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Sassy Kinkle

Self-employed Insane

About Me

I'm a web designer in the making, currently studying multimedia applications development at the University of Burgundy, mainly located in Dijon, aka Mustardville for most people who've never stopped by the actually quite sparkling, frenetic and pleasant place the town is.
Quite an attractive somewhere about two hours far from the mothering countryside where the student you're reading grew up, and who temporarily quit antique manors infantile haunting for the sophistication of blank block covetousness and investment, yet soon leaving it for some house surrounded by far more green than grey - which also had its very own conveniences and malicious sources of repulsion.
All these versatile refuges still sitting in a nation of macabre murdering era back in the early 1990s, or a pretty dark ironic tale of a mayor and notables guilty of James Ellroy intrigues friendly habits and lifestyles.
Therefore questionning the apparent lacklustre, and contemplating seemingly everlasting reclusion in her beloved little home, albeit most probably subject to change by next summer as been considering attending a third studying year in Ireland.
Consistently involved for now in my two-year post-degree course, named communication services and networks.
As much as I may feel hardly ever doubted of interest and creative fervor as far as the ICT go, my dearest and predominant deal of curiosity remains fiercely music related, which I assume accounts for my ultimate professional ideal being working for a label or any band supporting / management structure.
I also have plenty of so-called theories, made of sterile personal considerations gathering for the most part, regarding (notably) my perception of the potential I tend to think the web holds (or struggles to keep holding), but if these ever happen to surface, all egocentric anti truly thoughtful rants will be relegated to the overly self celebration oriented section of this named blog.
For all things, well, other, refer to the detailed interests, personal influences, icons, etc column to your left.

My Interests

Arts & crafts.
Literature disciple.
A little delicateness.
So-called junk.
Phenomenons & eras.
And computing.


And many, many more, but enumerating all the artists and bands I listen to would be giving birth to way too much of a long list, so either ask, have a look at my local friends, or read an hypothetical blog dealing with dissident symphonies makers...

Been particularly enjoying and listening to these over the past few months :

Jill Tracy Diabolical Streak

Audra Going To The Theatre

Battle Of Mice A Day Of Nights
