Larry Tyler Frog Prince profile picture

Larry Tyler Frog Prince

I am here for Friends

About Me

I can shave a poodle in the dark.p { background-image: url(C:..Documents and Settings..Administrator..My Documents..My space..Scott's Funeral 012); }

My Interests

Apathy, Bacon, Crayons, Defecation, Exfoliation, Facism, Genocide, Hermiting, Irrigation, Juices, Komodo Dragons... Actually I hate everything.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people with goals and ambition, people who dedicate their lives to serving the dark lord.


I like the kind that starts of with the very suave intros, the ones that begin with fuzziness and slowly gain a clairity leading you to believe that your really going to like this because its building in a way that can only lead to greatness, and then all of a sudden the bass guitar comes in and maybe a flute but they are both out of tune or at least poorly miked and just seem to be intrusive and repetitive and there is nothing worse in music than repitition because it throws that sense of rythmn at you and it like hits you in the eye and you dont know if the warm liquid flowing down your face is blood or tears, but then out of no where you hear all sorts of like straws going in and out of plastic lids, and then confussion sets in with an oboe and you don't no what to think so your head starts hurting and that makes your eye hurt more, and just when your completely ready to skip the fucking track the lyrics come in a screeching, and curiousity gets the best of you so you decide to give it another few seconds or at least as long as the lyrics are incisive or maybe ammusing or perhaps just destracting, and right when the message is about to be delivered or so you think the chorus sets in, a magical set of off beat guttural noises like "flark" and "Coon Paste" and the such, and these noises just overlay on top of the music (or lack there of) in a chaotic frenzy of disdain, and then the cd starts skipping.


I like movies with a lot of ambient lighting, or ones with robots that kill all sorts of people with crackerjack ease.


Television is the only window into the world, you guys. Forget fucking outside. God put me here to be watching soccer on 19", biotches. And you all better recognize. Or Else. Nature Program Junkies Unite!


Yeah, I can reed.


There are all sorts of great figures in history that have inspired me, people who with their art or ideas left me reason to smile or play the harpsichord. But no one has ever saved me. No single person will don armour for me, ride up on some stallion, and let me let down my hair for them. No one ever jumps in front of traffic to push me out of the way. Every time I need a person to take a bullet for me, he/she is off in some fairy tale or movie. And don't get me started on what happens when I need a sword or a strong arm. Every time I think of heroes I just feel motherfuckin left out.