Triple Mz Music (ck) profile picture

Triple Mz Music (ck)

Motivational Music(ck) for the Mindz

About Me

Triple Mz is a foundation hosting two separate but equally powerful record labels. The first, our gospel label, is Minister Mind Musick. The second, our secular (non-gospel) label, is Master Mind Musicc.As a foundation, our goal and desire is to give back to our community through the on-going support of our community’s youth. We provide the youth of our community the unique and powerful opportunity to learn how to develop and express their talents and gifts through the expression of music. This program was developed by musical artists with the express purpose of teaching today’s talented youth what it takes to make it inside a highly competitive and often cut-throat industry.To provide the best and most successful education base to today’s youth interested in breaking their way into today’s music industry, while assisting them in maintaining personal integrity and strength as they realize their dreams and develop a marketable product inside this highly competitive industry of music.GOALS:1. To send talented youth through artist developed courses that enable our students to build on their talent and develop individualized goals that enable the students to build a strong musical career.2. To assist our students in obtaining internship opportunities, both volunteer and paid, that will allow them to see first hand what it takes to make it inside this highly competitive field of music industry.3. To provide the tools necessary, through education and hands-on training, allowing our students to complete and present a marketable and palatable product that will turn a dream into a successful career in music.4. To provide ongoing support to our students upon graduation, through contacts and continued education, that will assist them in maintaining success once achieved.5. Triple Mz will hold annual talent shows as a tool to recruit, screen, interview and hire for the project. As you enter Triple Mz Talent Show you will learn to Master your musical talent by Ministering through Musick. We offer insight into what it takes to make a career out of our students’ musical talents.WHAT DOES IT TAKES TO SUCCEED AS A RECORDING ARTIST IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY?Let's face it, to make it on the top charts in this industry it will take a tremendous budget and a marketable product. Triple Mz places each student on a project contract which allows the student to experience the process of recording a song, marketing and promoting the product by creating a promotional flyer and distributing that product. Building on team leadership skills, each student is taught how to collaborate on songs and projects, cast votes to choose which songs make the project, and how to present themselves in such a way that they will be able to volunteer at the partnered educational institutions and organizations providing the training courses.Triple Mz offers an extended educational service to the participating educational institutions, music institutions and non- profit organizations that meet the criteria of to make positive inspirational music. Students will be on a one year contract under one of the following projects: Ministering Musickal Mindz or Mastering Musiccal Mindz Showcase. This program allows the students to contract into a reality hands-on experience outlining the steps required to work towards their musical careers. Triple Mz offers insight to the developing minds.Our program offers a career opportunity to our students and it assists them in turning their dreams into realities. Realizing a dream and turning it into reality starts by taking it one step at a time. Calling or contacting Triple Mz is the first step in making that reality yours.Victory to ALL of US *wink *wink

My Interests


Member Since: 11/1/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Lady VictoryUS, Adam Bomb and Stumpy
Influences: The Almighty God- Jesus Christ
Sounds Like: Motivational Music(ck)al Ministries-Giving All the Praise to HIM
Record Label: Minister Mind Musick and Master Mind Musicc
Type of Label: None