louise profile picture


Live truly,kiss slowly,laugh insanely,love deeply

About Me

Help!!! MySpace is taking over the world and I'm not a part of it! -When I got a invite to check out my friend Byrnes site- the most unlikely of anyone I know to do this, I finally broke down. So here I am, without a purpose... Hey! Wait a minute... Maybe that's it? What if being on MySpace is actually the purpose of life... I mean, can gazillions of people be wrong...!? I can't belive it took me this long to figure it all out.... Ok, now I'm having a panick attack! WHAT DID I MISS??? While I've been out travelling the world, hanging out with the people I love, getting "out there" to network, risking my life "crocodile hunting", skydiving, flying aerobatics- and a whole lot of other things where one could easily get a little boo boo- all in the search of fullfillment and happiness; it was all here the whole time? Right in front of me, in the safety of my own home!!!? My goodness- how could I've been so silly!!? Well people, please don't waste another minute! Fill me in, indulge me!!! And all those of you, who's not here yet- don't bother to call again- from the looks of things, I won't have time to talk or do anything anyhow...oh, guess if you're not here, you won't see that! Doesn't matter; you people simply aren't cool any longer... Ohps! Guess someone could potentially see that in the future... But who cares-I have MySpace now!!!

My Interests

Life and everything in it, love, passion, cries and laughter w. friends and lovers, kir royals at George 5 in Paris, cappuccinos in Italy, the smell of a mans nape,sunshine after rain, the salty breeze of the ocean, chocolate AND vanilla-why should I have to choose, movies, art, theatre, music, summer nights on the beach in Sweden...long dinners w. interesting and intruiging company, champange and chocolate dipped strawberries, "Cafe Terrace" by Van Gogh...actually anything Van Gogh, Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec, history, lying on top of 13' crocs in Oz, skydiving, helping those in need, to learn something new everyday, left-turn signals,staying in with someone special, exercise, being outdoors,extreme sports, wild partying, remember what I did the night before, coffee! coffee! coffee!, and food...any way, shape or form, travel- I want to see it all and do it all, monkeys-something so cool about them, would love a tiger-but it might be a bit tough in my place right now, kicking butt- a little spanking never hurt anyone...,watching that special man cook, wasting time at cafes in south of France, my PDA and PC-how did we live without them, ants-I'm obsessed about removing them from this planet, massages, fireplaces and lots of candles, Hugos on Sundays, movies that scare the shit out of me, silence, which did come first-the chicken or the egg?, politics, agreeing to disagree-you can't help it if you're dumb, red wine, the lights on, stilettos, wearing my best lingerie under jeans and a t-shirt, the human body-can I say 8000 nerv-endings on MySpace...,a good blow-out fight...making up..., newly washed sheets, waxing-doesn't women have enough to deal with???, brittish accents-my oh my...help me, working hard to achieve my goals, play,play,play, tweezing, dreaming-day and night, watching stars, letting go, open up, being vulnerable, being wanted, being needed, making someone happy, loving with all my might, embracing the pain of being hurt-it WILL make you stronger- but time doesn't heal all wounds-that's bullshit, getting tickets in carpool lanes and for speeding, intense passinate crazy smart kind people, talent, ambition, dressing up, being a woman, -ok by now I'm sure no one is still reading this, so I'm done. Just live life to it's fullest, and seize every moment, because at the end of the day, that's what life is- a bunch of moments.


Almost anything! Except heavy-duty rap, gives me a nervous breakdown.




My family and friends-without them I would be nothing. Anyone who dare to follow their dreams and inspire others. Those who actually do something to make the world a better place.