Niroth profile picture


UKBM that isnt shit

About Me

Formed in 2001 in Letchworth, Hertfordshire, UK, Niroth were formed for one purpose: Making real Black Metal, and to try and gain a bit more respect for UKBM, the image of which has been somewhat of a joke due to the weakness of the obvious culprits.
Niroth has played shows with bands of all genres, from Electronic acts to bands such as Primordial, Enthroned and Demoncy, showing a respect for many styles but without the need to integrate them and water-down the music, instead choosing to translate influences from a vast spectrum of sources into bleak, violent Black Metal.
Among the comments made to the band after gigs are "Motherfucker, my fucking ears", "I cant hear properly any more", "Sorry I had to leave, it was too loud" and "Where's all the beer gone?" .After all, All Men Play On Ten. The band do not feel the need to adopt a typical BM 'uniform' all the time (if you cant hear that its Black Metal, you're deaf or an idiot) and make no apologies for having a sense of humour; as people - but that said, we are deadly serious about the music we make, and we are not about to become the next Lawnmower Deth just because we don't spend all day frowning and having no friends.
Niroth play local and national gigs (when possible), although gigging and recording is sporadic due to various constraints - do not be put off approaching us with gig offers, we will attempt to play wherever/whenever possible. Almost all activity is handled by the band.. If you would like to contact the band, send a message here or use the link on the main website, .
Oh, we also have more than one genre in our record collections, and at least one of us once wore something that wasn't black. After all, the way to become a great band is a one-dimensional palate of reference, having the 'right' hair and clothes (please check carefully with all peers for exactly what the latest rules are - you wouldn't want to be different would you?), and not having enough belief in your own music to spend more than 10 pence recording it.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/14/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Astrosos - Vokills
Lycaon - Acrimonious string ripping
Niflhel - Graven reverberations
Askr - Battery

Influences: Early-mid 90's BM (early In The Woods..., Ulver, Fleurety, Darkthrone, Emperor, Immortal, Enslaved, etc), Drudkh, Negura Bunget, Amesoeurs, Mortifera, some USBM (Weakling, Xasthur, Velvet Cacoon), Primordial, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and plenty more post-rock, ManOwaR, Electronica, Classical music, various intoxicants, the monotonous and ever-increasing bleakness,stupidity and apathy of the current age, altered states of reality, anti-life, psychic torment, para-physics, the manipulation of mythological archetypes, existence in 1D space, other shit.
Sounds Like: Reality collapsing. Someone screaming at you from an attack helicopter speeding over the remotest part of Greenland. Four blokes playing guitars, bass and drums fast, with screaming. A tornado blasting through and destroying your house. Proper Metal.
Record Label: Open to offers. Album released by Bad Head Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Niroth/Wodensthrone Split 7

Just released - UKBM split featuring a new track each from the northeasts Wodensthrone (face tearing pagan BM) and Niroth, " A Tribute To Our Glorious Dead", and "The Flame In My Hand", respectively.T...
Posted by Niroth on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 06:01:00 PST

Album ready - distros needed - all nations prepare!

Niroth are currently ready to negotiate distribution deals for the debut album. If you are a metal label from whichever nation, hail us to open discussion on spreading both Nirothian grimness, wh...
Posted by Niroth on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 05:22:00 PST

Distributors for album needed

The album is now ready to be put into production, we now need distro's to get in touch and let us know how many copies you 'd be interested in taking (provisionally at the moment),in order to decide h...
Posted by Niroth on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:41:00 PST

Niroth Debut album news / Looking for artwork

Hails,Niroth have put the infernal gears into motion to start work on our debut full-length (at last). The album should appear on a label so grim and underground it doesnt have a name yet (although we...
Posted by Niroth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Gigs in UK

Any metal/extreme/experimental bands in the UK who are up for doing gigs with us, get in touch. Our gigs are few and far between, due to us being lazy fucks. We will rape and kill your town, or you ca...
Posted by Niroth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New Demo - Taste the Grimmness!

One of the tracks for the new demo: ----> mp3 Demo still has no artwork or title, so not yet available, this is just a taster...
Posted by Niroth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Niroth is a 4-piece Black Metal band from Letchworth, UK, formed late 2001. We play with an emphasis on epic, technical violent black metal with a cold-as-fuck atmosphere. Releases to date are two dem...
Posted by Niroth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST