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How come The Professor could build a tv out of coconuts, but couldn't fix a hole in a boat?

About Me

to be determined at a later date

My Interests

Long walks on the beach and discovering new, uncharted territories of the deep. Almost forgot ... toe jam

I'd like to meet:

Thou who art mortal, interesting figures from biblical tales .. and of course the guy who invented the diagram that shows which way batteries go into stuff


Pretty much everything under the sun as long as it pushes a limit and isnt being crammed down my throat by Carson Daly.


Harold & Maude, Nightmare b4 Xmas, Apocalypse Now, Spinal Tap, Blazing Saddles, The City of Lost Children and Ernest Goes to Camp.


Cheers, The Sopranos, News Radio, Family Guy, infomercials and the almighty Smurfs


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Dirt, Websters Thesaurus and that weird one book about that one chick with the one problem that has that one solution and that one other character that does that one thing that stands in the way of it getting resolved and also stands in the way of the realization of that one other thing that the author really wants to tell the reader about ... You like that one as well ?


Your Mom and Ryan DeMarti