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Live Locally think globally- R U globally fused? MANY R CALLED FEW R CHOSEN!!

About Me is a sountrack- Let it keep playing & telling your story!! Survival Stories!!
"We all want a United Africa, United not only in our concept of what unity connotes, but united in our common desire to move forward together in dealing with all the problems that can best be solved only on a continental basis." Kwame Nkrumah

My Interests

LIVING!the persuit of knowledge is free (dome)! We must maintain individuality, independence & free thought in order to be of any use to a unifed global world! there is no life without the balance of discourse & love!Our individual & global freshness & history is what attracts & unifes us -total sameness is not progressive or fresh!THINK OF THE HUMAN BEING JUST LIKE YOU! !! BEFORE ALL PERSUITS!..Africa is not overlooked by any means, rather marginalized & disenfranchised by the foreign aid & investment that do not benefit the people of africa because of the corruption & greed of governments & individuals! Let's stop the rhetoric & half truths & deal with the real issues that we all played a part in globally because we are all responsible on a global level! Out of many one people!!EVERY MAN HAS A RIGHT TO DECIDE HIS OWN DESTINY (BOB MARLEY)HOW CAN A CONTINENT WITH ENDLESS NATURAL RESOURCES CONSTANTLY BE IN DESPAIR & BEGGING FOR FOREIGN AID & INTERVENTION! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO LEARN TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES BY RESPECTING OURSELVES & APRRECIATING & UTILIZING OUR RESOURCES FOR OUR OWN CONTINENTAL & GLOBAL PROGRESS!FUTURE MUSIC!! msprm name="saveEmbedTags"

I'd like to meet:

peeps- world wide!REPRESENT!BLACK STAR RISING, the documentaryWe are trying as quickly as possible to get thru the footage & pics & come up with a trailer to start the process!! Everyone is excited & wants to see what it is & can be - which has gotten me excited & on my grind!!the story!For me the story is "Black Star Rising" - a play on Nkrumah's idea of a united Africa, Ghana being the black star of Africa, and the name of the soccer team who has influenced generations & has influence over the country/continent thru their individual & collective rise! A focus on the rise of Ghana as an emerging market, with the root & division being that one must come to terms with their history, appreciate it & give homage to it in order to move forward to greatness, by learning from the achievements & mistakes of the past in its totality.In all of our interviews it was about the elders wanting their just due praise & feeling that the young people where not appreciating & respecting them, their history & culture, but yet you could see that they were hopeful that the tide was turning because the young artists, journalists, etc. are starting to reach out & vice versa. It seems like the elders had their own issues with each other about unification as well as the young people, but everyone seemed to have a glimmer of hope because they all want it & want to be part of it.Everyone seemed to be very interested in Obama & his viable US presidency. Obama seemed to give many young people & Africans in general a sense of hope that if a black man of direct African descent can possibly be president in America, then it represented some sort of power & hope for them as well to be able to effect & make changes in their own country toward their own global positioning. What everyone was saying about Nkrumah's ideals being to progressive for Ghana , therefore it was a hard subject for Ghanaians to deal with as a society in its totality, is already in effect without Ghanaians truly recognizing that the progression that Nkrumah spoke of is really not too far fetched, but already happening! He came to Ghana after studying at Lincoln (Historically Black College), where he became a Marcus Garveyite /pan-africanist, fought for an independent Ghana with a vision of an independent Africa, as Civil Rights leaders fought for their own independence from the hold of Jim Crowe not recognizing their ability to be their own leaders & to be involved in the process of their own governance. He married an Egyptian to bring together a united Africa & symbolically reconciling with our divisions of race & color. Egypt not so long ago tried to be accepted into the European Union & were denied & now have come to win the Africa Cup in Ghana at the 50th anniversary year of Independence -as Nkrumah tried to unify them with their fellow Africans.Ghana is by far one of the most diverse places I have ever seen & that's really saying a lot being from the true capital of the world, NEW YORK CITY! I sat in a room with a Romanian, a Hungarian, an Indian, A Canadian, an Italian etc. who all are Ghanaians, by birth, residence, lineage etc. We met people from all over the world, Ghana expatriates, African -Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians etc. who have all taken residence in Ghana or look to Ghana as a place they want to live, have investments, or make a constant vacation spot. All of which makes for a stronger economy & a stronger nation for the people, thru their encouragement of this globalization & actively participating in it in order to make sure it does not get out of control & it's to the benefit of the country & Africa as a whole.This is all part of the vision of Nkrumah. What people feel were such radical ideas & views are coming to fruition right in front of their eyes, but it is too hard to think past today or past our individual selves, which was precisely how we went wrong from Nkrumah's path/vision in the first place. In Ghana's Golden Jubilee as the once coveted GOLD the drilling of oil has begun & Ghana may now be coveted for its oil. Ghana is at a time when its future looks bright, but change & progress often does not come easily or without cost! The destiny is being realized, but we have to recognize where it & we came from in order to make it grand, pay homage, & follow the right path by learning from the rights & wrongs of the past for the long term, to forward ever- backward never!This is the story we came away with whether it is in dealing with the entertainers young & old, the whole Liberian refugee camp of 10, 000 plus people, who can not have any rights to citizenship in order to make any type of life for themselves, in a country that they have called home for over 11 plus years after escaping violence; the African -American Garveyites who don't feel a sense of belonging after 20 years of "escaping back" to what they saw as the motherland & their home away from an America, who they felt lessened them as black people, to go to Ghana & realize that Ghanaians did not have the same idea of distaste for the white man as an oppressor because Ghanaians know of & experienced the slave trade differently & have their own personal classism battles with self that they have to rectify with, causing a separation of natives & their Diasporan family. For many Ghanaians there is no real sense of Black & White racism because they are the majority & have lived & worked with & amongst their White counterparts for generations without feeling any sense of oppression. The White people who have come to Ghana & those that have lived in Ghana for years as educators, investors , volunteers etc. trying to rectify the past in their own way by trying to do some good whether with pure hearts or in pursuit of some sort of recognition or economic benefit & power, and even the pressure put on the soccer players & their past & continual achievements all accumulate to the desire of all to see the BLACK STAR RISE, as unified people & nation in the progress of Forward Ever, Backward NEVER!Everyone wants to be a part of the change & somehow be recognized for their contributions to it & at the end of it all everyone is hopeful that it will happen & it's near!Just think of all the leaders who met with, worked with, had differences with, yet collectively respected Nkrumah in his time & it's direct correlations to our changing world & global connections presently!! Chairman Mao, Castro, Kennedy, Sekou Toure, Gaddafi , Russian, Italian & other European leaders at his time were leading their own revolutions & creating history as we know it & see it today with Obama, Chavez, Benazir Bhutto & other agreeable & disagreeable movements around the globe . The changing tide is once again on the rise & it's the global movement that will determine our individual progression!


If it's good then I am with it! I love great lyrics to make me think & feel something and hot beats that make me want to move something!mastery of the combination is true music!!pure fiya!! WHAT AN AMAZING DAY IN NEW YORK-GLAD TO HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS LIVE-THANKS DAVE-NEXT TIME-GHANA!!


City of God, The Piano, Malcolm X,The Departed, Purple Rain, The Color Purple, Cleopatra Jones, Mahagony, Black Orpheus, Dave Chapelle's Block Party,Soul to Soul. MORE DOCUMENTARIES PLEASE!!


THE WIRE, Boston Legal legal, ICONOCLASTS, VH1 ( THE BRILLIANCE & THE HORRORS!), BET's Award Shows (Can't hat you've been doing that right!), NYCTV(best programming on TV!) Channel 13(support them!),All the Law & Orders. I am obsessed with the News and the abundance of news channels that are basically entertainment channels with some news every now & then. Unfortunately there is so much crap that really should not be considred news. All the home decor & cooking shows inspire me to live well & eat well! The abundance of ridiculous reality shows allow me to laugh at the world & our constant pursuit for fame!


The Alchemist,Black Sister, The Soul of Sucess, Leaves Of Grass, The Age of Innocense,The Way of The Peaceful Warrior, The World Atlas plus many more to say & to be added later in my journey.


Maya Angelou, Kwame Nkrumah, Bob Marley, free thinkers, free people, strong beautiful happy smiling faces of Africans because even with little we always have something to smile about! All my family and friends who have been part of my life and made me the great woman that I am! YES I SAID IT!50th anniversary of ghana's independence 2007 -TEACH OUR HISTORY TO & FOR THE FUTURE!!

My Blog


I am overwhelmed with the selling of religion! The stadium packed big church , big love, rock star style selling of souvenirs, values, beliefs, ideals and lifestyle in the form of healing of a N...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 04:08:00 PST


A letter to ABC   SHAME ON ABC   I was beyond appalled as I sat  down with American citizens who want to deal with the real issues in America, to watch ABC's debate between Senators C...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:11:00 PST


OBAMA SPEECH ON RACE IN AMERICA Current mood: catalyzed WOW, WOW, WOW!! I am in tears finally hearing a candidate that speaks to the truth of the matter in a way that  no one can deny him! We...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:08:00 PST

Healthcare/mental illness -a global issue!! the need for us to be responsible for one another!

Sunday, February 17, 2008Healthcare/mental illness -a global issue!!    Crying for PEACE & SANITY!!     Gunman Was Once ’Revered’ on Campus      &nb...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:07:00 PST

The Stigma & Tragedy of Mental Illness

    I just watched a New York 1  News reporter’s story on a  man with mental illness that just killed a therapist by saying "he had a series of bizarre outbursts in the ...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:27:00 PST


Tuesday, March 4, 2008 THE YOUTH OF GHANA IN THEIR OWN WORDS-RIGHT TO DREAM ACADEMY Emmanuel and Osei talk about our visit to Right to Dream! On the 8th February 2008, we were very happ...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:28:00 PST


GHANA'S JOURNALISTS PULL NO PUNCHES!! FREEDOM OF SPEECH & PRESS ! GHANAWEB.COM- CHECK IT OUT! Kwaw Kese (King of the Streets) meets President Bush It might not sound right in your ears, if it's ...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 05:17:00 PST


  WAVES FOR AFRICA- AFRICA SURF CAPITAL Recognize! Travel and See: Highlife in GhanaMusic and colour and seeping pollution are some of the ups and downs of surfing in a country that, despite ...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:07:00 PST

black star rising -the breakdown

We are trying as quickly as possible to get thru the footage & pics & come up with a  trailer so we can start the process!!  Everyone is excited & wants to see what&nbs...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:49:00 PST


Sunday, February 17, 2008BLACK STAR RISING: The Documentary What started off with a focus on the Africa cup of Nations & what it represented to Kwame Nkrumah's call for a United Afri...
Posted by GLOBAL FUSION on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:05:00 PST