Did you know that exercising your brain will keep you fit longer?
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Here's ONE WAY to get that bikini body, ladies!
And how about some every day exercises at the office?
May you find serenity and
tranquility in a world you may not always understand.
May the pain you have
known and the conflict
you have experienced
give you the strength
to walk through life
facing each new situation
with optimism and courage.
Always know that there
are those whose love and understanding will always
be there, even when you
feel most alone.
May you discover
enough goodness in others to
believe in a world of peace.
May a kind word,
a reassuring touch,
a warm smile be yours
every day of your life,
and may you give these
gifts as well as receive them.
Remember the sunshine
when the storm seems unending. Teach love
to those who know hate,
and let that love embrace you
as you go into the world.
May the teaching of those
you admire become
part of you, so that you
may call upon them.
Remember, those whose lives
you have touched and who
have touched yours
are always a part of you,
even if the encounters
were less than you
would have wished.
May you not become too
concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable
value on the goodness in your heart.
Find time in each day
to see the beauty and love
in the world around you.
Realize that each person
has limitless abilities, but
each of us is different
in our own way.
What you may feel
you lack in one regard
may be more than
compensated for in another.
What you feel you lack
in the present may
become one of your
strengths in the future.
May you see your future
as one filled with
promise and possibility.
Learn to view everything as
a worthwhile experience.
May you find enough inner
strength to determine your
own worth by yourself,
and not be dependent
on another's judgments
of your accomplishments.
"May you always feel loved."
ABOUT ME: It was the best decision of my life when I finally quit smoking at age 50. How did I do it? Well, I can assure you it wasn't easy after 32 a-pack-a-day years, but with some help 'from above' I got it taken care of.
I underwent a very relaxing one hour 'brain adjustment treatment' and paid 185 bucks to this wonderful nurse who, in her spare time, had helped so many people like me. I never craved another cigarette since. (If you'd like to know more, send me a message, and I will give you the details)
At the same time, I stopped drinking sodas and eating cafeteria food.
Not only did I feel and look better after a while, I also started walking with a friend and even became a member of a relay team that participated in the very first Little Rock marathon in 2003.
I was a new person - I could breathe again!
So here I am now, several years later, having left my corporate IT job behind me - a certified personal fitness trainer and sports nutritionist! I am on a mission to support every woman out there that needs a friend to help her turn her life around, and live a healthier life, just like I did.
In today's 'civilized' world, we face many obstacles that our grandparents and even our parents didn't have: Our foods are not natural anymore, instead they're filled with hormones and pesticides....our jobs force us to sit at a desk for hours at a time, preventing blood and oxygen in our bodies to flow as they should. Often times we just grab some junk food at a drive-thru or microwave a frozen TV dinner. When we get home, we are exhausted and barely able to get from the couch into bed. Sound familiar? Ever wondered why all of a sudden lots of people die of cancer before they even reach the age of 60 or 70? So what can we do? The answer is: Eat healthier, and be more active. Come back to my page on a regular basis, as I will add information for you on how you can turn YOUR life around either to the blog section or directly on the page. I will also present you with information that I think might be beneficial and interesting for those of you who want to lose weight and extend their lifespan. I will add information about nutrition, work-outs, how to combat stress, etc., and I will also introduce you to MySpace friends who have accomplished significant weight loss without the use of diet pills and surgery. Every day I find profiles of women who are actively working on changing their lives around. These ladies are my personal heroes.
NEW http://www.fitladiesrock.com
is now online! You can now register for your very own personal weightloss coaching program .
A quick word about effective exercising to lose weight: Interval training
As the obesity rate in the United States continues to climb, select personal trainers and fitness facilities are rising to the challenge by helping their clients achieve their weight loss goals and devour their body fat stores through interval training. The results are promising for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike.
Interval training removes many of the mental and physical barriers to weight loss. In as little as six weeks, interval training can exponentially increase your fat burning capacity without the deprivation of extreme dieting or spending hours in the gym.
Intervals take an individual back and forth through moderate to increasingly more difficult levels of exercise intensity over a period of weeks, reprogramming their bodies to utilize ever larger stores of body fat as fuel, as opposed to dietary calories alone. In fact, interval training can increase per minute caloric fat burn from as little as .06 fat calories per minute to as high as 4.8 calories per minute in just six weeks; an increase of almost 700%.
Most forms of interval training are low impact (treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes), allowing both the beginner and the advanced the ability to set attainable goals and reach them. Additionally, the average interval training session lasts only 45 minutes, including the weight training portion. Women, in particular, are surprised by the program, as well as their achievements, without the monotony and boredom so prevalent in most women's fitness programs. With interval training, the programs vary day by day, and week by week, meaning the client never has the opportunity to become bored, mentally or physically.
High Intensity Interval Training usually lasts just 20 minutes, with 8 high intensity spurs of about 30 seconds. This form of training lets the body still burn calories up to 2 days after the training occurred. In addition, the burning ratio of fat cells to glucose cells goes up to 70/30, as opposed the 50/50 ratio of low impact aerobic training.
The success rate of interval training, both low and high intensity, is higher than the average express workout for several reasons. Because the body never knows what you're going to do next, it cannot adapt, and we avoid the dreaded plateaus. In addition, we can continue to adjust and increase strength, stamina, and metabolism, where typical express workouts cannot.Though not widely available yet, interval training is a big up and coming trend in the health and fitness industry. Interval training is highly personalized, and tailored to each individual's current level of fitness and the goals they are trying to reach. The 'one-size-fits-all,' homogenized mentality of express fitness does not apply here, because interval training really gets back to the roots of personal fitness.
That's it for now, ladies. Hope to see you again soon!Deann