INTERNET BUDDY! Can't live without it you know! I'm a Truth seeker. I hate lies, did I just said that? I hate corruption too you know that?
I'd like to meet people who have a sound mind, plus people who literally what to make a difference in their lives by changing the world as we know it today.
Anything that has a cool message. Anything that is positive. NICKEL BACK IS ALRIGHT, T.I., anything that can open up a new rhythem in my head.
Anything that will affect my point of view of any movie I watch, whether fact or fiction.
Smallville, Heroes, STEEL ROOTS BABY! If I have time I will watch them. The news is pretty okay with me.
Holy Bible, school books, magazines, nothing negative. I like gun and combat magazines. CAr parts, gadgets, stuff for men, anything that deals with true events. Books about other countries and their cultures, it is good to adapt to different cultures.
Jesus, my family, Martin Luther KIng JR., Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio and people who I look up to. People who fought for justice. I mean REAL JUSTICE. REAL TALK NOW!