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I write.

About Me

“My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.” Japanese poet Masahide
Whatever the circumstances, and catastrophes, however hard it is, Life is good. I cannot say life has always been happy, but I can say that whatever we do in life, the more we do for others the better our own lives will be. It might sound like a cliché but I promise, if you count your blessings rather than your pains, your outlook will be right.
I write a lot. Every day. Reviews, commentary and interviews, and for the last 37 years I've written poetry. I consider myself a poet, after years of wondering about my place and role in this world. I write poems. I am a poet.
I wrote a short story found in Josh Howard Presents SASQUATCH from VIPER COMICS, which is available upon Amazon and elsewhere.
My book A LIFE OF RAVENS came out from Sharayah Press September 7th, it is available online from Amazon and elsewhere.
I've cowritten a spooky western tale that mixes crime, violence and racism and the dust bowl, called "DUST TO DUST when Reverend Jesse James met Machine Gun Kelly" it comes out by end of July 2008
I have five short horror stories appearing in a horror anthology called AFTER HOURS. I do not know when it will appear but should be by the end of 2008.
I have another book with epic Myths and ancient world poems in the works. Cannot chat it yet due to the various people and works not being assigned or complete.
Other projects approach but nothing solid enough to chat.
chat with me if you like at [email protected], upon's forum or at the MCBA's two conventions, FallCon and MicroCon.
I am also at A BLOG ABOUT GOD
Oh, and for those people who have not heard enough from me, here is an interview of me, done by my good friend David "Gimme the Facts" Yurkovich, INTERVIEW
“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.”
Pablo Picasso

My Interests

I am a degreed historian, with field areas in Japan and US history. (Other specialties within those broad fields including the Military history of both countries)

I love cats, particularly I loved my Russian Blue cat Mischa who was my dear girl. She was smarter than some humans I know, and I miss her.

Comics are wonderful... And without them I'd be a much sadder person.


Since I get asked a lot, my political beliefs are all over the board, since my belief in Christ informs whatever choice I make, so it would be safe to say I am de facto 3rd Party, Green in views, but of an opinion that certain things are wrong or need guidance from an authority. I'd like to say I am in party but most parties have one major thing in their set of beliefs that I find horrid. So until I meet the perfect party, I am just me, voting.

[email protected]

I'd like to meet:

DEAD: JFK, Yukio Mishima, Alexander the Great, Archilochus, William Carlos Williams, Jack Kirby.

LIVING: interesting people, highly talented artists, writers who love to share their wisdom

But really, Mike Grell, Alex Sheikman, Timothy Truman, Josh Howard, and Jeffrey Jones



Metalcore, Motown, Death Metal, Folk, Jazz, Blues, Opera, Classical, Ambient

UNDYING Demon Hunter
COMPOSURE August Burns Red
DISARM Smashing Pumpkins


SEVEN SAMURAI The Alien Quadrilogy, Predator series, Terminator series, AVP, The Misfits Last Man Standing From Here to Eternity Star Wars Episode I-VI LOTR The CRYING GAME Woman in the Dunes The Universal Monsters Bladerunner Director's Cut , Robin Hood

so many more my brain hurts.

Cécile Aubry, Liz Taylor, Montgomery Clift, James Dean, Tyrone Power, Sigourney Weaver, Bruce Willis


Two Fat Ladies
Bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmern
Frugal Gourmet


Books by: Ernest Hemingway. HP Lovecraft. RE Howard. JRR Tolkein. Yukio Mishima. CS Lewis. William Carlos Williams. Lord Dunsany. Ursula K Leguin. Elizabeth Moon. Alan Dean Foster. Edgar Allan Poe. Grant Morrison.


People who are mentally, emotionally, spiritually honest.

(Ok Mike Grell, to be honest.)

My Blog

This is very cute, a Pet Skunk & Cat play together ...
Posted by alex on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:31:00 PST


Like ghosts of some ancient timeThe memories of the battle lingerThe holy grounds of the holy warsThe blood on sand reveals the dangerOf conflicting beliefs by peoplesBeing portrayed as enemies at a t...
Posted by alex on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:46:00 PST

A fine voice and talent, Regina Spektor - Better I am a fan....
Posted by alex on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 11:40:00 PST

new poem "I keep hearing"

I keep hearing the screams of the silent deadI keep seeing the blue sky turning redI keep feeling that this world is going to dieI keep feeling that nobody will know whyThis immortal soul is crying ou...
Posted by alex on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:41:00 PST

new poem Modern Nephilim

MODERN NEPHILILMThe sons of God met the daughters of manAnd the digging started and the building beganModernity is a raging infestationModernization destroys and cleansA world mourns with bitter tears...
Posted by alex on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 01:13:00 PST

Be Moved By Beauty The voice of Sussan Deyhim

Posted by alex on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 12:15:00 PST


Outraged by the innocenceLost when the dead Are forgottenHow long did they live their own existenceTo be cast out as if by fateBy some whim of fortuneThe longing we have to persist, to resistThe tempt...
Posted by alex on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 02:09:00 PST


Yesterday was a mysterytoday was a miracleThe morrow promises moreintrigue and confusionsApart from my historywhere am Iso many days' illusionsI do not even know what forTo investigateI no longer have...
Posted by alex on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 12:46:00 PST


Evidence of a missing lifeAn existence lost in timeWho was she Why did she leaveDisappearing under direct viewDid she survive the ordealWhat is false, what is true, The body of evidence is missingThe ...
Posted by alex on Fri, 30 May 2008 01:57:00 PST

new Poem UNTIL

UNTILUntil mornings stop arriving When the grass is no longer wet with dewWhen night never falls when life fades from viewWe will be in the dimlight until the heavens callI can hear the trumpets, I ca...
Posted by alex on Sat, 24 May 2008 09:05:00 PST