Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! profile picture

Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm!

The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place.

About Me

On October 14th, 2006, I set out on a journey to claim my life and health back once and for all. It is a journey that I have attempted dozens of times before and failed, but this time would prove to be different. This time, I have put my whole heart and soul into the process and made a promise that I would never let myself down again.
The decision to get healthy has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. It has not been easy by any means, but in the process, I have not only lost a substantial amount of weight, but I have learned what it means to respect myself and be proud of myself. I have discovered that it is possible to be truly happy on the inside. I am finding out things about myself that I never knew. I have found out that I actually love being active. I love eating healthy. I feel more alive than I ever have and I love waking up each day. I love trying new things that I never would have attempted before. I have climbed a rock wall, I have started taking spin classes, I am running for the first time in over 10 years, I did my first official 5k in November and now I am training for the Danskin Triathlon in August 08! This is all coming from a girl who used to be 320 pounds and could not even walk a block or two without stopping.
To anyone who is struggling with a food addiction and weight problem, I want you to know that it is possible to overcome it. It will not be easy, but I promise you it will be so worth it in the end. It does take a lot of work and dedication, but aren't you important enough to finally make the decision to take care of yourself? I know you don't want to sit on the sidelines and watch life pass you by anymore. I've been there and regret everyday I wasted. Don't let another day pass you by. Start taking control of your life right now so that you can be happy and enjoy what life has to offer you. I have done this without pills or surgery and I know you can do this too! I am here to help in anyway that I can. I want to support people through this process. Just know that the first step is always the hardest, but once you take that first step and get a taste of what losing weight and living your life really feels like, I promise, you won't want to look back.
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This is my progress so far and I will post more pics as I go ..

By the time I am done, I hope to look something like this... ..

The Camp Carter Experience-021508
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Anyone who has lost, is losing, or is about to start losing weight! The more support we have on this journey, the better!

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Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you -- you are the only one with the power to motivate you...


Recall the things that have held you back. And imagine how you now can get beyond them. Think of the problems that have frustrated you so. And imagine how you can now rise above them. Look at how far you've come. And imagine how far you can now go. Think of all that you've learned. And imagine what you can now do with that knowledge. Consider all you've done in the past year. And imagine what you'll now be able to do. You're now in a better position than ever to imagine the very best. And what you can imagine will lead to what you can be. -- Ralph Marston

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Biggest Loser


Check out My Fight with Fat


Anyone working hard on changing their lives through healthy eating and exercising.

My Blog

Oh my gosh, that felt good!!! :)

Today I gave away TWO big hefty bags full of clothes that are too big for me!  These weren't clothes from when I was 320 pounds.  These are almost all clothes that I have bought in...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:40:00 PST

Camp Carter Nashville is less than 90 days away!!!

Hey everyone!! We just passed the 90 day mark for Camp Carter Nashville!  I'm really excited to see those of you who I know are already coming!  It is going to be a lot of fun! This is a cha...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 05:21:00 PST


Today I had my measurements done and I have to say I'm pretty happy with the results.  In the last couple of months, my weight loss has been slowing down, and to be honest, even though I have bee...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 06:58:00 PST

Its just around the corner!

Thinking back on the day when I decided to jump head first into losing weight, I remember thinking "how am I going to do this???"  Somehow I knew this time would be different, and I wanted t...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

Happy Birthday Joel!!!

Wow, where did the time go??  It was exactly 22 years ago today that I was going to the hospital to anxiously wait for you to decide when it was time for you to come into this world.  36 hou...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Fri, 16 May 2008 05:17:00 PST

Camp Carter Nashville, September

Hey Y'all! Here is another chance at Camp Carter in Nashville!  There is another one, even bigger in the works and we would love to have you there!  The dates are in the blog below from Cart...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Mon, 12 May 2008 05:57:00 PST

Proof that it really isnt all about the scale

Good morning everyone!! The last couple of weigh in’s my weight has been bouncing up and down but pretty much landing in the same area - give or take 2 pounds.  Normally this would really f...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:10:00 PST


Hey guys! I’ve had so many emails in the past week or two asking what kind of foods I eat, that I thought I would just go ahead and copy and paste a couple of my daily food logs instead of email...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:13:00 PST

Dedication, determination and passion

I wanted to talk about something that has been said to me more than a time or two since I have decided to be so public about my weight loss journey.  I’ve been asked more than once ’A...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:23:00 PST

What an eye opener!

This morning after my workout, I went and got my body fat tested.  But not the regular way that most of us have had it done.  I did something called Hydrostatic Body Fat Testi...
Posted by Fitgirl in the making is taking 2008 by storm! on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:59:00 PST