200 Km (Documentary) profile picture

200 Km (Documentary)


About Me

200km es una película documental realizada por un colectivo llamado DISCUSIÓN 14 formado por jóvenes realizadores del país ibérico.
Largometraje estrenado en las salas comerciales el 9 de Enero de 2004.
Exhibido por primera vez en el Festival de San Sebastián 2003, dentro de la sección Horizontes latinos / Made in Spain.
Premio al mejor guión en el Golden Gate Fiction & Documentary Festival de la ciudad de San Francisco (EEUU).
Distribuido en cines por Sherlock Films y en DVD por Cameo .
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Synopsi:Saliendo de seis puntos diferentes de España, los trabajadores de Sintel (ex-filial de Telefónica)
y sus familias inician una marcha de protesta y recorren a pie centenares de Kilómetros para encontrarse en
Madrid el día 1 de mayo, día del trabajador, y reclamar una solución para su situación laboral.
Casi dos años después del levantamiento del campamento de la Esperanza en la Castellana, los trabajadores de Sintel vuelven en busca del trabajo digno que les habían prometido.
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... 200km paso por...
- Festival de Cine de San Sebastián (2003)
- Cinema du réel del George Pompidou , París (2005)
- III Premis Barcelona de Cinema (2005)
- Festival de Cine Español de Toulouse CineEspaña (2004)
- Filmmor, Festival de Cinema de Mujeres de Turquía (2004)
- Festival de cine de Benalmadena / FICAAB (2004)
- Festival de Cine de Bogotà (2004)
- Festival de Cine de Zaragoza (2004)
- Festival de Cine de Hamburg (2004)
- Instituto Cervantes de Milán (2007)
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//////// DVD de 200km a la venta ///////// Buy here , 200km’s DVD ////////
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"200km" documenta admirablemente la crónica cotidiana de esa marcha hacia Madrid.
LA VANGUARDIA- Lluís Bonet Mojica
Aire freco, espontáneo y nada preparado.
EL PAÍS- Mirito Torreiro
Un tributo humano, potente y arriesgado a estos hombre y mujeres y a sus familias.
VARIETY- Jonathan Holland
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Los directores del documental:

Aymar del Amo Alcàcer
Cristina Pérez Ruiz
David Linares Pérez
Elisa Martínez Company
Itatí Moyano
Marco Iglesias Pérez
Nora B. González
Nuria Campabadal Turmo
Oscar M. Chamorro
Ricard Carbonell i Saurí
Roger Comella
Ruth Somalo
Sandra Ruesga
Tània Balló Colell

200 Km

más sobre 200 km en la prensa


About 1500 workers and their families walked for eight days all over Spain to meet in Madrid on May 1st, for the Labor Day demonstration, and claim a solution to their situation. Almost two years after they pulled up the camp they had set up on the Castellana Avenue, the main street of Madrid city, which they had baptised “Camp Hope”, and where 1800 workers stayed for six months, the agreements reached with the government and Telefónica, who committed to giving the Sintel workers jobs equivalent to those they had lost, have not been fulfilled. The Sintel workers came back to Madrid to demand the decent jobs they had been promised.

200km's Variety review

SINTEL´s long fight

SINTEL was one of the largest Telefónica subsidiaries at the moment of its privatization, and one of the leading firms in the area of external services in the telecommunications sector. This company was another victim of the restructuring of industry and of the policy of privatization of public companies of the last decades. In 1996, Sintel was sold to a Cuban businessman, who never actually paid for it. Sintel workers then endured several labor force adjustment plans, followed by the bankruptcy protection and finally the closure of the company. Sintel was said to be unfeasible, but the telecommunications sector has a great demand of work, such as that which Sintel had. But nowadays these jobs end up in the hands of subcontracted firms. There, workers do the same job, but cheaper, with less professionalism and enjoy less rights than a permanent worker would. But the Sintel workers resist, and they claim the decent and steady jobs to which all workers have a right, as our Constitution states. 1800 people, who stick together and whose struggle sets an example. They proved their courage and determination when they built “Camp Hope” on the Paseo de la Castellana, in the centre of Madrid, and lived there for 6 moths like in a refugee’s camp. They were determined not to go back home without their jobs. On August the 3rd, 2001, their fight seemed to have come to an end. The government and Telefónica signed an agreement with the trade unions: if they left the camp, a great number of Sintel workers would recover their jobs, and the rest would get an early retirement. Two years later, only the retirement part has been carried out.


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/// 200 Km en el Instituto Cervantes de Milán y Praga ///

Nuestro documental se exhibió en el Instituto Cervantes de la ciudad de Milán, Italia y también en la sede de Praga, República Checa durante el año 2007....
Posted by 200 Km (Documentary) on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:15:00 PST

/// 200 Km 's Variety review ///////

San Sebastian200KM (Docu -- Spain)By JONATHAN HOLLANDA Quimelca PC production. Produced by Jordi Domingo. Directed, written by Discusion 14. Given the circumstances under which it was made, "200KM" is...
Posted by 200 Km (Documentary) on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 10:35:00 PST

/// la prensa opina ... //////

&2Queremos agradecer a toda la gente que ha escrito cuatro lineas sobre nuestro documental y que han sido el altavoz de promoción para esta pequeña película independiente. Muchas Gracias.Podéis leer a...
Posted by 200 Km (Documentary) on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 12:36:00 PST

//// AQUA, el riu vermell de Manel Almiñana ////

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////Hola a tothom !!!Us animo a veure el documental "Aqua, el riu vermell" d'en Manel Almiñana.Adjunto l...
Posted by 200 Km (Documentary) on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:34:00 PST