Soundskitz Productions Ltd. is a recording studio and rehearsal space, located in central Bath. As well as recording facilities, we also offer space for rehearsal, music tuition of any kind, and we hope to offer more community-centred services as we develop and diversify our activities.We will be looking to update the information on here with new, up-to-date photos etc. but in the meantime, please feel free to call and arrange a visit to see the place for yourself.For booking purposes, please check availability by looking at our online calendar by copy and pasting the following into your browser -
z&ctz=Europe/LondonThen call us on 07787 921557 (Will) or 07909 967884 (Rich).
Please note that there is a 24hr cancellation policy - less notice than 24hrs and we will still have to invoice you.Check back soon for updates!And finally...Today’ll be a day like no other....tomorrow will be a day like no other.....yesterdays gone...move on :-)