Eric Fairchild Photography profile picture

Eric Fairchild Photography

If someone steals your cab, then it wasn't your cab.

About Me

I'm a commercial photographer. I shoot anything and everything but I specialize in photographing people, fashion, celebrities, and musicians. My newest projects include shooting for North Valley Magazine and their new sister publication East Valley Magazine
www.EastValleyMagazine.comI'm available for:
+ Commercial Photography
+ Advertising Photography
+ Editorial Photography
+ Fashion Catalogue Photography
+ PR Photography
+ Portrait Photography
+ Model Portfolio Photography
+ Private Commissioned Work
+ Band Promotion Photography
Check out my recent work at:
Publication Credits:
+ North Valley Magazine
+ Long Beach Magazine
+ Brentwood Magazine
+ Entrepreneur Magazine
+ Digital Photography Techniques
+ Popular Mechanics Magazine
+ Create Magazine
+ Flying Magazine
+ House & Garden Magazine
+ 944 Magazine
+ San Diego Downtown Magazine
+ Korea Times
+ Arizona Business Magazine
+ Carefree Lifestyles Magazine
+ Arizona Lifestyle Magazine
+ Digital Photo Effects Magazine
+ Franchise Times Magazine
+ Latina Magazine
+ RPM Magazine
+ Switch Magazine
+ ATV Action Magazine
+ Kitchen & Bath Design News
+ Association Management Magazine
+ AZRE Magazine
+ Arizona Republic Newspaper
+ Home Business Networking Magazine
+ American Builder Magazine
+ East Valley Magazine
+ Carpenter Magazine
+ Graphis Digital Photo One
Who I'd like to meet:
Artistic people, photographers, artists, writers, models, designers, film makers, and anyone interested in art. I will add anyone who would like to be my friend.
I'm always in need of good photo assistants. If you are a makeup artist or hair stylist and you are looking to add images to your book contact me.
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My Interests

Besides Photography I love to travel, see new places and meet new people. I'm not into going to the touristy areas I like to take the road less traveled. Did I mention I like photography. I also love the food from my travels and some places all I remember is the food. Photography is big interest of mine. I'm really into cars as you can see from some of my profile pics. As cars go I have had many opportunities to drive some really fun cars thanks to my photography. OH, I have to mention if I haven't already I like photography. I like all types of art from painting to sculpture but photography is the one that I excelled at.

I'd like to meet:


I like all types of music. I'm not partial to any one genre I just like it if it sounds good to me. Lets put it this way my iPod is full, 60 gigs is not enough.

On a side note. Their is some music I don't like and if you are one of the bands on here that feels they are the greatest thing sense the invention of the wheel. I have news for you, your NOT and because you feel this way I really don't want to hear your music.


I love movies so this list is long. I really like Sci-Fi movies even the cheesy ones, some of my favs are Blade Runner , Serenity , iRobot , Gattaca , and of course Star Wars.

A friend of mine has gotten me hooked on Asian horror films and some good ones are 3 Extremes , Premonition , Nightmare , The Eye 2 , Face , Dark Water , and Infection . I have not seen Audition yet because I have heard that it has been edited for the US market and I want to see the unedited version.

I also need to see comedies on a regular basis or I will die. OK I'm exaggerating the death thing but I do have to see comedies on a regular basis and a few that are in my DVD collection are Airplane , Bowfinger , Caddyshack , Meet The Parents , Meet The Fockers , Animal House , Vacation , The Royal Tenenbaums , Shaun of the Dead , There's Something About Mary , Zoolander , Big Trouble in Little China , Big Fish , and the list goes on...

Here are some more that I like I told you the list was long. Rear Window , The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover , Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture , Fight Club , Pi , Spun , 28 Days Later... , The Hudsucker Proxy , The Shawshank Redemption , Ferris Bueller's Day Off , The Breakfast Club , Escape From New York , WarGames , Catch Me If You Can , The Green Mile , Drugstore Cowboy , As Good as It Gets , Mad Max , The Road Warrior , The Terminator , Harold and Maude , American Graffiti , Parents , Niagara , Beautiful Creatures , The Big Picture , Blow , The Cell , Dark City , Diggstown , Easy Rider , The Goonies , How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog , Insomnia , Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, Mystery Alaska , One Hour Photo , Robots , Suzhou River , The Vanishing , Session 9 , Jaws , May , Alien , The Blair Witch Project , and their are many more...

A friend of mine told me I had to see this movie and when I watched it I wanted to get a DVD of it but when I looked it up I found out it was out of print and if I wanted a used one I could get one for $150 so I have to wait on getting this movie Two Lane Blacktop .


Television sucks these days! Lately when ever I have gotten into watching a tv show they change the days or the time when it is shown. Whats the deal with that. Anything they put on the discovery channel I will eventually see sense that is my favorite channel.


Do coffee table books count?


My parents. They have given me the most encouragement and support that anyone could ask for. My artistic abilities came from them and I'm so happy I didn't have lawyers for parents.
As for the industry goes I like Richard Avedon who I've meet, Herb Ritts, and Albert Watson.

My Blog

Renaissance Festival Shoot - NVM April/May 07 Issue

This is why I love my job. I get to shoot crazy Ideas like this one and it gets printed for the masses to see. Its the renaissance of tech. I will let the photos speak for themselves....
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:54:00 PST

Young MC Shoot - NVM April/May 07 Issue

I haven't updated my BLOG in a while but I'm still around making crazy images. Here is my newest cover story in the April/May Issue of North Valley Magazine. I got to shoot a legend in the hip hop w...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:46:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 21, 2006

12-21-06 7:00pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:47:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 20, 2006

12-20-06 4:57pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:46:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 19, 2006

12-19-06 2:43pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:44:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 18, 2006

12-18-06 5:46pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:04:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 17, 2006

12-17-06 8:01pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:03:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 16, 2006

12-16-06 3:52pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:02:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 15, 2006

12-15-06 5:20pm Racing the train.On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have ta...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:01:00 PST

Photo Project 24/365 December 14, 2006

12-14-06 6:51pm On June 1, 2006 I started a photo art project called 24/365 which can be seen in my Blog. For this project I'm going to be adding at least one new photo that I have taken every day on ...
Posted by Eric Fairchild Photography on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:00:00 PST