"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" ~Mahatma Gandhi"You can't change the whole world, just responsible for brightening it up in spots" -Lisa's Uncle
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This is my nephew. I never thought I could love a little person so much. I am always excited to see him and I aways smother him with hugs and kisses. He loves his Nan Nan. He's growing up so fast. I'm scared pretty soon he won't want to sit in my lap and blow me kisses from the back seat of him mother's car. He is an angel and I can't imagine my life without him!
2006 Vacation...
My bachelors degree is in Psychology, but I refuse to work in the mental health profession. I am obsessed with animal rescue and my passion is pet dog training. I have 4 furkids: 2 cats, Sushi & Sake and 2 dogs, Benny & Cairo. I will open my own doggy daycare within the next few years! Im not afraid to work, but I am afraid of losing everyone around me if I dont slow down. I love my family and they come first! I talk too much. I care too much. I cant sing and I'm reminded of that often. I love to travel and I'll try anything twice.
Much Ado About Poo
Designer Dogs…
Don't be fooled by the whimsical names, the intriguing descriptions, and the high prices! It's just a lot of poo. You can find “designer dogs†of every size, shape, color and personality as close as your local humane society or rescue service and at a far more reasonable cost. Why not visit there first and save a life? You'll be glad you did!Here are 7 pairs of the most popular designer dogs around today. One of each pair is directly from a breeder. The other is a rescue or shelter dog of completely unknown origin. Try it out. Pick out which is which.
I challenge you to TAKE THIS QUIZ.