Sucking a lot of dick. Dick sucking. Ball rubbing, sluts, sluts, and sluts.
I sang this .... width="425" height="350" ..
horrible shit ;)
lets just say its a little movie called overboard
i like Who's The Boss. acceptable tv :), Strangers with Candy, Mr show, how its made, degrassi *barf/cry*, Kids in the hall, the critic, duckman, old simpsons, futurama, KATH and KIM, home movies, pete and pete, tom goes to the mayor, get the picture, planet earth, wonder showzen, mst3k, the state, stella, reno, ucb, fuckyou, the office, curb, colbert, daily show, snuff box, arrested development,til' death do us part !!!, the suck on cock show, tim and erics awesome show, great job, science channel, fuck you channel, eat shit channel, roseanne, the sarah silverman program, south parks neat, venture bros., americas next top model:(, home movies, dr. katz, eating poop, I dont watch tv.
My favorite:
Ethan Frome
Gina Riley and Jane Turner