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James Scott Bullard


About Me

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As the legend goes, James Scott Bullard was conceived in a Nashville motel.
Born and raised in South Carolina, with a family tree that twisted and forked in two directions.
On one side of said tree-Well educated people, school teachers, farmers, and homemakers...
but on the other side of that tree: Backwoods gun-toting moonshiners, prize fighters, and hardened prisoners.
(In fact there’s even a story that JSB’s dad learned to play guitar from an old bluesman who used to jump the train to buy moonshine from JSB’s grandfather.)
Our dear JSB was bred on the sounds of Waylon, Willie, Kristofferson, Cash, and Jones.
Then as a teen he went on to discover Punk and Metal and like every other teenage high-school misfit, he started a band, a band that went on to become known as one of the top 5 acts in the entire southeast, but like these stories often go, the band parted ways leaving our poor Mr. Bullard out in a career rainstorm…However, an odd thing happened…One day there was a girl, a beautiful heartbreaker who turned him onto a guy named Gram Parsons: the guy who had the vision and the balls to put the rock and the country in one place...the rest is, well, see for yourself…
*Oh, and to go ahead and answer any of the following questions you may feel the need to yell out at his shows in advance:
1.) No, he won't play that song!
2.) No, you can't have his belt, boots, jacket, bracelet, or whatever else you just asked him for!
3.) No, he won't play at your sisters wedding!
4.) Yes, his hair does that all on it's own!
5.) Yes, he will sign that for you!
6.) Yes, he would love to take a picture with you!
And finally...
7.) Yes, he will make out with you after the show! ;)

My Interests


Member Since: 9/11/2005
Band Website: myspace.com/jamesscottbullard
Band Members: JAMES SCOTT BULLARD; Songwriter, Vocals, Harmonicas, Guitars, Pianos, & Banjos.

80’s Metal
70’s Country
Comic Books
70’s Cowboy Shirts
Any and all film: (Especially Horror, Foreign Horror, Indie, & British Humor)
Johnny Cash
Gram Parsons
Loretta Lynn
Tammy Wynette
Merle Haggard
George Jones
Willie Nelson
Waylon Jennings
Paul Westerberg
The New York Dolls
Iggy Pop
Tom Waits
Benicio Del Toro
Mickey Rourke
Sean Penn
Jack Kerouac
Leonard Cohen
Charles Bukowski

Influences: Broken hearts and souls at risk.


~It has been said of James Scott Bullard that he is a combination of cool. It has also been said that if Bullard were a drink he would be part Gram Parsons and part Keith Richards. Yet others argue part Jack Nicholson and part Jack White. While still others say theres a 5th of Townes Van Zandt in there too with a Kris Kristofferson chaser. Well all I can say after having known him for some time now is that aside from being a brilliant songwriter Bullard has two things that will make him, and anyone in the music business worth their salt knows the two elements of which I speak:
1.) He's the kind of guy that all the other guys wanna hang out with.
2.) He's the kind of guy that all the chicks wanna fuck.
The rest is just legend waiting to happen.

--T. Mac

~ Bullard's characteristic appeal lies in the fact that he seems a bit dangerous, especially if you have never met him. Its in his eyes; theres a dark, mysterious, been there/done that look in them. But as most people who know him will tell you; theres also that little boy in there that people -(mostly women)- feel compelled to nurture. He is the gun-toting, chain-smoking, self-destructive force that he wants you to believe he is. But for every inch of dark side, there is just as much light.
I remembered from my last conversation with (Bullard) that he is a bit eccentric. For example; he hates crowds unless he's on a stage in front of them, he is quite reclusive when not recording or performing (obviously, having written over 200 songs in just under 3 years), he chain-smokes, he is very witty, quite articulate, and a bit childish, but in a fun, sort of innocently arrogant way. He learned to sing as a child by skipping church with his mother to ride his bicycle to the black church down the street and sitting outside to listen to the choir. He once checked himself into a psychiatric hospital and spent one month there before realizing (after rooming with a guy who saw little girls that weren't there) that he wasn't crazy after all, and promptly left and started to write. He hates being called a genius songwriter, and hates the comparisons to artists like Ryan Adams, and Bruce Springsteen. He is also an avid fan of Tom Waits, which is eccentric in and of itself. His musical background covers everyone from Merle Haggard to Kiss. He rarely sleeps, refuses to listen to any country music that dates after 1983, and he keeps a loaded revolver with him most of the time. A public relation persons dream, because if thats not a marketable personality, Id love to see what is.

--M. Little

With enough smoke in his voice to make your eyes burn, and enough pain in his lyrics to make you weep, James Scott Bullard is the kind of singer/songwriter that other singer/songwriters long to be. With songs drenched in pills, whiskey, and beautiful she-devils sent from hell to shepard some poor jaded sap into the depths of heartbreak, Bullard is nothing short of a poet.

--D. Butler

I love his music and his style and I thank him for what he's doing.

--Emmylou Harris

His first solo album "Avenues of Sunshine" was released in 2003. That it's title was taken from a Jack Kerouac poem gives a hint as to his lyrical style. They are carefully crafted phrases that catch the ear and spark thought. It's music that has to be listened to, not just heard... It's along the line of (Ryan) Adams, the "alternative country", but Bullard balks at the term. And the label "singer-songwriter", which definately applies to his work, still doesn't apply to his style. Accompanied only by his acoustic guitar and an occasional harmonica, Bullard's music is naked and raw. His voice penetrates, and the lyrics hit home.

--A. Cole

Bullard's songs somehow make the sleaziest of characters seem innocent, and the most repulsive beautiful. The downtrodden, even if by their own undoing are the heroes of these stories.

--K. Brown

The glow of Christmas lights reflected off his scraggly black hair. With a five o'clock shadow and bags under his eyes, Bullard appeared tired and unwashed. His clothes hung off him in that way clothes usually do after being slept in. He was unkempt, but not in a bad way. He seems like the kind of man women would call a "rascal" or a "rebel," and swear they could change if given the chance. Beneath the bad boy persona, however, beats the heart of a true atrist.

--D. Quist

James Scott Bullard, on his own, has created what I would call the album that Gram Parsons would have made had he lived another 2 years. And yes, I know that's a bold statement that will probably get myself and Mr. Bullard a lot of undue flack. However, after one listen to the demo for his new album (still untitled at press time) I was simply awestruck. He's captured every element needed to catapult him into the country-rock history books. It's got that jaded, whiskey-soaked, melancholy that can only come from experience, and he's completely blown off anything contemporary, opting instead to create a sound like an old honky-tonk recording, one minute you think George Jones, the next you think maybe Neil Young. All the while managing to sing these brilliant lyrics while sounding like he's still got the cigarette hanging from his lips.

--J. Bendix

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Rant and Review

Rant, Rage and Hope When I have a friend or co-worker who suggests to me that I listen to some new up and coming artist, I'm always wary of what I'm getting myself into. The torture I've subjected my ...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:11:00 PST

New Review!

This Is The Real Alt.Country James Scott Bullard says he could care less about groupies. He's more into guns. He could care less about politics. He's more into guitars. He could care less about saving...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST


Well then go here on Saturdays from 4-6 p.m.... http://www.wdvrfm.org/index2.htm... click on the "listen to wdvr live" link on your left and enjoy the best damn radio show of said music that you'll ev...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 02:04:00 PST


1. Q:  What's you ideal woman? A: Kat Von D or Shawnee Smith...if you know either one of them give them my cell thanx! 2. Q: Who's your favorite songwriter? A: That changes with my mood...Today,...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 11:56:00 PST


1. Q: Will you marry me?     A: Not until I see a certified letter from a psychologist saying that you're not crazy! 2. Q: Are you married or seeing anyone right now? A: No and no. 3. ...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:29:00 PST

Seasons in the Abyss

I forgot how much I like Slayer!....I think my next record will be an alt.country version of all Slayer covers!....Yeah!!...Who's with me?
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:29:00 PST

Straight 8 Interview with JSB.....

Go here to check it out!.....  www.spfanzine.com
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 02:46:00 PST


WHAT ALT. COUNTRY IS (an overview) For a long time now I've tried to find an explaination for the term alt.country to better explain what it is I do. I've read every definition possible, but none sa...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:13:00 PST

Want JSB in your town??

Go here.....  http://eventful.com/performers/james-scott-bullard/altcountr y-singersongwriter-/P0-001-000080324-8...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:22:00 PST

New Album Pre-release Review!

 "Sex, Rehab, and Country-Rock?"        While still putting his back-up band The Late Night Sweethearts together, James Scott Bullard, on his own, has created w...
Posted by James Scott Bullard on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:52:00 PST