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Date: Dec 19, 2007 7:00 PM
Love Loves Love
444 Reiki Master Teacher
Date: Dec 19, 2007 8:54 AM
ART OF LIVINGACTING FOR LIFEAGAPELIVEKRIYAQ&AIZ! The Color of LoveFor some folks the color of love is Red ... fiery and hot, For others the color is Blue ... placid and calm, For some it's Yellow... caring but cautious, For others it's Orange ... rich and fruitful, For some the color is Lavender... gentle and kind, For others it's Purple... sacrificing and giving, For some it's Green ... with its go, go, go, For others the color is White ... pure and undefiled. But for me the color is Rainbow ... Red and Blue, Yellow and Orange, Lavender and Purple, Green and White. The Rainbow painted by God is a symbol of forever-love, And as long as there is sunshine and rain there will always be Rainbows, And as long as there are Rainbows there will always be forever-love for you.Forget-Me-NotYou walked into my life unexpectedly. You smiled a gentle smile, spoke a kind word, and placed some flowers in my hand– an orchid and forget-me-nots. And then you left. The flowers have long since faded but the fragrance of your presence never will. So be assured of this– I will forget you not!~FriendshipWhether by strange coincidence or divine guidance in the course of our life we cross paths with many people.Some move towards us, others move away. Some we choose to remember, others to forget.But with a special few we seem to have no choice, for each has made an impact on the other, and their memory will live on forever.These people we call friends. You, to me, are such a one.~DO RESEARCH

Its just us out here boyz and girlz, the future is wide open, it is from what you know that you will create your future, a new look on life may be just what you need...ITS YOUR CHOICE....why not choose the best possible choice....make your choice and live your dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've Learned ... that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.I've learned ... that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.I've Learned ... that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.I've learned ... that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.I've learned ... that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.I've learned ... that it's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.I've learned ... that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better know something.I've learned ... that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do but to the best you can do.I've learned ... that it's not what happens to people that's important. It's what they do about it.I've learned ... that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.NEWS SOURCE
I've learned ... that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides.I've learned ... that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.I've learned ... that it's a lot easier to react than it is to think.I've learned ... that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.I've learned ... that you can keep going long after you think you can't.I've learned ... that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.I've learned ... that either you control your attitude or it controls you.I've learned ... that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.I've learned ... that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.I've learned ... that learning to forgive takes practice.I've learned ... that there are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it.I've learned ... that money is a lousy way of keeping score.I've learned ... that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.OXYGEN WATER
I've learned ... that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up.I've learned ... that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.I've learned ... that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.I've learned ... that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.I've learned ... that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.I've learned ... that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.I've learned ... that your family won't always be there for you. It may seem funny, but people you aren't related to can take care of you and love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren't biological.I've learned ... that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.DETOX CLEANSE
I've learned ... that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.I've learned ... that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.I've learned ... that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.I've learned ... that sometimes when my friends fight, I'm forced to choose sides even when I don't want to.I've learned ... that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.I've learned ... that sometimes you have to put the individual ahead of their actions.I've learned ... that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.I've learned ... that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.I've learned ... that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.I've learned ... that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will hurt in the process.I've learned ... that there are many ways of falling and staying in love.CULTURED VEG
I've learned ... that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves get farther in life.I've learned ... that no matter how many friends you have, if you are their pillar you will feel lonely and lost at the times you need them most.I've learned ... that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.I've learned ... that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.I've learned ... that writing, as well as talking, can ease emotional pains.I've learned ... that the paradigm we live in is not all that is offered to us.I've learned ... that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.I've learned ... that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon.I've learned ... that although the word "love" can have many different meanings, it loses value when overly used.I've learned ... that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe.~“Reason is like an officer when the king appears. The officer then loses his power and hides himself. Reason is the shadow cast by God; God is the sun.”$IGN U P NOWLOVELY TEACO-OPSECRET?!
Free Countdown Clocks at ..Come to the edge, He said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, He said. They came. He pushed them, And they flew... Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious data base outwieghs the conscious on an order exceeding ten million to one. This data base is the source of my hidden, natural genius. In other words, a part of me is much smarter than i am. I regularly consult that smarter part.
I AM Blessed by your presence here in the Ether of my conciousness, People of the Earth Here and Now, You are my Brother or Sister, And I Belong To You.!I will become an art of living teacher, I will make movies and star in them, and write some, they will be for the benefit of all living creatures and will broadcast not only in this world but through all dimentions and in all worlds I will be know as a light worker and alcemist of the greatest talent and love... my company will revolutionize this world and others till the universal currency is love love love, I will go to sedona and make a film about spirit and truth, an ailien will come and intervue and share a tour of the ship and give me full copyright rights and I will fund my creation of houses of love and kindness, open to all with daily Art of living kria morning and afternoon with all production of spirit food for the masses.... I will not have to work for anything as my spirit grows young and having fun sharing all I have learned with the world....Guruji and I will work closlly together to build new schools for the new creed of children who will welcome us with open arms and I will be imersed in my lifes work and passion till the world knows me as the power house that I truly am, the dark has served us well and now we can enjoy the light to the fullest, on this 26,000year birthday You will all know the love that I have for you, the love that I have kept dormant in my heart all these years...I will give selflessly for the rest of my days, because YOU ARE ME and I AM YOU, as the veil is lifted you will see that I have given you the truth all these years, I am not just scott! I am the love and intelegence of the world....and I am ready to party with the devine in you.....I see smiles on everyones face in the world and a glow coming from them, I see dancing on the streets and in the beaches, you will find all the people who used to spend all there time working indoors.. I see angels in the skys and in your eyes...I love you"It's in every one of us, we are wise.Find your heart, open up both your eyes.We can all know everything,Without ever knowing how.It's in every one of us, here and now.It's in every one of us, I just remembered;It's like I've been sleeping for years.I'm not awake as I could be,But my seeing's better;I can see through the tears.And I've been realizing that,I bought this ticket.But I'm only seeing half of the show.And there's scenery and lights,And a cast of thousands,Who all know, what we know,And it's good, that it's so...It's in every one of us, we are free.Find yourself, open your eyes and see.We can all know everything,Without ever knowing how.It's in every one of us here and now.*************All I ask of youIs forever to remember meAs loving you.******************************I know about as much as the next person about the details about Assention and 2012~but its all true, It all accured and happened or to me in a very personal and psychic way which then sent me out looking for more people who had had the same expiriences, the same thing is happening to light-workers all over the planet!!~ the consensus of the psychic comunity/genius comunity~ is that 2012 IS the REAL 2000~"end of the(world)computer age'' and the beggining of the 'Golden age", where Now!!! We create our OWN reality (and can't be efected by stuff we dont look at, its protection, Now God has our Back)~any way you look at it the result will be celebration, THIS IS A CELEBRATION!!!!!!!....CELEBRATE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!"So, when you say you are neither "here nor there", indeed you are right. You are not in the old energy and you are not yet fully in the new energy. You are moving and evolving and slowly you are becoming what you have chosen from your own DNA library. You are becoming a human/fairy hybrid…which is another form of human angel. Now, what do we mean? Well, you asked us what your connection to the faerie realm was, and so we will answer. In the "old energy" we would have said that you have a close connection with the faerie realm, and indeed some of your guides are faeries. Well, as you might know, when people move into transition, their guides "leave", and they feel alone. Where do they go? Well, they go within. They are "enfolded" within you. You see, you have become One with your higher self and you have embodied your Divine Essence, but you are still human. But, enfolded within you is the marvelous library of possibility called the DNA. Within the DNA is the "history" of all the species that have ever lived on Planet Earth. So, within you is the Faerie realm, and you can call forth this potential within you. You create yourself as a Faerie/Human by "activating" that potential in your DNA! How is this done? Simply with intention. You can go to your inner library and call forth these beings within you and they will work with you in your chosen task of creating gardens for the planet. And so they become your guides…your inner voice…and you become them…a Faerie/Human hybrid. Of course, it depends on your ancestry and genetics as to which DNA patterns will call you more strongly, because you can draw on almost anything you choose. That is the "miracle" of self-creation with Spirit in the new energy. You will discover, as you work with this sacred energy, that miracles will emerge as you bond with your "faerie" self. Flowers will spring us where you walk, literally. You will see the return of the magic of the relationship between nature and those who care for her, for you will see it within yourself and within your own life."“Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness.”“All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there.”“Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absent-minded. Someone sober will worry about events going badly. Let the lover be.”“Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”“The way you make love is the way God will be with you.”“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?“Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”Only from the heart Can you touch the sky.” “Oh soul, you worry too much. You have seen your own strength. You have seen your own beauty. You have seen your golden wings. Of anything less, why do you worry? You are in truth the soul, of the soul, of the soul.”“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”Only from the heart Can you touch the sky.”“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence.”“Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest to him.”“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life? If you want hits on your videos, the top ten searches of all time, good luch internet friend, the more good you do the more blessings your life will hold;')

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Which Tarot Card Are You?

You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins the journey into the unknown. To do this, he does not regard the world he knows as firm and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In order to explore and expand, one must disregard convention and conformity. Those in the throes of convention look at the unconventional, non-conformist personality and think What a fool. They lack the point of view to understand The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in tradition as one who is closest to the spirit world. In many tribal cultures, those born with strange and unusual character traits were held in awe. Shamans were people who could see visions and go on journeys that we now label hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with physical differences had experience and knowledge that the average person could not understand. The Fool is God. The number of the card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect circle. This circle represents both emptiness and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by mountains and valleys or by his physical body. He does not accept the appearance of cliff and air as being distinct or real.

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This is Your Moment. Impeach Bush NOW! Sign the Petition.

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You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered. . . .Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water?Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for your leader.Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.The time of the one wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word 'struggle' from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.We are the ones we've been waiting for.In these times, our experience of the external world is filled with fear, anxiety and anger. Yet within this state of conflict, we can investigate the mental states that give rise to the experience, forming the basis on which to transform our experiences. Meditation and Concious Breath will present useful strategies for freeing ourselves from fear, anger and resentment, as well as for learning to live with greater tolerance, love and forgiveness.

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Soldier Girls (1981) Tatooed Tears (1982) Chicken Ranch (1983) Lily Tomlin (1986) Driving me Crazy (1988) Diamond Skulls (1989) The Leader, His Driver and the Driver's Wife (1991) Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer (1992) Monster in a Box (1992) Tracking Down Maggie (1994) Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam (1995) Fetishes (1996) Kurt and Courtney (1998) Biggie & Tupac (2002) Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003) His Big White Self (2006) Ghosts (2007),ROBERT FLAHERTY:
Nanook of the North (1922) Moana 1926) Man of Aran (1934) Elephant Boy (1937) The Land (1942) Louisiana Story (1948)EARL MORRIS:
(Gates of Heaven/The Thin Blue Line/A Brief History of Time/Vernon/Mr. Death,ROBERT GREENWALD:
Fox Attacks: Obama (2007)) (director/producer) Fox Attacks: Black America (2007)) (director/producer) The Real McCain (2007)) (director/producer) Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006) (director/producer) The Big Buy: Tom Delay's Stolen Congress (2006) (producer) Stop The Falsiness (2006) (executive producer) Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005) (director/producer) Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004) (director/producer) Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties (2004) (executive producer) Uncovered: The War on Iraq (2004) (director/producer) Unprecedented: the 2000 Presidential Election (2002) (executive producer) Steal This Movie (2000) (director) Xanadu (1980) (director),BRUCE BROWN:
His surf films were Slippery When Wet (1958), Surf Crazy (1959), Barefoot Adventure (1960), Surfing Hollow Days (1961), Waterlogged (1962), and his most well known film, The Endless Summer (1964) which received a nationwide theatrical release in 1966. Considered among the most influential in the genre, The Endless Summer follows surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August around the world. Thirty years later Brown would film The Endless Summer II with his son in 1994. He has also made a number of short films including The Wet Set, featuring the Hobie-MacGregor Sportswear Surf Team and one of the earliest skateboarding films, America's Newest Sport, presenting the Hobie Super Surfer Skateboard Team. These short films along with some unused footage from The Endless Summer were included in the DVD Surfin' Shorts, as part of the Golden Years of Surf collection. Brown has gone beyond surfing a few times with the ski film, The Incredible Pair of Skis (1967), a film about motorcycle sport, On Any Sunday (1971) which is held in high regard as one of the best motorcycle documentary of all time, and a documentary about extreme sports, The Edge (1975).,MICHAEL MOORE:
Roger & Me (1989) Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint (1992) (TV) Canadian Bacon (1995) The Big One (1997) And Justice for All (1998) Lucky Numbers (2000) Bowling for Columbine (2002) Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) "Palme d'Or" in Cannes Sicko (June 29 2007)List of TV seriese: TV Nation (1994) The Awful Truth (1999) Michael Moore Live (1999) ,ROSS MCELWEE:
Bright Leaves (2003) Six O'Clock News (1997) Time Indefinite (1993) Past Imperfect (1991) (TV) Something to Do with the Wall (1991) Sherman's March (1986) Backyard (1984) Resident Exile (1981) Charleen (1980) Space Coast (1979) 68 Albany Street (1976) 20,000 Missing Persons (1974),ALBERT MAYSLES/BROTHERS:
Salesman (1968) (with Charlotte Zwerin) Journey to Jerusalem (1968) Gimme Shelter (1970, with Charlotte Zwerin) Christo's Valley Curtain (1974, with Ellen Hovde) Grey Gardens (1976, with Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer, Susan Froemke) The Burks of Georgia (1976, with Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer) Running Fence (1978, with Charlotte Zwerin) Christo in Paris (1990, with Deborah Dickson and Susan Froemke)Film
Hard Eight (also known as Sydney) (1996) Boogie Nights (1997) Magnolia (1999) Punch-Drunk Love (2002) There Will Be Blood (2007)"Here We Go" by Jon Brion "Paper Bag" by Fiona Apple "Limp" by Fiona Apple "Fast as You Can" by Fiona Apple "Save Me" by Aimee Mann "Across the Universe" by Fiona Apple "Try" by Michael Penn,STANLEY KUBRICK:
Fear and Desire (1953) Killer's Kiss (1955) The Killing (1956) Paths of Glory (1957) Spartacus (1960) Lolita (1962) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) A Clockwork Orange (1971) Barry Lyndon (1975) The Shining (1980) Full Metal Jacket (1987) Eyes Wide Shut (1999)DAVID LYNCH:
Eraserhead (1977) The Elephant Man (1980)- nominated Best Director Dune (1984) Blue Velvet (1986) The Cowboy and the Frenchman (Short film) (1988) Twin Peaks (TV series) (1990-91) Wild at Heart (1990) Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted (Short film) (1990) American Chronicles (documentary television series) (1990) On the Air (TV series) (1992) Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) Hotel Room (TV mini-series) (1993) Lumière:Premonitions Following an Evil Deed (Short film) (1996) Lost Highway (1997) The Straight Story (1999) Mulholland Drive (2001)RICHARD LINKLETER:
Slacker (1991) Heads I Win/Tails You Lose (1991) Dazed and Confused (1993) Before Sunrise (1995) subUrbia (1996) The Newton Boys (1998) Waking Life (2001) Tape (2001) School of Rock (2003) Before Sunset (2004) Bad News Bears (2005) A Scanner Darkly (2006) Fast Food Nation (2006)SPIKE JONZE:
Being John Malkovich (director) (1999) Three Kings (actor) (1999) Torrance Rises (actor, director, choreographer) (1999) Human Nature (producer) (2001) Adaptation. (director) (2002) Jackass: The Movie (producer, featured) (2002) Jackass: Number Two (producer, featured) (2006) Where the Wild Things Are (director) (2008),HARMONY KORINE:
Kids/Gummo/julien Donkey-boy/ken park/above the Below,JOHN CARPENTER:
Dark Star • Assault on Precinct 13 • Halloween • The Fog • Escape from New York • John Carpenter's The Thing • Christine • Starman • Big Trouble in Little China • Prince of Darkness • They Live • Memoirs of an Invisible Man • In the Mouth of Madness • John Carpenter's Village of the Damned • Escape from L.A. • Vampires • Ghosts of Mars,OLIVER STONE:
Conan the Barbarian (screenwriter) (1982) Scarface (screenwriter) (1983) Year of the Dragon (screenwriter) (1985) 8 Million Ways to Die (screenwriter) (1986) Salvador (1986) Platoon (1986) Wall Street (1987) Talk Radio (1988) Born on the Fourth of July (1989) The Doors (1991) JFK (1991) Heaven & Earth (1993) Natural Born Killers (1994) Nixon (1995) Freeway (screenwriter) (1996) U-Turn (1997) Any Given Sunday (1999) Persona Non Grata (2003) Comandante (2003) Alexander (2004) Looking for Fidel (2004) World Trade Center (2006),ROMAN POLANSKI:
Rosemary's Baby (1968) Chinatown (1974) Bitter Moon (1992) Death and the Maiden (1994) The Ninth Gate (1999) The Pianist (2002) Oliver Twist (2005) To each his cinema (2007) Pompeii (2008) ,TERRY GILLIAM:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) (co-directed with Terry Jones) Time Bandits (1981) The Crimson Permanent Assurance (1983) (a short supporting feature that accompanied Monty Python's The Meaning of Life) Brazil (1985) The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988) The Fisher King (1991) Twelve Monkeys (1995) (inspired by Chris Marker's La Jetée). Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) The Brothers Grimm (2005) Tideland (2005),ROBERT RODREGUES:
Grindhouse (2007) (segment "Planet Terror") (fake trailer segment "Machete") ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) Sin City (2005) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Ten Minute Film School: Big Movies Made Cheap (2004) (V) Inside Troublemaker Studios (2004) (V) Ten Minute Cooking School: Puerco Pibil (2004) (V) Ten Minute Flick School: Fast, Cheap and in Control (2004) (V) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Del Castillo: Live (2003) (V) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) The Faculty (1998) 10 Minute Film School (1998) (V) 10 More Minutes... Anatomy of a Shootout (1998) (V) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Four Rooms (1995) (segment "The Misbehavers") Desperado (1995)SPIKE LEE:
Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads (1983) (thesis film at NYU's Tisch School) She's Gotta Have It (1986) (also acted) School Daze (1988) (also acted) Do the Right Thing (1989) (also acted) Mo' Better Blues (1990) (also acted) Jungle Fever (1991) (also acted) Malcolm X (1992) (also acted) Crooklyn (1994) (also acted) Clockers (1995) (also acted) Girl 6 (1996) (also acted) Get on the Bus (1996) 4 Little Girls (1997) He Got Game (1998) Summer of Sam (1999) (also acted) The Original Kings of Comedy (2000) Bamboozled (2000) Love and Basketball (2000) 25th Hour (2002) Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (2002) (segment "We Wuz Robbed") She Hate Me (2004) All the Invisible Children (2006) (segment ("Jesus Children of America") Inside Man (2006) L.A. Riots (film) (2007) Inside Man 2 (2008) Untitled James Brown Biopic (2008)TIM BURTON:
Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985) Beetlejuice (1988) Batman (1989) Edward Scissorhands (1990) Batman Returns (1992) Ed Wood (1994) Mars Attacks! (1996) Sleepy Hollow (1999) Planet of the Apes (2001) Big Fish (2003) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Corpse Bride (2005) Sweeney Todd (expected in late 2007) Believe It or Not (2009),DAVID LEAN:
IGreat Expectations (1946) Oliver Twist (1948) The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Doctor Zhivago (1965) Ryan's Daughter (1970) A Passage to India (1984)FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA:
The Godfather (1972, director & writer) American Graffiti (1973, producer) The Conversation (1974, director, writer & produder) The Godfather, Part II (1974, director, writer & producer) Apocalypse Now (1979, director, writer & producer) The Black Stallion (1979, executive producer) Kagemusha (1980, executive producer) One from the Heart (1982, director & writer) Koyaanisqatsi (1982, executive producer) The Outsiders (1983, director) The Black Stallion Returns (1983, executive producer) Rumble Fish (1983, director, writer & producer) The Cotton Club (1984, director & writer) Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985, executive producer) Captain Eo (1986, director) Peggy Sue Got Married (1986, director) Lionheart (1987, executive producer) Gardens of Stone (1987, director & producer) Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988, director) Powaqqatsi (1988, executive producer) The Godfather: Part III (1990, director, writer & producer) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992, director & producer) The Secret Garden (1993, executive producer) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994, executive producer) My Family, Mi Familia (1995, executive producer) Jack (1996, director & producer) The Rainmaker (1997, director & writer) Sleepy Hollow (1999, executive producer) The Virgin Suicides (1999, executive producer),MARTIN SCORSESE:
Mean Streets 1974: Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore 1976: Taxi Driver 1977: New York, New York 1980: Raging Bull 1983: The King of Comedy 1985: After Hours 1986: The Color of Money 1988: The Last Temptation of Christ 1990: Goodfellas 1991: Cape Fear 1993: The Age of Innocence 1995: Casino 1997: Kundun 1999: Bringing Out the Dead 2002: Gangs of New York 2004: The Aviator 2006: The Departed 2008: Silence 2010/12: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt 2010/12: The Last Duel TBA: The Invention of Hugo Cabret TBA: The Long Play TBA: Untitled Sequel To The Departed TBA: Dino,DAVID SPIELDBERG:
Duel (1971) • The Sugarland Express (1974) • Jaws (1975) • Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) • 1941 (1979) • Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) • E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) • The Color Purple (1985) • Empire of the Sun (1987) • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) • Always (1989) • Hook (1991) • Jurassic Park (1993) • Schindler's List (1993) • The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) • Amistad (1997) • Saving Private Ryan (1998) • Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) • Minority Report (2002) • Catch Me if You Can (2002) • The Terminal (2004) • War of the Worlds (2005) • Munich (2005) • Indiana Jones 4 (2008) • Lincoln (2008) • Interstellar (2008),ANG LEE:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) • Hulk (2003) • Brokeback Mountain (2005) • Lust, Caution (2007),


Two Great Readings: Michelle Karen (Astrologer) & Jac Harris (Channeler)ASTROLOGERCHANNELING

Let go of your worriesand be completely clear-hearted,like the face of a mirrorthat contains no images.If you want a clear mirror,behold yourselfand see the shameless truth,which the mirror reflects.If metal can be polishedto a mirror-like finish,what polishing might the mirrorof the heart require?Between the mirror and the heartis this single difference:the heart conceals secrets,while the mirror does not.~Rumi~ Universal Laws * 1. The Law of Divine Oneness: The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us. * 2. The Law of Vibration: This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. * 3. The Law of Action: The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words. * 4. The Law of Correspondence: This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below.” * 5. The Law of Cause and Effect: This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.” * 6. The Law of Compensation: This Universal Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings. * 7. The Law of Attraction: This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies. * 8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. * 9. The Law of Relativity: This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative. * 10. The Law of Polarity: This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations. * 11. The Law of Rhythm: This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness. * 12. The Law of Gender: This Universal Law states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God. *'Is enlightenment really possible for the average person? Yes. Big Yes. Enlightenment is very possible for the ordinary individual. Actually it is easier than for some one who thinks that they are special ....whenever someone is ordinary, simple, innocent and natural, that is enlightenment''THE day you feel hopeless, horrible, and worse, on that day get out of your room and ask people, What can I do you for you ? that service you have done that day will bring a revolution inside you. It will change your whole gramophone record.''LOVE is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us.''THE more we open ourselves, the more room we will have for God to fill us''A PRAYER Give me not thirst if you cannot give me water. Give me not hunger if you cannot give me food. Give me not joy if I cannot share. Give me not the skills if I cannot put them to good use.''IN science you have knowledge first, and then FAITH follows. In spirituality, faith comes first, and then Knowledge follows. For example, the knowledge that pesticides and chemical fertilizers are good for plants came through science, and people had faith in it, and all over the world they were used. And then another knowledge came that they were not good and the faith shifted to organic farming. The same with antibiotics. The knowledge brought faith, the knowledge changed, and then faith changed.''ENLIGHTENMENT is the very core of our being; going into the core of our self and living our life from there. We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but gradually, as we became more intelligent, we lost our innocence. We were born with silence, and as we grew up, we lost the silence and were filled with words. We lived in our hearts, and as time passed, we moved into our heads. Now the reversal of this journey is enlightenment.'' IT is the journey from head back to the heart, from words, back to silence; getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence. Although very simple, this is a great achievement. Knowledge should lead you to that beautiful point of "I don't know." The purpose of knowledge is ignorance. The completion of knowledge will lead you to amazement and wonder. It makes you aware of this existence. Mysteries are to be lived, not understood. One can live life so fully in its completeness, in its totality.'' ENLIGHTENMENT is that state of being so mature and unshakable by any circumstance. Come what may, nothing can rob the smile from your heart. Not identifying with limited boundaries and feeling "all that exists in this universe belongs to me," this is enlightenment.''OUR breath plays a very important role. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the outer world of body and environment. You see, there are seven levels of existence, body, mind, intellect, memory, ego and being. Meditation works by bringing an effort from the level of being to the mind. With the breath we bring this effect to the physical level as well.''LET it be. If the ego is there, just embrace it, take it.''FEAR is egocentric. Worship is the only way to let go of the fear. In worship you say, "It's all you, and you, and you.''OUR ego wants to do something that is very difficult. The ego is not ready to accept something simple, something natural, something that is easily available. The nature of the ego is to do difficult things, not simple ones''THE Divine is not an object of the ego. It doesn't demand from you something that is impossible for you. You don't have to do something that you cannot do. No need for that at all.''WHEN the ego dissolves, all discomforts go away with the ego. Discomfort is not because of "something;" it is because of ego -- a separated-ness.''THE direction of life is towards one thing: that is love. You be prosperous and have no love, that prosperity has no value. You are on spiritual path but you don't experience, then that spiritual path is no path, it is very dry: it's all up here.''THE secret is hidden somewhere very deep, and that is what we can call the Divine Love -- that love which is so total, which is so complete, and which is so fulfilling.''LOVE, the Divine Love, everyone is looking for such a love that never dies. As time goes it seems to be dying out. You see? Love dies out as time goes. But we are looking for some love that stands the time -- the old, ancient, strong, powerful Love.''WHEN we express love too much, then also it disappears, dies out. It's like when you keep the seed on the surface of the soil, not a little deep inside, it doesn't grow.''THE purpose of every practice -- spiritual practice, meditation, breathing techniques, and kriya, all this -- is to uncover something that blocks the expression of Divine Love.'Jai Gurudev, The folowing Sutras, Compliments of:R.PraveenjiDesire for HappinessYour desire for pleasure or happiness makes you unhappy. You examine---whenever you are miserable or unhappy, behind that is your wanting to be happy.Become FreeBefore this earth eats you up, become free---free from this feverishness that is gripping your mind, free from this craving for happiness.Unlimited JoyYour mind is not reasy for limitations. It wants unlimited joy, unlimited pleasure---which the five sense cannot give you.Love Doesn't StayEveryone loves in this world.Everything loves. But that love does n't stay too long as love. It immediately becomes hatred, almost immediately. But yoga is that skill, that preservative, that maintains that love as love throughout.Wrapping PaperMind is that cover that is holding the Divine, the Divinity within us. Once that wrapping paper is unwrapped, you find, "Oh, this beautiful gift is here within us!" You know, it's like everyone is given a Christmas package, a beautiful package, and they live with the beautiful without even opening it.Eliminate the CauseEliminate the cause, the very root of negativity in us. Instead of rubbing the mind with a positive thought, go deep into yourself through the breath, through meditation, and cleaning the system.BelongingYou can't cultivate the "sense of belonging". You drop the stresses and fear---it comes in. You already belong to this entire existence. You 're not separate.Mind is a FieldMind is not just in one location. Mind is a field, like an electric field. Like an electromagnetic field, it's present all over.Garbage CollectorsA master doesn't need any favor from you. He just could take all that anguish and garbage which you cannot lift by yourself, free you from that. All enlightened masters on this planet are garbage collectors. They do nothing other than collect the garbage.SufferingSuffering is a product of limited knowledge.You Think You KnowYou think you know the world and "This is it". That is the biggest problem. This is not just one world; there are many layers in this world.Only YouOne one lever there are individuals everybody is different---they 're young, old, intelligent, wise, dull and all types. One one level we have different types, but on a deeper level there is only you. Only you, nothing else.LongingWhen you give a space, the longing in you increases, whether it is for your spouse,or for God, or for Guru---whatever. And when there is longing, your love becomes really strong,powerful,unshakeable.Partial KnowledgeShadows appear very big, much bigger than you, but they have no existence. Smaller the light, bigger the shadow appears. If it is total darkness, then also there is no shadow. So partial knowledge,a partial light,partial vision,brings the shadow. And it makes the shadow appear very huge, very big. But know it is just a shadow.ForgivenessForgiveness shield and protects your mind, your spirit, from being violent.Just Happening - SurrenderYou are a happening in this ocean of consciousness. Your heart beats by itself; you're not making it beat. Your breath moves by itself, sleep comes, you feel hunger, you feel thirsty, you feel good, you feel bad. All these phenomenon are happening in your life. When this realization comes, a deep relaxation, a trust, a feeling of "at home" and fullness arises in you. That is surrender.Nothing to loseWhat are you afraid of ? What do you think you will lose ? Just wake up and see you have nothing to lose in the first place ! And, even if you think you have something, how long can you hold on to it ?Surrender is NotSurrender is not an act. It's not again and again trying to bow down and say, "Oh, I am surrendering, I am surrendering." Saying that to yourself a hundred times---that is not surrender.Surrender IsOpen your hands up---that is surrender. It is your very nature.God is NotGod is not the object of sight; you can never see God. God is not an object of hearing. God is not an object of smelling or tasting. God cannot be perceived through your senses, nor through the mind.God IsGod is the Seer himself. Who sees---that is God.Seeing GodYou can live God. You can be God. But you cannot "see" God, perceive God as an ObjectPress Release Source: Art of Living FoundationHis Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Brings Message of Peace to Iraq Friday May 25, 12:28 am ETWASHINGTON, DC--(MARKET WIRE)--May 25, 2007 -- His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned spiritual leader from India and founder of the Art of Living Foundation, left Baghdad today after spending three days in Iraq on a peace mission at the invitation of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. This is the first time that an Indian spiritual leader has officially been invited to the war-torn country on a peace mission. During his visit, Sri Sri had a private meeting with the Prime Minister. He also met with a number of senior political and religious officials, including leaders belonging to Shia, Sunni and Kurdish parties. Source: Art of Living Foundation(click to enlarge) His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, in discussion with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki in Baghdad on Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Al-Maliki urged Sri Sri to implement Art of Living's prison rehabilitation program in the war-torn country. "I was able to meet a cross-section of people including several Shiite leaders, widows, tribal leaders and youth," Sri Sri said on Thursday before leaving for Amman, Jordan where he is scheduled to deliver a talk at the University of Jordan and attend a reception with leaders in the Arab capital.Upon arriving at the Baghdad airport on Tuesday, Sri Sri was transported to the Green Zone under the protection of US and Iraqi troops, where he immediately met with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. During the meeting, Al-Maliki invited Sri Sri's Art of Living Foundation to undertake its prison rehabilitation program in jails in Iraq. Readily accepting the Prime Minister's request, Sri Sri said that he would like to bring AOLF's programs to all sections of Iraq's society. Sri Sri expressed his pain over the violence and struggle of the Iraqi people, saying, "The people of Iraq don't deserve the violence and the pain. My heart bleeds for them."Al-Maliki emphasized the key role of humanitarian organizations like the Art of Living Foundation in rebuilding Iraq. He stated, "Big powers are big enough... but they are not able to unite humans, people together."While in Iraq, Sri Sri met with the ministers of youth and human rights as well as several members of Parliament. Impressed by the initiatives of the Art of Living Foundation, youth minister Jasin Mohammed Jaffer committed to send several youth from each province of Iraq to the Art of Living Foundation's International Center in Bangalore, India. The youth will participate in AOLF's innovative Youth Leadership Training Program.Sri Sri also met with more than 80 Shia and tribal leaders in Baghdad, urging them to end all killings. "Give the non-violence philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi a trial; give peace a chance," Sri Sri said. The leaders invited the spiritual leader to consider Iraq his second home and applauded the humanitarian work of the Art of Living Foundation for their country. "We welcome your delegation with open arms and hearts. We welcome you as our brother and we are ready to work hand in hand with you," said Shia leader Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Aqaadi, welcoming Sri Sri to the Shiite holy city of Najaf.Sri Sri met many key leaders including Shia cleric Al-Sheikh Bashir Hussain Al-Najafi. The leaders sought his cooperation in bringing peace to Iraq. On Sri Sri's arrival in Najaf, the governor of Najaf, Azad Sultan, lauded Sri Sri's peace initiatives in Iraq. Sri Sri also visited the famous Ali Bin Abu Talib Mosque and paid his respects at the tomb of Hazrat Ali, grandson of Prophet Muhammad.During his visit, Sri Sri met with a group of grieving Iraqi women, widowed by the unending conflict in the country. He also met with Red Crescent officials. "Up until now we have only known the art of dying," one Red Crescent official said, as he praised Sri Sri for bringing the "art of living" to the victims suffering from the long drawn-out war.The Art of Living Foundation has been active in Iraq since 2003 and is one of the few non-governmental organizations operating in Baghdad today. Thousands of Iraqi citizens have benefited from the trauma relief programs, holistic medical care and women's empowerment projects of the Art of Living Foundation in cooperation with the International Association for Human Values.To date 43 Iraqi citizens from Baghdad, Basra, Suleimania and Karbala have completed AOLF's rigorous teacher training program in Bangalore, India. Their aim is to help alleviate the suffering of fellow Iraqis.The Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values, both founded by Sri Sri, are international non-profit educational and humanitarian organizations in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. To date, Art of Living programs have benefited more than 25 million people in over140 countries.To arrange an interview with His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and learn more about the Art of Living Foundation contact Patti Montella at (512)576-7264 or email [email protected] Available: : Media Contact Patti Montella Phone: (512)576-7264 E-mail: Email Contact Source: Art of Living Foundationhttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artofliving la.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.o rghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orght tp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp:/ /www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www .artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.org oflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artofli vingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artofliving la.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.orghttp://www.artoflivingla.o rg International Association for Human Values a peaceful new orleans starts with peaceful individualsWelcome to IAHV New Orleans IAHV’s aim is to develop a more peaceful, just and sustainable world through creating and promoting programs of personal development while encouraging everyday practice of human values. It also offers community education programs that cultivate awareness of shared values among diverse cultures. Trauma and Stress Relief courses are being offered free of charge or at discounted prices in New Orleans since Katrina.Support the Campaign for a Violence-free, Stress-Free New OrleansLocal Courses Starting Now: YES!+ Youth Empowerment Skills and Training May 29 - June 3 Weekdays 6:30pm - 10:30pm Weekend Days: 12:30pm - 6:00pm Cost: $200 for the general public Venue: St Charles Ave Church of Christ 6200 St. Charles Avenue *Attendance at all 6 sessions is required Register Now!Youth Leadership Training Program Training: June 18 - 29, 2007 Fieldwork: Starts June 29 for a minimum of two weeks Read more... Register Now! IAHV COURSES: Participants Report: • Increased Energy • Reduced Stress • Greater Ease in Relationships • Sustained Emotional Balance • Develop Patience, Focus and Clarity • Lasting Peace and Joy in LifeArt of Living Course: 5-day stress-relief workshop Breath Water Sound: Community empowerment, trauma relief YES!+ for Colleges: Innovative and dynamic educational and life skills program for students and professionals Youth Leadership Training Program: Learn skills to make a real difference in the world. Put your knowledge into action and realize your capabilities. Youth Courses: Tools to handle stress and emotions and build relationships Sahaj Samadhi: Effortless meditation for deep rest Community Outreach / Events: Children, family and organizational programs Local Testimonials: “The course gave me much more than I expected. I was able to feel free and relaxed. I was able to find some peace where I had none. I had a feeling of peace, greater awareness, and relaxation: something I didn’t think I would feel again.” ~ Anonymous woman, Whitney BankMore testimonials... Featured Donors:A Youth Movement for a Peaceful New OrleansTraining begins June 18th. Applications are due May 15th. Read more... Register Now!IAHV Documentary VideoClick Here


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35 Articles of Impeachment for Bush/Chainee

Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of ImpeachmentArticle ICreating a Secret Propaganda Campaign to Manufacture a False Case for War Against Iraq.Article IIFalsely, Systematically, and with Criminal Inten...
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Happy Fathers day to all Fathers Awakening to truth today!

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animeee for a rainy day...

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RE: The Physics of the Twin Flame Relationship

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RE: FW> A good post RE: 2012!

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RE: Aligned Disasters~The Dots Nobody Connected~MUST SEE VIDEO

Lignes de forceenvoyé par Face_Occulte_De_Nos_Etats.....
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RE: One of the Best Stop Motion Videos

bet you wonder what you do with your time? The WORLD is your Canvas...
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