life, massive gatherings, swimming, photography, music, orchids, exploring new destinations, remeberingLaoag City.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
People that I learn from. People who like to laugh! People...
As long as it doesn't scare me. I LOVE DJ QBERT & DJ Relm
Finding Nemo, WaveTwisters, adaptation, Coming to America, So Close, Snatch, El Mariachi, Shaolin Soccer, Back to the Future II, Bad Boys II, A Beautiful Mind, Simply Irresistible, Women On Top, 10 Things I Hate About You, You Drive Me Crazy, Memento, Scratch, Wedding Singer, Better Luck Tomorrow, Requim for a Dream, Shrek, Monsters Inc. Toy Story
Roseanne, Filipina & Asian Representation, Sex in the City, TurnTable TV,
Mac Book Pro, Power Book G4, Opposite of Fate, Rebel without a Crew,
my dad & mom