Catonium has over the years shapeshifted several times, exploring new territory whilst forging old sounds with new technolgy. A symbiosis of atmosphere and rage, earthlike rumblings at the heart of abandoned machine parks - this project is in a constant state of evolution.
In the beginning it was a cavalcade of demented sounds, forged at night in an underground bunker. The outfit at that time had little structure, but showed promise of what was later to come. After going through a myriad of transitions, the Catonium of today slowly but surely found its current form.
Catonium is a project from the north of Sweden. The music incorporates a wide range of styles, from neoclassical to industrial, with some darkwave planted in the middle. Machine music in its most experimental form. The band is currently working on the soundtrack for the upcoming sci-fi/gothic horror/thriller 'Rip Cage'.