comic books, video games, anime, gaming, game design, writing, sf/fantasy, cooking, baking, high weirdness, rpgs, d&d, board games, the creative process, monkeys, zombies, robots, pirates, ninjas, IP law, creative commons, public domain, hacker issues, anarchist thought
You know me and you miss me, even if we've never met. I've been in your dreams. Love, to you, is not a finite resource. You're a sexy robot with psychic powers, a medusa-haired mermaid, a wicked devil girl with a halo caught on her horns. You'll read choice bits to me of whatever you're reading, with voices. You'll leave the lights, and your boots, on. You want to get fucked like the Republicans are fucking my country. You laughed at the last bit but it also turned you on. You think I'm cute. You think you're cute. You believe that "it may be time, in spite of all indications to the contrary from the exterior society, to begin thinking in terms of heroes again, of love instead of hate, of energy instead of violence, of strength instead of cruelty, of action instead of reaction." You say things that make people laugh and wonder what's wrong with you. You wonder what's wrong with you but you know that nothing is. You're tired of being "the crazy one" in the relationship. You dream lucidly. You're not afraid. You still hope. You're epic. I love you. Find me.
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Jacob's Ladder, Big Trouble in Little China, Better Off Dead, Some Kind of Wonderful, other b-movie classics. I don't watch a lot of movies because I don't like watching movies alone. Now that I have a roommate, I've been slowly catching up.
I likes me them crazy jappernese cartoons. Also Arrested Development, Battlestar Galactica, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Spongebob Squarepants and The Venture Bros.
Some people are bibliophiles. I am kind of a bibliomaniac. I feel most comfortable surrounded by books. Libraries and used book stores make me feel like Scrooge McDuck in his money bin. There's this perfume that is supposed to smell like old books, and I think that is one of the hottest things ever. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy and a lot of comic books and then I read whatever those things lead me to, and they've led me to a hell of a lot. I am always up for something new. Broaden my horizons.
Spider-Man, my grandfather and my dad.