Check out my new line of apparel. The designs are based on some of my photos. More designs coming soon...
I had a bunch of new work in a show in Salem.
I'm a photographer in Salem. I shoot mostly fashion work. I also do model portfolio development, headshots and sets for websites. I have a book published by Goliath Books called Real Girls, and my work is in lots and lots of compilation books of photography.
In June I was in the Art@Large group show titled "Going Underground" in NYC. Details are on the website at
You can see more work at and , the official site for my book Real Girls
My wife runs a day spa in Salem, Laura Lanes Skin Care, , its right next to the Army Navy store on Essex St.
I'm always working on photography projects, like calendars, clothing catalogs, work for gallery shows. If you think you may want to model, drop me an email, i'm often looking for new faces. Got any good ideas?
Goliath Books has published Real Girls, a book of my work from the past 2 years or so. It will be widely available in bookstores and on in June.
I have signed copies for $40. including shipping to the US, Canada and some overseas destinations. Please email me before purchasing if you have any questions.
Click here to buy a signed copy now:
Unsigned copies are $35. including shipping to the US, Canada and some overseas destinations.
Click here to buy now:
i got interviewed for this north of boston weekly paper, they ended up running it on page 1 with a double page spread on the inside. I wanna read the hate mail that comes in from the puritans :-P
Here's the article
Thats about it! :-)