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watch out for this one.
MyGen Profile GeneratorPROLOGUE: the summer of 2003 the vocalist of CRASH got a phonecall from the manager of a finnish pop band called The Crash. He told Arild that Warner Music Finland had taken notice that there was a norwegian band by the same name and that "something terrible could happen". After that day Arild recieved several phone calls from the same finnish number and all he could hear was breathing, the sound of broken bones and an evil laughter.
A day in august 2004 arild got a mandate from God, in the shape of Yusuf Islam, also known as Cat Stevens, to use the name of his broken heart-anthem "The first cut is the deepest": The band was deeply honoured, and have decided to continue under that name.
Kjøp THE FIRST CUT MP3 filer her