Watching creativity unfold in aspiring artists of all kinds, finding inspiration in unlikely beauty, writing music, singing, dancing from my soul,living well & happy, boys who will sing to me & deep romantic glances that make love to my soul...
Anyone who can touch my sole and make me feel something beautiful about life& those who can make lemonade out of their lemons and not bitch and cry over spilled milk... :) Those who can entertain, love, adore, and cuddle me...Others NEED NOT APPLY....BELOW IS THE TRAILOR OF MY 1'ST INDEPENDANT FILM COMING JULY 1ST -TO SOMEWHERE YOU WANNA BE. DETAILS TO COME: WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY JAMES SPOONER; AWARD WINNING CREATOR OF AFRO PUNK. THIS IS A STORY BASED ON HIS LIFE, I PLAY THE CHICK WHO BROKE HIS HEART AND IGNITED CONFUSION, SOUL SEARCHING AND A CHANGE IN HIS LIFE.
MAKING MY OWN IS AMAZING- YOU'LL HEAR IT SOMEDAY SOON.- My taste is as ecclectic as my personality.I LOVE, Electro, Rock, House, Old Jazz,Rag time, swing, Old School Hip Hop- blah blah- I'll think of more later... love all kinds of music accept Hard Rap, Hard Metal and Country
The Movie of My Life- Starring Tali De'Mar La Vien Rose It's a Wonderful Life You Can't take it with You
The Tali De'Mar Comedy Hour The Tali De'Mar Variety Show The Tali De'Mar Late Night after Dark Extravaganza on the x channel Oh Ya and Talkin With Tali De'Mar
People who know that if there is a will there is a way and do what their heart desires No matter what the risk. I can't understand or respect those who live with a NOTHING CAN CHANGE ATTITUDE and choose out of fear to do nothing but exist in their miserable existance....