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The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

It's been swell, but the swelling's gone down.

About Me

You scored as Gambit, Gambit is another loner character. He loves Rogue. He has a very cool debonaire personality. He's done things in his past that he's not proud of but he atones for his actions by fighting for peace with the X-Men. His weapon of choice is the playing card. Powers: Charges objects with kinetic energy by touching them, then they explode like grenades.



Emma Frost






Jean Grey













Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with QuizFarm.comSo I was looking at my old blogs and here was one that jumped out at me and made me laugh. It explains a lot about me I think. If you get though it and understand my sense of humor the rest will make a lot more sense :)•Armageddon Eggs 9-11-06So today is the anniversary of 9-11 and all. The day was spent with all of the stupid news agencies rehashing moments and cheapening the hurt and violation that we felt that day for the sake of ratings. The only ray of light in all of that was when Hillary had some pointed barbs pointed at the current administration that totally made sense. Why after five years is the mastermind still at large despite the fact that he's allegedly dragging a dialysis machine around with him? Why are we still in a war with a country who, as fucked up as their leader was, had nothing to do with the attack? Other than that brief moment of clarity, all I got out of the media that day was that I'm still totally hot for Anderson Cooper. In a completely unrelated incident, Mom decided to make hard-boiled eggs. To let the rest of the family know that they were hard-boiled and also the date of their hard-boiledness she wrote little 9-11's on them. It was kind of twisted and comedic at the same time. When I opened the fridge in the midst of me trying to ignore the big sweaty whore of self congratulatory mass media propaganda on CNN (if I hear the words 'Triumph of the human spirit' said in that condescending news anchor tone one more time...), only to be faced with my own unintentional little 9-11 memorial in my ice box, I had to see the irony. I found it quite a bit more fitting actually. Don't forget the day. It fucked with all of us, hard. But by all means, life goes on. I ate two Armageddon Eggs. Take that terrorists. I sprinkled them with lemon pepper and washed them down with Dr. Pepper. How patriotic. It doesn't get more American than that. I miss Europe. But not more than I missed Target and In-N-Out. The land of milk and honey, baby. AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! :)•"There's too many stars, and not enough sky." - Tori AmosMy life is just one series of exhilirating experiences one after another. Sometimes I can't take it and I just start crying and laughing at the same time. People must think I'm a damn crazy person. Except I'm cute enough to get away with shit like that. Insanity and ordered chaos is kind of my M.O. Thank you mommy :)I was in Europe working as an acrobat on Norwegian Cruise Line's Jewel. I said I'd never do a ship again, but then they offered me everything that I wanted, so I figured, why not go spend my summer in the Mediterranean? Didn't throw anyone overboard :) Very proud of myself. Admittedly though, this time around it was 8 years later and I'd like to think that I was a little wiser :) I kinda had to put the rest of my life on pause and it was a big part of me getting dumped, but as annoying as the cliché is, everything totally happens for a reason. In an odd way though, those people became my family and we genuinely cared for each other. For the first time in a long time, everything felt really right and I felt like I belonged somewhere, so the sacrifices that came along with it were totally worth it. Besides, it helped fund my plans for world domination :)Finally hit my quarter century crisis. Decided to quit talking about shit and actually just do it. In the spirit of that, I started a production and performance company, The Vertigo Aerial Acrobatics Posse, and started a gay boy performance troupe, The Hot Boy Circus. It has been rough because it has been a lot of work, but it has been awesome, because it has been a lot of work. I have never been happier in my life because every day I learn something new and get stronger and more experienced. My friends rock and my family rock. ...And two out of two ain't bad :)You can check out my circus shenanigans on my website at won gold at the first Martial Gymnastics Championships in Osaka, Japan. It was crazy. To celebrate I went to Tokyo to shake a tail feather with my buddies Matthew and Shohei. It was awesome. I got to give my coach his first E-Biscuit and we had the time of our lives. I still can't believe that I got to be on the first U.S. team and we got a damn Gold Medal. BANANAS! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!I'm just your average little circus monkey trying to make some friends with similar interests and fight the forces of evil. I'm trying to meet some sane people with the same respect and dedication for the hard work that it takes to manipulate your body and get it to do what you want.It's kinda hard to truly call any place "Home", I've left my heart in San Francisco, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Barcelona, Tokyo and Vegas (Vegas baby, Vegas :) I guess that now it's where I get my mail again, in LA, the land of the try-hards and wannabes, but everything has a balance and I have found some of the most wonderful and truly remarkable friends on the planet here. I lived in Montreal for the summers of 2004 and 2005 and commuted back and forth from Toronto which was a nice perspective. It is hard to find people that are smart, honest, funny, loyal, have their shit together, are driven, successful, not tweekers, are a touch scandalous and are hot but don't take themselves too seriously either, so when I find them I latch on for dear life and do whatever it takes to let them know how special they are to me and keep them in my life. That may seem like a tall order, but sticking to it has made me be able to have an extended family of friends that love and cherish each other and that I can not imagine being without. Besides, I am really busy and don't have the time, energy or compulsion to deal with useless drama. I am pretty intense and don't have a problem getting called on my shit, so I am equally honest with people which usually scares away the fake fucks, thank goodness. That may be getting a bit deep, but if you know what I'm talking about we probably will be best friends : ) I am always up for meeting new people and I travel a lot for my circus work, so it's nice to know people in different places.After a crazy summer in 2005, I finally got back to LA on the 21st of August! Canada had been an amazing trip and whilst it was a bit intense at times I'm still comforted in the knowledge that everything really does happen just the way it's supposed to. I feel like I made the right decisions to keep me going down the right path. More than ever I also realized that I have surrounded myself with the right people and that my relationships with my loved ones are more solid than they ever have been and that I'm totally blessed. I am a huge dork, I know. But I'm sorry, I just can't take myself too seriously. I mean come on, I hang from the drapes for a living.I saw Cirque when I was 12 and my mother got tired of cleaning footprints off of the walls, so she put me in gymnastics, which led to dance, which lead to singing, which led to acting and so on to every kind of performing you can think of. After I got out of high school, I got my first job and made too much money for an 18 year old to have. When I was done I realized that I was free for the first time in 6 years. I was rich, cute and had no responsibilities. Bad combination. I partied like a rock star in the So-Cal rave scene for about a year and change and then hit rock bottom like it was cool. Around that time found out that my mom had cancer too. She's fine now, but I was not ready for that shitstorm and I knew that I had to do something with my life. When I sorted myself out I realized I was really good at everything, but not great at anything, so I decided that I needed to focus and pick one thing and be the best at it. At first I couldn't choose, but then I figured, you might as well pick the hardest one and challenge yourself, and so it all came full circle and I decided to be an aerialist in the circus. I spent 4 years training at the Circus Center in San Francisco and 2 years performing with my alternative, neo-industrial, queer positive circus troupe, CIRCO ZERO, and that was great, but I spent the summers of 2004 and 2005 training in Montreal and it changed my life forever. I got the best training of my life. I've never been happier or more optimistic about the future and it's endless possibilities. I'm doing something I'm passionate about and I'm happy and have true friends, so life is good.I love going out and exploring and trying new things and seeing new places that I've never been before. I try and do something that scares the shit out of me every week, be it talking to someone new, trying a new sport, or learning a new circus skill. I got this from my mother who was going off to the far corners of the earth since she was 19 and then took me with her after I popped out. She had this incredible ability to attract amazing people and opportunities and be able to be spontaneous and run with them when they presented themselves. The most wonderful things would always just randomly happen to us and I grew up just assuming that that was normal until I realized that these things never happened to any of my other friends and their moms. When I got older I realized just how lucky and blessed I was and chocked it up to just having an amazing mom and that it would stop when I grew up, but I guess her eternal optimism and joi de vivre rubbed off on me because now crazy things happen to me. My most memorable ones in recent memory being Burning Man every year (it changed my life), my trip to Whistler with Mark and let's not forget Gay Disney. World Marital Gymnastics Comps WHERE WE GOT GOLD! (Sorry, still trippin':) was my most recent. Good times. I am incredibly grateful and realize just how blessed I am for these awesome experiences and I think that as long as I never take them for granted they will keep happening for years to come:)Right now I am in the process of insane training and have been focusing all of my attention on contortion. My goal is to have my ass on my head by 2007. It hurts so fucking bad. Or so fucking good. It's a fine line between pleasure and pain. Sometimes I like having a little of both to make me feel alive. I am not naturally flexible. I have worked my ass off for what I've got. Luckily I'm an obsessive compulsive perfectionist with slight masochistic tendencies (don't I sound like a treat?) so I at least can keep my eyes on this prize, no matter how much it hurts :) Yay. I'll keep you posted on how it goes :)Thoughts Of The Day :)(4.22.99) Be scene, not herd. (4.22.99)(6.16.05) - "I wish that just once, people wouldn't act like the cliche's that they are." Got it from Claire on Six Feet Under which I saw for the first time after Yan let me borrow the boxed set when I moved to Montreal :) Good Times... (6.16.05)(7.14.05) - More celebrity wisdom pour vous: "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." --Mariah Carey (7.14.05)(8.1.05) - One of my dear friends from LA told me, "Carbs don't look good on you." I can feel the love. It's good to be home : ) (8.1.05)(8.12.05) - "Some people are like Slinkies. They're really good for nothing, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." Got it from my bestest friend in Montreal, Marty, the week before I left to go home to Californina (8.12.05)(8.19.05) - Grandma always used to say, "A bitch will say, "She's a bitch." A diva will say, "She's faaabulous.". (8.19.05)(8.26.05) - "The revolution is my boyfriend!" from Gudrun in the Bruce La Bruce movie 'The Raspberry Reich'. So much fun. (8.26.05)(9.12.05) - "Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here." Jack Nicholson, 'As Good As It Gets'. (9.12.05)(9.20.05) - On the topic of revenge, grandma always used to say, "Broken bone heal and bruises fade away, but psychological trauma is forever :)" Gotta love that woman. Especially when she's off the wagon and back on the sauce. Christmas is never boring. (9.20.05)(9.26.05) - One of my favorite things overheard at a pool party recently, "Don't get me wet! These swim trunks are dry clean only!" Dammit, I love LA. (9.26.05)(4.5.06) - "Shit hunny!" Emit in Vancouver (4.0.06)(5.30.06) - Grandma always said, "Don't let your mouth write checks your booty can't cash." (5.30.06)(10.13.06) - Home is wherever I do dishes (10.13.06)(11.8.06) - If you find yourself falling, DIVE. (11.8.06)(1.19.07) - I will attempt to turn your robotic routines into poetry written by the human body. Follow me or perish sweater monkeys. (1.19.07)(1.27.07) - Before you speak, ask yourself... Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? Does it improve on the silence? (1.27.07)(3.10.07) - You think you're hot shit, but you're just cold diarrhea - Shannon, Montreal (3.10.07)

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My Interests

Some of my hobbies and interests outside of circus are: -Science; I am a huge nerd. I love genetics, evolution, and the study of heredity. Love me some astronomy too. Right now my favorite topics are using genetic research to make designer pets (like glow in the dark Zebra Tetras by splicing Anemone and Jellyfish DNA into them and how protein deficiency in the diets of primitive New Guineans came about because of lack of native domesticatable protein sources and how that was one of the reasons that they resorted to cannibalism (exciting, no?) I can't wait until my performing career becomes stable enough that I can go back to school and study something fun, like evolutionary psychology. -Human Behavior; I LOVE PEOPLE WATCHING. IT'S THE BEST! You can learn the coolest things if you just shut your mouth for five seconds and observe what's going on around you. Also when people think that you're not paying attention they have the most awesome slip ups ever :) -Community Service; Helping my straight buddies with no style (Mainly Bart) keep from getting killed by their girlfriends. You know, a sort of homo-outreach program for the assamble challenged. It all comes from love.I also LOVE Teen Girl Squad. That is all.

I'd like to meet:

Gymnasts, Aerialists, Contortionists, Dancers, Carnies, Cheerleaders, Doctors, Dominatrixes, Attorneys, Go-Go Dancers, Teachers, Politicians, Porn Stars, Veterinarians, Beauty Queens, Accountants, Runway Models, Philosophers, Musicians, In general I don't care what you do as long as you are passionate about it and either are the best, or are trying your damnedest to be. You have to be smart, honest, funny, loyal, have your shit together, be driven, successful, not a tweeker, and be touch scandalous. If you are hot you can't take yourself too seriously either. If you are not hot you have to be secure enough with yourself to know that that is not the end all be all and that youth and beauty are fleeting and not get all weird and still be able to hold your own and not disappear in a room full of 'beautiful' people. That is the shit. I love it when people do the best they can with what they have and are not predictable clichés. That is the hottest thing of all.


My favorite artists are, Linkin Park, Hybrid, Britney Spears, Nine Inch Nails, BT, Gwen Stefani, Kaskade, Bjork, The Streets, Missy Elliot, Basement Jaxx, Nelly Furtado, Goldfrapp, Groove Armada, Mutiny UK, Rachel Stevens, Chicane(the DJ, not the latin pop sensation), Christina Aguilara, Massive Attack, Janet Jackson, Sublime, Kosheen, Deee-Lite, Dirty Vegas, Doris Day, Linda Eder, Julie Andrews, J-Lo, Inva Mulla, Fillippa Giordano, Edith Piaf, Marilyn Manson, Erykah Badu, Garbage, Fiona Apple (the Tidal Years) Incubus, Junkie XL, Lamb, Love & Rockets, Mary J Blige, Motley Crue, Vivaldi, Mozart, Bach, Patsy Cline, Oakenfold (duh.), Kylie Minogue (double duh.) Peaches, PJ Harvey, Plaid, Portishead, Renée Fleming, Snake River Conspiracy, Robert Miles, RuPaul, Yma Sumac, Roni Size, Underworld, Supreme Beings of Leisure and Shirley Q Liquor. I HATE ASHLEE SIMPSON, HILLARY DUFF AND SARAH BRIGHTMAN IS THE ANTI-CHRIST (If you want good pop opera go buy Phillipa Giordano, She won't make your soul bleed out through your ears.) They annoy me to no end. Nothing personal, just intense loathing, I'm sure they are very nice people. I just don't care. :) I used to have intense animosity for Celine, but living in Montreal all summer broke me of that, bless their little french Celine-loving hearts.New favorite video EVER. I always loved this mix, but I had NO idea how rad the video was gonna be! God I wish my gym had been more like this! Shit hunny!


My favorite movies off the top of my head are Fight Club, Fifth Element, Blade Trinity (Ryan Reynolds, HAWT!) American Beauty, Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon, Ghost in the Shell, Underworld, Ridicule (French foreign film about talking shit in the royal court, check it out) My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and more as I can remember 'em.Here's my favorite scene from The Fifth Element. Opera? Gunfights? Aliens? Milla Jovovich doing back handsprings? (I know it was a stunt double, don't ruin my fantasy) And for fuck's sake IT'S INVA MULLA THAT IS SINGING, NOT SARAH BRIGHTMAN YOU IGNORANT FUCKS! Just because Sarah Brightman is the only operatic voice you've ever heard doesn't mean that she's even an opera singer, much less the best one on the planet or the one with the monopoly on all singing work ever. Christ. Get an education. Go listen to some Renée Fleming or something.


Desperate Housewives (thank god good writing is back!), America's Top Model, So You Think You Can Dance, Family Guy, Nova, pretty much anything on the History, Discovery or Learning Channel.• So after much brouhaha here is that section of Family Guy that I modeled for with Miss Citrus Dogfart. One of my contortion students, Debbie, is an animator on the show and needed us to do the gayest gymnastics routine ever. On a nice side note, that day was the one day that the US Air Force men's gymnastics team was in preparing for a meet. There they were, trying to act all butch in a room full of little girls in leotards and here are Justun and Me prancing around like a couple of fairies. Enjoy.


The Whole Dune Series rocked my world, changed my outlook on the universe and was a huge part of me becoming who I am. I also love the chronicles of Narnia, Fight Club, Guns, Germs and Steel and the Vampire Chronicles. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those weird gothic chicks who think that they're a vampire though. Not that there's anything wrong with that, believe you me, I played my share of 'Vampire: The Perpetual Hassle' (in High School), I just like the perspective of what it would be like to live forever and how that would change your attitudes towards what's important. Food for thought :)


My mom Trannies around the world unite! This girl is ridonculous. She needs to get right with Jesus. Loves The Galina Shirkina Oh and P.S... Are you fucking kidding me with this preposterousness?Mia Michaelsn

My Blog

The 2008 Burning Man Theme: The American Dream

Goodness everyone is in a tizzy over this! I think this theme is perfect in it's irony. There are so many things that I think of when I think about being an American. Such an amazing spirit that I...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 02:11:00 PST

Fergie Is My Neighbor.

So I think that it's time to admit that I have a problem.I went to Pinkberry twice today. My favorite used to be medium; cookies and cream, coconut and mochi, but recently I've traded the mochi for st...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:54:00 PST

The Mix Of Doom :)

Christ. I knew that when I got off the treadmill and the 'calories burned' counter was at '669' I was gonna be in trouble. So the dreadfull oompa loompa vibe that had descended upon the house was a ...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 01:17:00 PST

I Don't Wanna Go To Therapy.

Mom says I need my head shrunk. You'd think I'd have eaten enough biscuits to be past that. Guess not :)
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:13:00 PST

Kicking Puppies

My dad has proven yet again how extra awesome he is, but I can't get mad at him because he's socially retarded and really is oblivious to anything beyond his own reality. It would be like kicking a p...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:07:00 PST


Christ. Not to jinx it or anything, but this day is already exceeding expectations. For starters, as a wake up call I was greeted bedside by Shayne with a tacky ass bag with a big fluffy kitty on th...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 01:41:00 PST

A Fire Odyssey Indeed

So here I am in San Francisco in the penthouse suite of Shayne and Damon's house on 7"6"07 watching Gattaca with Vinny asleep next to me. I've been waiting all of my life for 7"7"7, and while I've ne...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 06:02:00 PST

Porn Stars, Unicorns and Vacuuming.

So today I was in the gym... Hating my life... Not wanting to do legs, or shoulders, or abs, or splits, or cardio, all of which I was doing intensely, thanks to Vinny being a little angel and staying ...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 05:51:00 PST

Gay Mafia

A wise man once said, "If gay men are going to be an evolutionary dead end, they might as well be socially evolved." It was actually me that said that, after a lovely quilting bee *smirk* with my boy...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:58:00 PST

Escape From From Panda Heights

So this is what it feels like to be invisible :)Ha. It has been an AMAZING weekend. I had my dear friends Mikee and Victor in from out of town and we performed and went out to the disco tech and had...
Posted by The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves on Tue, 29 May 2007 11:41:00 PST