Hails to all and welcome!
If you really want to understand what I am about, go into my blog page and read the excerpt of a chapter of my up coming book. It is an eye opening personal experience.
There is so much information yet to be revealed about my family and me.
My Grandfather, Prince Michael (Mihovil) was exiled during the hostile occupation of the self-proclaimed Yugoslav Royal family that was actually from a Serbian ruling family that began with George Petrović who was then called KaraÄ‘orÄ‘e or Black George. The family name orignated from a Peter Mrkonjic. The House of KaraÄ‘orÄ‘ević comes from ÄorÄ‘e Mrkonjic of Petrović which is the identification of his Father who was Peter therefore you get Petrovic, of Montenegrin Serb origin (Vasojevići tribe), who was a merchant that sold and bred livestock (goats, pigs and so forth in the local market place). This was a good honest living for that period. The son of ÄorÄ‘e (George) Petrović became a soldier in the Austrian Army. He deserted shortly after because he had been disciplined for his uncontrolled rowdiness and lack of discipline. He then became the leader of a gang of thieves and marauders that eventually forced his way into being voted as King of Serbia by having his gang of men holding the men in their parliament as hostages with guns to their heads to sign the agreement. He was quite a character. (ref: "The Servian Tragedy: With Some Impressions Of Macedonia" by Herbert Vivan, M.A. Officer of the Royal Servian Order of Takovo and author of many books who loved and admired this family and lived with them)In time the family became a dynastic ruling family after in 1830 he married Persida, Daughter of Vojvoda (chieftain) Jevrem Nenadovic. The dynasty lost the hold over the throne in November 1945 when the Communist party seized power in Yugoslavia and were given political asylum in London, England where in July 1945 Queen Alexandra went into labor at the Claridge's Hotel that was officially proclaimed Yugoslav territory while Yugoslav Royalists and heads of the Communist Party anxiously paced the corridors. The Son that was born to Queen Alexandra and King Peter II named Alexander as was baptized by his Godmother, non other than Queen Elizabeth II of England. This information can be easily found in print by private interviews with the family. (ref: "Splendor in Exile" by Charles Fenyvesi published in 1979 and in the Library of Congress)
My family lost all freedom, authority, lands, titles and personal property shortly after the death of my Great Grandfather's cousin and protector, Emperor Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the take over a forced newly formed Yugoslav Kingdom with The House of Karađorđević.
The night of my Grandfather, Prince Michael's exile occurred when my family's estate was visited by Yugoslav Royal Armed Guards that tortured my Great Grandfather Prince Michael (Mihovil) demanding to know where his son was. My Great Grandmother Princess Marica pretended to faint at the sight of it all and was sent to her room where an armed guard stood watch outside her door. She escaped from a secret passage way meant for inferior servants to exit that were not supposed to communicate or look at her. She met my Grandfather at the water's edge where he was in the process of unloading food and medical supplies for our people because they were trying to starve out our people into submission. She quickly embraced him and handed him her jewels and said, "This is to buy your freedom my son." While in the other hand she placed an ordinary rock from the ground and said, "This is so you never forget who you are, what you are, and where you came from!" They had only moments to embrace before the night was riddled with bullets in such quantity that they shredded the sails of the boat that he narrowly escaped in as the Yugoslav Royal Armed Guards who continued to shoot as my Grandfather's men shot back.
He traveled to Fruili region of Northern Italy where the Frangipani (Frankopan - Frangipane) branch (maternal side) of our family was. He was told this family member had last communicated from South America. He made his way to South America seeking out this close family relative or others who might assist him. There he was helped by his distant relative Prince Lascaris Komnenos. He then discovered a distant family relative's branch of the family that migrated to Mexico from France in the late 1800's. This relative had served as a top general to Maximilian of Austria - Mexico who was the brother Franz Josef ruling Emperor of Austria who had bestowed medals on my Grandfather when he was a little boy.
My great grandmother married the distant relative of my Grandfather, Count Ferdinand Latrille de Lorencez. My Grandfather was welcomed as a proper suitor to come courting my Great Grandmother. My Great Grandmother the Marquesa Emilia Perez was granted the title of her husband Countess de Lorencez and was very strict about suitor protocols. My Great Aunt Sara Perez married the President of Mexico, Francisco Ingnacio Madero, who was later assassinated.
Despite the family's precautions, there was an attempt on his life. The family felt they could not adequately protect him and he was advised to migrate to the United States of America. There he was offered political asylum in California. He worked for the Christian Brothers Monastery Winery in the Napa Valley. To be employed at the monastery as a Chemist was an exclusive job, reserved for only the best and dedicated. He had to live according to their ordinances. The monks at the monastery granted my Great Uncle Doimi(Dominic) and grandfather Michael (Mihovil) sanctuary. This was highly unusual. In Napa Valley he purchased a vineyard and produced wine and other products.
He paid cash for a home for his wife and children in San Francisco. His Brother, Prince Doimi (Dominic) had purchased his home in San Francisco as well. Prince Doimi (Dominic) was a younger Brother and died shortly after his arrival here. A couple of years later, my Grandfather, Prince Mihovil died under unusual circumstances. He followed family tradition and had been a member of the Masonic Order. He was a 32nd degree Freemason. He reported to them as soon as he established himself in Mexico. We have been informed of rumors that there had been a Freemason conspiracy. There were also rumors that involved the Croatian Cultural Society as the culprits due to several Serbian or Yugoslav Royal Loyalists that infiltrated the society posing as Croatians. However, these are only rumors, not fact. His death has still left several unanswered questions.
As a result of the exile and Communist control over my family's homelands, my education has been multifaceted. However, descending from a royal blood line which has remained pure for over 2,751 recorded historical years, I can only try to compose my complicated life in the simplest way as possible for those who find reading and history lessons a tedious chore.
I was educated in Germany, France and England. My middle school and early high school years were spent in Germany and England. I was privately educated by a retired professor of Cambridge University in England. I speak several languages. All of my ancestors possessed the gift of being able to speak in many languages fluently. By this I mean, my Grandfather for instance claimed to only speak thirteen languages - not fifteen - because he could not recite two national anthems. He still was able to read, write, speak, sing national anthems, recite cultural poetry and sing cultural songs in at least fifteen different languages. There are several accounts of various different ancestors that were almost as accomplished as my Grandfather. Since I am only exposed mostly to English & Spanish, these are what I can read, write & speak, or sing at present. However, I do understand, speak and read French, German, Italian and Latin. Even though I get rusty with languages I don't have the opportunity to practice, fellow travelers have expressed, it only takes me a few days of living somewhere to get back into the swing of the other languages I am familiar with. I practice whenever possible.
To my surprise, I recently discovered I attended the same textile & clothing design school in France as Louis Vuitton; which is way up north from my Finishing School in France.
I am willing to share a minor glimpse inside my diverse education, training, school & studies with the public. I was forced to train as a soldier/warrior since the day I was able to walk. My Mother's nickname for me was "My Good Soldier" or "My Trooper". If you saw me cry as a child, you'd better get out of my sight. I only cried when I was about to tear someone's head off. Various attempts against what is left of the Croatian Royal family forced this type of training. The mortality rate of the men in the family has always been an ancient problem. Therefore, the men found it practical to teach women how to defend themselves. Women of my family have always been trained in this manner. For centuries this has been a matter of survival. The men in my family felt a well rounded education was a matter of practicality. They believed beauty only lasts for so long, and then all you have is an old burden with no talents, unable to defend themselves.
My earlier years were spent in the typical training most royals have to undergo. The only problem with mine is that it had to be turned up a few notches.
Copyright © 2008 Her Imperial Royal Highness Princess Susana of Croatia.
All Rights Reserved
I have trained in Chinese Martial Arts; such as Chinese Kick Boxing, staffs, swords, shung jié gùn or dual sectional staff, or nunchaku since the age of 13 years old. One still should consider any item around the house, including a broom, I find can come in handy. I collect Traditional Weaponry and love practicing with them whenever I get the opportunity. I love collecting swords and knives. My fencing and archery lessons were more than an art to me at ten years old.
I enjoy yachting and boat racing. I had the great opportunity to sail the North Sea and English Channel at the age of fourteen years of age with a skeleton crew. These are the roughest waters in the world. I saved a man from getting tangled in the sheets and tossed overboard by the storm we were in. I enjoy horseback riding and import car racing.
I am a Professional Motion Picture & Television Make-up Artist. I trained under Joe Blasco, the Master himself, personally. He chose only eight students from the entire world to personally take on when he first opened his school in Hollywood, California. I was chosen to learn under his great tutelage at the tender age of 17-1/2. I then learned the secrets of Special Effects. I was the only student from that class to receive a letter of recommendation from him. I owned my own salon and had a license to practice almost a year before I graduated high school.
I enjoy designing clothing. My favorite periods are Edwardian, Victorian, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, 1970's periods.
I have a very large collection of antique patterns, (patterns in the hundreds), antique buttons in the thousands, antique ribbons, silk threads and fabrics. I design and collect rare pieces of jewelry. I enjoy collecting large rare or exotic stones. I have photographs of some of the large pieces I designed from stones I had collected over the years.
I have been hired for the improvement of Business Operations for corporations undergoing transitions. I find easier ways to run a business with the least amount of casualties.
I have been personally employed by some of the rich and famous to re-create new looks for them. I have also created looks for those looking for the spotlight. The list is a secret. I love to make people over and help bring out their inner beauty or enhance their unique talents. It is a great joy to me to help them overcome their obstacles or fears and see them enjoying life. I have been often hired for teaching social or etiquette skills to top executives for large corporations, including relatives and associates of the Sultan of Brunei.
I enjoy remodeling homes. I love art projects such as tile installation, marble designs, wood finishes. I enjoy rolling up my sleeves. I am hard working and a hands-on type A personality. I enjoy developing properties. I quietly enjoyed being the background inspiration and advisor to several celebrities over the years.
I have interests in the Sociology of Religion, Political Science, Botany, Biochemistry and History.
I appreciate fine art. I support the arts in various ways. My favorite artists are Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Rembrandt, Rafael de Urbino, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Edgar Degas, just to name a few.
After my present work is completed, I am contemplating a few things that I would enjoy doing. I've searched land for a vineyard. My family was renowned for their techniques for creating wonderful wines and delicate Cognac for everyone to enjoy. Maybe I can take up where the family left off. I find much joy in cooking for people and love entertaining. People seem to enjoy eating what I cook. They are always assured to sample the most savory or unusual complicated meals. I have also considered a real Roman health spa. Just like my ancestors had built so many centuries ago.
I have also contemplated another family business; creating a make-up or beauty line of my own but with the added twist of metaphysical properties from ancient recipes passed on to family since Summarian, Assyrian and Egyptian periods.
The family was famous for making special esoteric perfumes for gloves, especially for the Kings in France. There are so called magical potions for attraction. I have made a perfume from one recipe and found some very interesting and astounding results. I would love to share these gifts with the public.
I am working on the history of the events that lead up to the devastation my family's rule. This has been an ongoing project that has taken over 22 years of research to back up the spectacular stories that I took for granted as a child. The reason it has taken so very long is I am a stickler for documentation. I like to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. Proof is what most people are after. Proof is what they'll get. The difference between my side of some history that was already written centuries ago from what I will explain are the tales that the family shared with each other and not the public. My side is more detailed and with hidden surprises. Please look for my book when I find a proper publishing house suited for this kind of project.
I'd like to meet:
Alternative, Hard Rock, Progressive Rock, Industrial, Electronica, House, Techno, Trance, Trip Hop, Bass/Electronic, UK Techno,Euro Techno, UK House, Break Beat, Classical, Rock/Synth Pop.
Bram Stoker's Dracula, Pan's Labyrinth, Adventures of Don Juan, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex starring Errol Flynn, Beau Brummel, Queen Christina and Camille staring Greta Garbo, The Black Swan, and Captain from Castile starring Tyron Powers, Wasabi, Last Boy Scout, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Who Am I and many many more.
Discovery Channel, History Channels, Science Channels, Medical Channels, National Geographic Channel, Court TV, Crime Stories, Travel Channel.
Niccolo Machiavelli, Medieval Sourcebook, Herodotus, Plato, Edward Gibbon - Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, History Books, The Virtues of War by Steven Pressfield, Sex with Kings by Elenor Herman, The Roman Empresses by Jacques Boergas de Serviez, Croatian History by Francis R. Preveden, Letters of Junius published by Bazin & Ellsworth, etc...
My ultimate hero is my Grandfather, Prince Michael (Mihovil) Anjou Torquatus von Radic who was a very honorable, generous, talented, genius who loved his homeland of Croatia. His forced exile saddened him because he never made it back to his homeland and his family. He performed many heroic acts to save his people from harm. This included smuggling elderly men, women and children down from the mountainous terrain where he arranged for them to leave Croatia to surrounding countries for their safety.
My family arranged for their travels with the family's money. He also smuggled in arms, food, and medicines to provide to those in need during this time of turmoil. When it was discovered by a informant, Yugoslav Royal Armed Guards were dispatched to pretend to take him into custody for questioning. However, their true goal was murder. After being chased out of his homeland by the Yugoslav-Serbian Royal forces he narrowly escaped.
My 3rd great grandmother (maternal side) is a blood relative to the branch of family that descends from Vlad Tepes. She bears the same ancient surname as Vald Tepes' family.
Other heroes of mine are ancient relatives, Octavius (aka Augustus Caesar) and Octavia, half sister to Augustus (aka Octavius), my Grandfather's direct ancestoral relatives. I admire Octavia because despite her unhappy and humiliating marriage to Marcus Antonius (aka Marc Antony), she had the strength and goodness to raise her children along with Marc Antony's children with Cleopatra as her own. She remained faithful to him despite his drunken, drug induced frolicking behavior with Cleopatra.
Octavia continued to care for all of these children as her own long after Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra died. She was beautiful and virtuous. Marc Antony preferred a woman who was notoriously promiscuous to the degree that he didn't seem to mind that Cleopatra had her long time affair which continued with Octavian's Great Uncle, Julius Ceasar, but she had also betrayed Marc Antony with not only his advisor and counsel but and her half brother, Octavius (Augustus)and several others as well.
My daughter Princess Alexis, has dedicated her life to learning the beauty of architecture and interior design from around the world. Most of her recent artwork has been on public display in San Francisco, California, USA. She has been at the top of her classes so far. She will be graduating from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco in the spring of 2010 with a Bachelors Degree. She hopes to help restore and rebuild the beauty of our homeland of Hrvatska (Croatia) one day soon.
Myspace Cursors @ JellyMuffin.com