Melena was formed in the beginning of the year 2005... Our first demo cd-r was called "Vastavirta" and we sold it around 50 copies. You can download the demo songs from our home page . On year 2006 we recorded some new songs and released them on a self titled cassette . Our newest album is called "Murretaan ja vallanaan" and it has 16 songs and is released on CD by Musta Lokki . Melena appears also on Slut Sisters Unity's compilation cd(-r) called "Yes, She Really Can".Murretaan ja vallataan
1. Saastaa
2. Pop-idols
3. Murretaan & vallataan
4. Itsekkyydestä
5. Joka syksy
6. Medikalisaatio
7. Shitleri
8. Oikeus päättää
9. Ulos häkeistä
10. Varoitus
11. VKS
12. Valkoleijonakunta
13. Vastavirtaan
14. Huominen?
15. Tuntematon työläinen
16. Toimittajan rukous
Ask from your local dealer or directly from our record label Musta Lokki
Melena LIVE videos @
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