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About Me

Dalle ceneri degli Smell Of Trees, alternative rock band toscana da sempre ispirata dalle sonorità di gruppi degli anni novanta come Swervedriver, Soundgarden e Smashing Pumpkins, nasce oggi il progetto "MARYVIXEN". Due dei tre membri fondatori dei S.0fT. (Gabriele Guazzini e Pier Francesco Mungai) si uniscono a Fabrizio Paolillo (Attuale batterista del gruppo pratese NIGHTGOAT e produttore indipendente noto nel panorama underground elettro-sperimentale italiano) per dar vita a questo nuovo progetto distante dal processo creativo dei S.0fT. ma in linea con l' identità musicale di ogni suo componente. A settembre 2008 il gruppo registrerà il suo primo EP! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From the ashes of Smell Of Trees, alternative rock band even inspired from ’90 sounds of Swervedriver, Soundgarden e Smashing Pumpkins, born a new project called: "MARYVIXEN". With the support and music influences of Fabrizio Paolillo (NIGHTGOAT’s drummer and indipendet producer in the italian experimetal underground panorama), two old members of the first original Smell Of Trees line-up (Gabriele Guazzini and Pier Francesco Mungai) start working together on the “MARYVIXEN” project, faraway from the old creative process of S.0fT. but in line with the individual music perspectives of every band’s member! On september 2008, the band will be in studio for the first EP!
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Alberto Dani - Piazza Matteotti 16 56029 , Santa Croce sull'Arno (PISA) P.IVA IT 01774950503

My Interests


Member Since: 9/15/2005
Band Website: (new website available soon!)
Band Members: MARYVIXEN Line-Up: Gabriele Guazzini, Pier Francesco Mungai e Fabrizio Paolillo on: Electric, Acustic, Spits, Bass, Broken Glasses, Sampling, Drum, Percussions, Voices and Screams
Influences: Pedro The Lion, Nirvana, Melvins, Jesus Lizard, Screaming Trees and many more "loosers" from the '90 till today!
Sounds Like: old song!
Record Label: Self Produced
Type of Label: None