"Your beauty should be that of your inner self, in that which is not corruptible, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quite spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight." INTRINSICALLY in me: My Yeshua, life, humanity, family, friendships, children, animals, anything with depth, intrigue, good conversation, organization, fellowship, warm smiles, modesty, Godly wisdom, humility, forgiveness, art, loose leaf tea, proverbs (from the bible), surrender, innovative concepts, creativity, literature, the computer, writing, composing and playing music, simplicity, history, poetry, soft textures, fall, the mountians, holding hands, sharing thoughts, old photos, sincerity, nostalgia, the smell of grass, iridescence, deep sea creatures, introspection of the heart, living like there's no tomorrow, dancing in the rain, the woods (how I love trees!), archery, stars and astronomy, romance, intimacy with God, laughter, campfires, memories, experiencing new things, traveling, the outdoors, smiling eyes, sound of an upright piano, anything vintage, sunsets, birds singing, leaves dancing in the wind, the small things that are so often ignored, dark chocolate, walking barefoot, living life without fear, deep-seeded joy, movies that make me cry, coffee drinks (mochas w. soy!), spontaneity, faith, liberty, servant-hood, pleasant dreams, cozy socks, bread (especially garlic!), home cooked meals, parables, nature, regular stones, precious stones & crystals (cause God made 'em), driftwood, inspiration, virtue, taking the initiative, candlelight, rolling hills, change, innocence, idiosyncrasies, handcrafted objects, old hymns, meekness, the faith of a child..and music. "You are unique, and if that's not been fufilled, than something has been lost." - Martha Graham
Anyone with enough spare time to share... this world is full of friendly faces and lonely places; since we're all on this journey together, it seems fitting to get back to the basics and enjoy the company of community oriented individuals.Friends are of more value than mountains made of gold, such a priceless gift, can't be bought or sold, everyone needs a friend. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:43-45 KJV
One of my favorite things in life, MUSIC. My life has been so enriched by the vast ocean of melodies that enhance each day. Seems there's always a melody in my heart, to those who have contributed, my appreciation is given. As far as the overall style of music that has influenced me my taste can be considered quite eclectic- currently ranging from Yiddish & (Messianic) Jewish, Folk, Electronic, Trip-Hop, Rock, Pop, 80's, Celtic and Classical. Although I love music of all sorts, music that has been created with the sole purpose of uplifting the Lord, steeped in Spirit, is the only thing that resonates within me to the depths in which music has been purposed for. Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
Ones with substance... leaving a better perspective of the world.More recent interests would be various docomentaries by Adullam films.
I rarely watch tv. Television’s predominant message of darkness has torn at the moral fabric of our society and negatively influenced the attitudes, values, beliefs and behavior of millions. The messages seen and heard on television shape and mold the minds and hearts of all who watch-for good or bad. Most television today is controlled by people who believe there should be no moral constraints. Producers pride themselves in stretching the boundaries of taste, seeking new spins that shock and finding new ways to arouse the senses. The world may call it entertainment, but it is nothing more than spiritual darkness. Sadly, millions have become numb to this darkness, what society once considered morally unacceptable is now broadcast on prime time television every night. The painful impact of allowing this to penetrate into our minds has people facing a harsh realitiy of divorce, pornography, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, crime, abortion, violence, suicide, hatred and so much more. One of the most powerful things in the world is a thought. The power of a thought is echoed in this proverb from King Solomon: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7)How simple, yet how profound. We become what we think about. Whoever or whatever controls our thought life, controls us. It’s a battle for our minds and ultimately for our communities and our nations.
The wonderful world of books...I love to read and have a nice array of authors I enjoy. The bible is my 1st love of literature... "It is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the divinding assunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and morrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 "Exhaustless store of treasured gems within this Book I hold; and as I read, it comes alive, new treasures to unfold." - Mortenson
My Heroe... SAVING GRACE Speech maundered in a state of confusion, trying to grasp what the world will not let you know. Often wondering what could become if only the hands of fate would let you go. You cannot run from the problems that besiege you, Only Yeshua can take away the pain and make you whole. Lay your life down and gain a glorious realization, no greater life has man ever known than to humbly retreat in great supplication with the penalty of sin paid in full. A lustrous torch given to lead the way and the darkness that once reigned, forever overthrown. You too can wear the crown of salvation and experience such grace on this God given day. Like meadows resplendent with wild crafted flowers you will experience a world you never knew. The splendor of light shining brighter than ever with a love nurtured by the flowing water, and each seed of hope like a newly formed drop of dew. Perfect in every way you shall be recreated, everything else a statement of who you've become. So intimately He desires your friendship, the one who left for us his holy throne. Rest in His arms and trust in Him forever, for it is Yeshua who will carry you home. A.M.E.© 2002