WS - Προμαχος Ελπιδας, Απολλω profile picture

WS - Προμαχος Ελπιδας, Απολλω

I am here for Friends

About Me

After several attempts to keep this profile exclusively written in Hellenic, I have learned my lesson: MySpace is openly anti-greek, because every single time the profile gets corrupted and turned into non-sense less than a couple of hours after fixing it. So, with that said, I will make an attempt to keep it written in both English and Greek and let's hope for the best.
I like simplicity, because everything that is simple is also beautiful. Complexity is needless most of the times. With this though in mind, I respect and prefer people who are pure and honest, without any hidden darker sides to them. The reason is that I have had a hidden dark side to myself for too long, and this was something that was slowly eating me away. Stay away from the darkness; humans are creatures of light.
Μου αρεσει η απλοτητα, γιατι το απλο ειναι και ομορφο. Η πολυπλοκοτητα ειναι ανουσια τις πιο πολλες φορες. Και με αυτη τη σκεψη, τονιζω οτι προτιμω ανθρωπους που ειναι αγνοι και ειλικρινεις, χωρις σκοτεινες πλευρες στον χαρακτηρα τους. Ο λογος ειναι οτι και εγω ο ιδιος για πολλα χρονια εκρυβα μια σκοτεινη πλευρα βαθεια μεσα μου, που σιγα σιγα με ετρωγε, και αυτο δεν ηταν ποτε καλο. Απομακρυνθειτε απο το σκοταδι, οι ανθρωποι ειναι πλασματα του φωτος.
I am a musician, poet and writer, but only in my imagination and in the minds of those few who appreciate my art. Some of the bands and projects I have been involved with are the following: Tomb Of..., ( voai ), Death Aura. I have also participated in various other bands such as Shadowcraft, Erevos, Leachim, Frozen Glare and Strigoi Mort.
Ειμαι μουσικος, ποιητης και συγγραφεας, αλλα μονο στη φαντασια μου και στη φαντασια αυτων που εκτιμουν την τεχνη μου. Μερικα απο τα συκγροτηματα μου ειναι τα εξης: Tomb Of..., ( voai ), Death Aura. Eχω παρει μερος σε διαφορα αλλα συγκροτηματα οπως οι Shadowcraft, Erevos, Leachim. Frozen Glare και οι Strigoi Mort.
I am a pure blooded Hellene (Greek) Macedon and my heritage is from Olympus and the Aegean Sea. I am proud of my descent, my language and the blood of my ancestors. I believe in the Spartan values of plain life and of bravery, but also to the Athenean values of justice and wisdom.
Ακομα ειμαι γνησιος Ελλην Μακεδων με καταγωγη απο τον Ολυμπο και το Αιγαιον. Ειμαι περηφανος για την καταγωγη μου, τη γλωσσα μου και το αιμα των προγονων μου. Πιστευω στις Σπαρτιατικες αξιες της λιτης ζωης και της ανδρειας, αλλα και στις Αθηναικες αξιες της δικαιοσυνης και της σοφιας.
Lately, further and further apart from heavy music, I am concetrating on various forms of printed art, including a collection of poems and a series of provocative art works through ( voai ).
Αυτο το καιρο, ολο και πιο απομακρυσμενος απο τη ροκ σκηνη, εχω αφοσιωθει στην δημιουργια διαφορων μορφων εντυπης τεχνης, μεταξυ των οποιων και μια συλλογη ποιηματων, καθως και μια σειρα κυκλοφοριων με τους ( voai ).

My Interests

Strange music, strange art, strange poetry, strange writing, darkness, light, colours, simplicity, silence. I hate heaviness or complexity...

I'd like to meet:

There are so few people worth meeting anymore. I have met everyone I wanted to meet, and I am joyous to have so. But the world is infinite, so I am always open to provocative, intelligent and wise people to teach me new things.

Υπαρχουν λιγοι ανθρωποι που αξιζει να γνωρησω πλεον. Εχω γνωρησει οσους ηθελα να γνωρησω, και ειμαι ευτιχισμενος για αυτο. Ομως ο κοσμος ειναι απειρος, και για αυτο ειμαι παντα προθυμος να γνωρησω ατομα με βαθος χαρακτηρα, νοημοσυνη και σοφια, για να μου διδαξουν νεα πραγματα...

And of course.... you... Goddess of the Rainbow...

Και φυσικα... εσενα... Θεα των χρωματων...


Ravel, Debussy, Barber, A/E (Terror X Crew), Emilie Simone, Muse, Radiohead, David Bowie, Josh Groban, Sigur Ros, Manes, Ulver, Onze H30, Eschberg, Kamelot, Anathema, Katatonia, Candlemass, AC/DC, S.U.P., Ved Buens Ende, Mare, Silencer, Veil (US), Akitsa, Northaunt, Darkthrone, Dead Can Dance, Daemonia Nymphe.


I dislike Hollywood, though I like some thrillers, some splatter or gore movies, and surprisingly enough, I also am into surrealistic or romantic movies. I take feelings over violence, and horror over bluntness; but sometimes a good horror flick is hard to come by so I have to make do with such gems as "Escape From The Island Of The S-S".

Sweet November, In The Wild, Zodiac, Saw I/III, The Blair Witch Project, The Ring, The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Groundhog Day, Hook (Peter Pan), Titanic, Catch Me If You Can, The Silence Of The Lambs, The Silence Of The Hams, Forrest Gump, The Road To Perdition.


I dislike most TV, but I love BBC documentaries, or the National Geographic documentaries (Naked Science). One of my favourite producers and writers for TV is Chris Carter (X-Files, Harsh Realm, Millenium). Also David Duchovni. Californication for example is one of the best series currently on TV. I also like the following: Prison Break, Simpsons, Friends.

?p? e??????? t??e??as?, ape??a??µa? s?ed?? ta pa?ta, µe µ??ad??e? e?a??ese?? t?? pa?a?at? se??e?: St? ?a?e ?e?te, ?????µata ?a? f?s??a t? S'a?ap?-?'a?apa? ??at? ? T?d???? ??e??d?? e??a? ?e?? ?a? ta spae? ap? t??? ??aµ??-??ta? µe??? s?µe?a!

My Blog


Posted by WS -  Á¿¼±Ç¿Â •»À¹´±Â, ‘À¿»»É½! on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:47:00 PST