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NOLA Pet Rescue

Welcome to NOLA Pet Rescue!

About Me

My name is Therle Dregansky, and I was one of several hundred paramedics dispatched from around the nation to the Baton Rouge area to do what we could in the face of tragedy. What we found was beyond words of description. And the highest price had been paid by some of the families that had been forced to leave parts of their families behind. Pets were not accepted in shelters, nor in most hotels, and many hundreds of animals, in the end, were simply left behind.
The shattered homes and scattered belongings were now guarded by uncertain and frightened animals--some wounded, others merely no longer trusting in the kindness of the humans that had abandoned them. Cats, dogs, horses, parrots. . . animals of every shape and size were touched by this national-scope natural disaster, when portions of the Gulf Coast were plunged headlong into a hard long look at third-world life.
Now I and some friends, some from around the nation and others living in the area I could just visit, are trying to account for those lost family members left behind.

My Interests

Local Pet Rescue organizations, animal shelters, PETA, HSUS and other federal organizations.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in the protection of our extended family--animals of any persuasion, and all shapes and sizes. You can contact me at the links below:

IM: shudder0001
Y!: shudder0001
ICQ: 30561230
MSN: [email protected]
NOLA PetRescue's Custom Friends List NOLA PetRescue has 1593 Friend's Brookings Regional Humane Society


Basset Hound Rescue of So. California

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Saving Shelter Pets, Inc.

Cornwall..'s Voice for Animals

Worthy Causes

Town Lake Animal Center

Eye to Eye

4 The Animals! - Anthony

4 Paws 4 Love


The People Problem with Pit Bulls

K9 Services

Tri-State Small Animal Rescue

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In honor of Halloween

Pets We Love

When Cats. . .Attack?

The Standing Cat

Good Dogs!

Three Mice take turns Defying Gravity


Hurricane Relief Tribute

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My Blog


At this point, due to a loss of employment and some earth rattling, changes, NOLA Pet Rescue is permanently closing.   I wish you all the very best.
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:01:00 PST

New Year, and all's quiet

We've had a very slow beginning to the New Year. Now that we're no longer actively adopting out, the local animal shelters are no longer keeping in contact.  We've also noticed a drop in donation...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:03:00 PST

Happy New Year

Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 10:05:00 PST

Bunkering In For the Holidays

I and my four fuzzy assistants are getting ready for the cold. They have put on their extra layers of fur, and are hurriedly shopping for all the things I might need for this winter's efforts.  I...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 10:20:00 PST

Thanksgiving Day Wish

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Be well, be safe and be warm in the friendships you have made.Sometimes they are all that we have in this world, and this is the time that we do not count them, and d...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:10:00 PST

Where Were We?

Friends, Thanks so much for the kindness you have visited upon me in these past few days.  I have taken a moment to think about the important things in life, and the truth is this is a large part...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:43:00 PST

Taking a break.

I've encountered some earth-shattering realizations within the last three days, and I won't be posting or taking part in any rescues for a little while, while I deal with the emotional impact of what ...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 07:08:00 PST

A Year and More

Mardi Gras. No flowers or bells. No monuments or parades for the heroes. No rebuilt homes or towns in many places. The land is still waiting, with silent angry tears, at a world that largely overlooke...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 11:44:00 PST

ARNO - Animal Rescue New Orleans

ARNO did indeed save "Chance," and is looking for additional resources to care for him and the other animals under their care.  Their current list of needed resources includes: Aluminum pans for...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:25:00 PST

"Chance' is saved!

The Pit-mix known as "Chance" is now safely in a rescue with ARNO.  Tina-Marie got in touch with me just today (I have been away and could not check my messages for a few days) and I'm overjoyed ...
Posted by NOLA Pet Rescue on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:03:00 PST