SF Reviews.Net was launched on July 1, 2001, and now contains over 575 in-depth science fiction and fantasy book reviews for discriminating readers, written by critic Thomas M. Wagner. Currently the site gets around 12,000 hits and 3000 daily readers. Pull quotes from Wagner's reviews have appeared on book covers from all major publishers, including Ace, Roc, DAW, Del Rey, Tor, Pyr SF, iBooks, and Baen.
TMW will be posting his 600th review in spring 2009! From little acorns...
Guidelines for small press writers and publishers for submitting their books for review may be found here . Please read these before submitting your books. Plus, due to the high volume of review copies I receive from major publishers, I am no longer able to accept small press review copies without receiving an initial e-mail query from the publisher/writer. So please do that first, and if I think I can work your book into the review queue, I'll supply you with the snail mail address.
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