There is a quiet inside my soul and mind that cannot be reached. It is as gentle as a summer breeze or a fish kiss, there is a beauty about it that cannot be seen and if I could vanish into it for eternity, you could call me PEACE...FOCUS on what you want, not what you don't want, if it does not come straight away, it will manifest at the right time...Have you? Try to learn the graciousness of forgiveness...Is the art of the Soul, and then we shall be one peace...Mother Gaia offers female gift. lol..Live One Vibrational Energy. Pure feelings = LOVE
Dear Wedge Spirit Warrior,You are my soul mate on this journey we travel to celestial light and divine universe as it comes. WE are together eternally my magnificent friend, the love will never end.eternal love MessengerDear Dean,The impact you have on my soul has been so intense. There has been so much we have shared in such a short time. You vibrate frequently on higher frequencies and truly that is where I live, thank you for allowing me to visit and visiting me.Eternal LoveStar MessengerYou have been the main connection to the stars for me. Were it not for you, I would not have met masters from Sirius or spoken to stars or known of ET'S ... truly the angelic realm is once again something different but you are a great teacher.Eternal LOVEArchangel Michael,We have met everyday since we met ... but I put you here as I release your linear form and begin to embrace your energy. I would like to meet you on your favourite star one day for a hot date!!!!Eternal LOVE
I prefer to be out on the boat than be watching television, having the wind whisper in my ears is divine.
there is no limit . . .Feng Shui-A few Authors The Wisdom of Florence-Scovel Shinn You can Heal your Life-Louise HAY Angels-Doreen Virtue Akashic Library