Valerie Joy is an up-and-coming artist that is influenced by all types of music ranging from opera to pop. She has never been described as a simple person, how would she be a musician if she were simple? She's a tough chick that lets nothing get in the way of her and her music. She has been singing since she could talk, and has dreamed of sharing her music with the world since then. She is a musician and writes lyrics while working with others to get the entire song put together. Original songs will be put on her band page once they get everything recorded. She made All State Women's Choir for South Carolina her sophomore year in high school. She was involved in a show choir for 2 years and during that time performed at Disney World. She is currently in the process of earning her degree in music education as well as recording her demo album. All of the songs on her page are cover songs meant solely for her demo album, self-promotion, and the enjoyment of singing them (they are some of her favorite songs). Enjoy the music!.. make
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