puppies, killing needlessly, making out after/before killing needlessly, crying in remorse, crying in regret, crying into the beers of cowboys(yeah that was about me), making jokes about menstration, drugged out whores are good, dropin bows/pimpin hos, cajun food, having better vinyl than you, crying over broken vinyl,mangled things that catch the light just right...not liking bees....bee-ing better than you...little emo girls who want to cuddle with me and sob....dykes...yeah and drunken dykes...donkeys.. the prospects of me buying a spider monkey... not being stuck in a shitty dead end job...paying for a house i dont live in...making really nice cabins out of lincon logs...i dont like the fact that sometimes because of work and distances i dont get to spend the time that i would like too with the people that i love, i miss my family gentic and especially non... wee bree makes me happy.. monkeys have hands and so do i, am i a monkey? Who am i?
someone as good as me....but afraid of bees
RICH BOY...all you need are the fugs,VIPs,and brian setzers the knife feels like justice album....also claus gato and the 2 oclock specials rock my world ...i have better vinyl than you.... young jeezy.... shit
zombie doom, mad max, ,fubar, ,also eat my dust starring ron howard, mr christmas is hardcore....just ask and i can rant for hours.......but don't ask if you have terrible taste
the adventures of topper.... TV sucks....except for being bobby brown....
hst, any nonfiction whose content was proven grossly incorect well before i was born, hal lindsey,
santa, bobby brown, mom, top gun