of Yes
Little Miss Sunshine
Forbidden Zone
Hard Candy
Fight Club
John Tucker Must Die
The OH! in OHio
Joe's Apartment
High Art
Sugar & Spice
Mysterious Skin
Wild at Heart
8 Femmes
Ma Vie En Rose
The Nightmare Before Christmas
200 Cigarettes
But I'm a Cheerleader
Latter Days
Welcome to the Dollhouse
One Night at McCool's
Pretty in Pink
Back to the Future
Friday the 13th 1 2 and 3
Sleepaway Camp
Jack Frost (not the family version)
Never Been Kissed
The Wedding Singer
Party Monster
Natural Born Killers
When Night is Falling
Saving Face
Gregg Araki Films
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Brokeback Mountain
Mean Girls
Bring It On
10 Things I Hate About You
American Pie
Some Kind Of Wonderful
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
The Corpse Bride
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Josie and the Pussycats
Legally Blonde
What About Bob
Chris Rock doing anything stand-up
Uptown Girls
...and almost all Teenage-Bubblegum-Flicks, italian horror, & anything where Cameron Diaz dances in her undie-wears, Julia Stiles dances on a table, or Brittany Murphy acting duh. netflix is my best friend; i'll try anything once, but that doesn't mean i'll finish! hahh. ;P


Don't f'n kill my TV!
Freaks and Geeks
Desperate Housewives
The L Word
America's Next Top Model
Project Runway
Bad Girls
The Girls Next Door
Degrassi Junior High/High/The Next Generation
Laverne & Shirley
Punky Brewster
Queer As Folk
Sex and the City
The Facts of Life
Invader Zim
Family Ties
Ghost Whisperer aka GHOST GIRL (superhero powers include fantastic clevage, false eye lashes, and power to see dead people)
Law and Order SVU
The Simpsons
Out of Order
and erm...crappy reality/dating shows...


Lesbian pulp fiction, Rose of No Man's Land, The Chelsea Whistle, Intricate Mistakes, and Valencia by Michelle Tea. Rent Girl also by Michelle Tea. mmK anything by Michelle Tea. Mysterious Skin and In Awe by Scott Heim. godspeed by Lynn Breedlove. Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. Stone Butch Blues. Clay's Way by Blair Mastbaum. Disco Bloodbath by James St. James. The Dirt: The Motley Crue Autobiography. The People's History of the United States. Animal Agenda's Primer on AR. Diet for a New America by John Robbins, all Ingrid Newkirk, Valley of the Dolls. Annie Sprinkle's Post Porn Modernist. Planted Junk. Eloise! The Paperbag Princess. Dr. Seuss. i don't really like short stories.

Currently reading: fashion magazines and re-reading Battle Royale
Currently writing: "The Great Kabbage SNATCH of the 80's: a zine about the dolls and the children who would die to have one." See me if you have a submission.


Fuel the queer, feminist power by listening to the words of Alix Olson, then go make your own.

Michelle Tea who can write like no other

Spoken word comes in many forms. Eminem. Brilliant.

Steve-O, ele's love you!!
Learn More

Ode to Chris Rock: You are hilarious.
Kier Kirby. and anyone that knows who she is.

Brigitte Bardot, french pin-up, animal rights activist extraordinaire.

Ohhh that Parker Posey - what will she say next?

My Blog

.whos gonna be there to hold your pants up?

SHAZAM - these!!!! PANGEA TIME!I have been wearing the white studded belt from Pangea's NO BULL vegan line for two years and it's still going strong. It looks like I bought it yesterday - made from th...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:18:00 PST

.CROCodiles spotted!

It would seem that a very shiny pair of Crocs with one [added] red heart [on only my left shoe] have found their way into my life AND have reminded me that i have very long legs. That tends to surpris...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:44:00 PST

.the parachutes answer a couple of my questions VID STYLE.

Deb's gotta be the cutest twinkle-girl in rollers ever - boys? You're all DOLLS. Nice answers! Your Crayola colors are a mess - that's what that translates to! JK!!!.kiss. Videoblog June 18, ...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 08:57:00 PST


OhhhhhhhhhhhhhhNOOOODid I do it?To be continued...tomorrow. ...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:52:00 PST

.glamour tip no.1

Go bright, go beautiful, and match it up;you'll draw a ton of attention to your fingers,and that's never a bad thing.It's a look that will never get oldand it's metamorphic.I'll prove it to you this f...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:38:00 PST

.random ethan embry trivia.

I went to church with this kid down on Gower & Vine.He has an older brother named Aaron who was a dear friend....and then I left LA-LA Land. Hollywoodland.Where dreams are born, most broken; like ...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:09:00 PST

.latest catch phrase.

"It is what it is." - it's in use more than ever before. Listen and you'll hear it. Over and over and over...I think it's replaced:"If it's meant to happen, it will."Not that either phrase isn't valid...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:32:00 PST

.best message in a long time. THANK *YOU*

From Annon (to you,  not me ;)): I don't think we've ever spoken, but we've been myspace friends for a while.I just read, or rather watched the videos in your blog(the three part series).. I'm...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 05:15:00 PST

.interviews begin today!

I thought it would be really fun to go fishing for friends [of the people variety, fishies don't like that hook; hurts their mouth] who I think are tres fabulous in style, ethics, compassion, and are ...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 08:01:00 PST

.peek in on one handsome boy!

This is my friend Ryan Huling. We've been neighbours and co-workers. We've sat on the Easter Bunny's lap together and I've helped give a talk at the college he went to [ODU, Norfolk, VA].Ryan used to ...
Posted by vegan♥is♥sexy circa '76 on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 08:57:00 PST