is the link to my flickr account. enjoy.
Friendly Advice to a Lot of Young Men: Go to Tibet. Ride a camel. Read the bible. Dye your shoes blue. Grow a beard. Circle the world in a paper canoe. Subscribe to the Saturday Evening Post. Chew on the left side of your mouth only. Marry a woman with one leg and shave with a straight razor. And carve your name in her arm. Brush your teeth with gasoline. Sleep all day and climb trees at night. Be a monk and drink buckshot and beer. Hold your head under water and play the violin. Do a belly dance before pink candles. Kill your dog. Run for Mayor. Live in barrel. Break your head with a hatchet. Plant tulips in the rain. But don't write poetry.
old blues (robert johnson, son house, muddy waters, ella fitzgerald, billie holliday) old rock (johnny thunders, etc) old folk, old folks singing, i like lo-fi, urgent sounding things: daniel johnston, early mountain goats, early modest mouse, early music, music early in the morning, music i can mourn to in the wee hours of sunlight, etc. i like journey, and rush, and supertramp. the zombies were cool. i like old gospel blues. i'm the same as everyone else, i think.
pootie tang.
Sam: What am I going to say to Cindy? Bill: Don’t say anything — be dominant. It’s all, all about dominance. I saw this monkey show on PBS. If you talk to her first it’s a sign of weakness and she will not pick you to be her mate. Sam: Are you drunk? Bill: I think so, yes I am. Sam: Aw man, go into my room, lock the door and don’t drink anymore. Bill: That’s very dominant.
lorrie moore, mark twain, dave eggers, george orwell, chuck paliunuhk, ayn rand, charles bukowski, tom robbins, haruki murakami, isaac asimov, milan kundera, david sedaris, ray bradburry, faulkner, j.d. salinger, john henry toole (RIP fo sho my nigs)