The vile, misanthropic, anti-religious, unforgiving one-man black metal blasphemy that is PYR EXOTERON has just risen.
PYR EXOTERON was banished on the night of December 25 2007 Anno Bastardi as a declaration of utter disgust and contempt against the miasma of religious faith and its hypocritic propaganda that holds this world in a retarded state. The sole unholy predicament of PYR EXOTERON is to spew anti-religious venom into the face of the faithful and the pious, and to end all faith.
PYR EXOTERON is a greek term for "Outer Fire". According to the christian faith, this is a remote hellish inferno, purposefully created to be the most agonizing punishment by our loving god, and preserved only for those sinners who have committed the ultimate blasphemy of denouncing the holy spirit, so they can forever burn in agony......
PYR EXOTERON ultimately stands for the harshest punishment even god can bestow.